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Author Topic: synching Zen Xtra from 2 PCs - playlists lost  (Read 1360 times)


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synching Zen Xtra from 2 PCs - playlists lost
« on: November 02, 2005, 03:26:51 pm »

I have MC installed on my desktop and laptop PCs.  My music files reside on the desktop HD.  I have several playlists set up in the desktop MC that I sync to the Zen. 

I imported the desktop music into the laptop MC library, but don't really use the laptop to play music.  What I use the laptop for is to rip, tag, audio analyze, etc. new stuff before copying it over to its final location on the desktop HD.

I don't import those new tracks into the laptop library, I just drag the files I want to work on into "playing now" and when I'm done, I delete them from playing now.

With that background, here's my question.  Occasionally, I want to load some of the stuff I'm working on onto my Zen Xtra, so for that purpose I created a playlist on the laptop.  I drag the files into the playlist, and synch the Zen.  But when I do that (even though I'm not deleting from the Zen files not in the sync list) all the playlists created when I synch to the desktop disappear.

Is there a way around this?  BTW, I'm using the playlist to synch because I want to have a playlist of those specific files on the zen, so merely dragging them over in windows explorer isn't enough.



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Re: synching Zen Xtra from 2 PCs - playlists lost
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2005, 01:28:29 pm »

Not at this time. MC 11.1 is using the standard WMDM support for the Zen which does not support playlists. If Creative has a MTP/Plays for Sure firmware update for your Zen, then this problem will go away.



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Re: synching Zen Xtra from 2 PCs - playlists lost
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2005, 04:15:36 pm »

Not at this time. MC 11.1 is using the standard WMDM support for the Zen which does not support playlists. If Creative has a MTP/Plays for Sure firmware update for your Zen, then this problem will go away.


Steve, can you clarify about the standard WMDM support for Zen not supporting playlists?  I mean, each synch does create whatever playlists have been selected to be synched after the files have been transferred.  And I'm not telling MC to delete unselected files.  I haven't yet experimented to see if the synch will delete any playlists created on the Zen, though.

BTW, Creative's firmware support for the Zen Xtra is just pathetic, they're too busy rolling out new devices to worry about those of their customer base who shelled out their $350 a couple years ago.... >:(



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Re: synching Zen Xtra from 2 PCs - playlists lost
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2005, 05:49:55 pm »


I mean, each synch does create whatever playlists have been selected to be synched after the files have been transferred.

But they are not populated, correct?

If you run Windows Media Player with your Zen is the behavior the same?

If this is the case, we have converted 11.1 to support the Zen in the standard WMDM way, which means the behvior between WMP and MC should be the same. Please confirm if this is not the case.

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