I am new to MJ, and was attracted to the program because of the flexibility in changing/adding view schemes.
I am, however, having a problem creating a scheme that I want. The default Genre/Artist/Album does not suit my needs.
I have a great many classical music files. Each musical work is a subfolder with composer's name, a colon, and name of work or works.
E.g., a subfolder is titled: Brahms:Symphonies 1 & 2,
Inside that subfolder are the files (tracks) of the musical work and numbered in order of the way they are performed. E.g., inside the Brahms subfolder above might be a file: 01 Symphony No. 1, Allegro non troppo.Then, I might have: 02 Symphony No. 1, Adagio (the second movement), with the third and fourth movements identified likewise with 03 and 04.
This folder is labeled with a Genre "Symphony."
So what I would like MJ to do is give me a list of genres I have determined. From there, by clicking on a genre, I would see a list of subfolders, i.e., titles of works like "Brahms: Symphonies 1 & 2." By clicking on one of the titles, I would have the movements (tracks/files) listed in order for that subfolder, and then would like to be able to play them in that order automatically.
I tried creating a Genre/Album scheme. but do not know what to list for "Component Properties." Using the default "Artist," I get a listing of orchestras, soloists, etc.
I want the names of the subfolders to appear. Do you have any suggestions?