We're just starting work on Media Center 11. From time to time, we'll share our progress.
Think of these early builds like the hole in the ground before you start building a house. Much like the hole, it's hard to get excited about these builds, and if you're not careful with them, you'll get hurt.
This is the second build after major changes to allow guest users and side-by-side installs of MC. You will lose your settings. Some plugins will not work. Side-by-side installs are not functioning yet. There may still be tools in the patient. Please wait a few builds if you're not ready for problems.Please uninstall builds prior to MC 11.0.12 before installing. (no need to uninstall 11.0.12) As always, backup your library.ftp://ftp.jriver.com/pub/downloads/music/MediaCenter110019.exe11.0.19 (7/6/04)
1. Fixed: Scrolling, then double-clicking a file could cause the scroll position to be lost.
2. Fixed: Some settings could not be changed. (Standard View skin, etc.)
3. Changed: Database import and update shows summary duration in a better format for long durations.
4. Fixed: Package installer would fail when installing the MP3 encoder, CD Baby, and other items.
5. Changed: Switched to roaming application data folder instead of non-roaming folder. (make sure library is in [User Name]\Application Data\J River instead of [User Name]\Local Settings\Application Data\J River)
6. Fixed: Uninstaller did not work with new file and settings layout introduced in 11.0.12.
7. NEW: Import / update system allows custom directories to be excluded.
8. Changed: Playlists inside of Playlist Groups could not be shown as a file list with Theater View.