Hey Guys...
How is the digital finger print for an album generated?
My understanding is that the algorithm uses information such as:
1. Number of songs on the album
2. Duration of songs on the album
3. Sequence of songs based upon duration
4. Anything else I have not listed?
Media Center should have the same information about an album that has already been ripped\cataloged that it does for an album that is sitting in a CD/DVD drive.
An implementation approach could be something like this:
If the user selects all of the tracks on an album that has already been ripped/cataloged in Media Center... the user could then perform something like a right mouse click and have the option to perform an Album Lookup as opposed to a track lookup.
Media Center would then generate the album finger print based upon the tracks that were selected and do a YADB call as if it were looking up a CD that has not been ripped\cataloged.
I am sure that I am missing a few things here and there... but it seems like the information to do an album lookup as opposed to a track lookup is there.
Album lookups would be a great feature to have. It would enable users to get the real artists for soundtrack/various artist albums that they have already cataloged incorrectly. If you can't get it done for MC11... no big deal... but it would be a great feature to have in the future.
Thanks for your Reponses...