Hi all,
After spending some time working with MCE, XLobby, Mainlobby, myHTPC and MC I have come to the conclusion that I need to build my own Whole House Audio system using MC10 as the engine and the MCE 2004 interface (using the MCE SDK).
The goal is simple. Any music, available anywhere in the house at any time.
Walk into a room, hit a button on the remote, browse the music collection on a wall mounted plasma/lcd and music begins....or set the audio for three different rooms to be the same source.
The project is not that hard - but will require a bit of work - so I;m putting out a call to arms for others to join in and do this together. I've begun the process with a VB wrapper of MC10 and simultaneously a Web Style. If you are interested in contributing to the project (we'll make it open source) - reply to this thread and I'll collect names! Skills that would be useful - GUI design, JScript, VB, DHTML.
C'mon -- yell out and I'll push what I've done so far into sforge or somethig and we can all get cracking....here's a preview:
and here's the idea (so far) -- comments (good and bad) are welcome: