I have an extensive home automation system using a HomeVision controller. When my phone rings, or the doorbell rings, my MediaCenter music stops automatically. When the controller receives a phone or doorbell “event” it then sends out an IR command which my IRMan picks up and issues an MC11.exe STOP command.
I’d rather issue a PAUSE command, but what if MC is not running, then the PAUSE would START the music… Pause is better since it does not lose it's place in the playing track, so when I resume playback, it picks up right where it left off. The STOP command stops playback, but when I restart, it starts the track over again.
For those of us that want to automate our homes and MC, we need discrete MC11.exe commands.
So will I suggest again that having an MC11.exe command that will PAUSE if the music is playing and will be ignored if the music is not playing is needed. So is a PLAY command that will start playback if MC is stopped or paused, but will be ignored if MC is already playing.
I have the same need for a discreet PLAY command. When I start up MediaCenter from a remote somewhere in the house, or on a schedule, the PLAY command is not guaranteed to start playback. What if MediaCenter as already running and playing and a PLAY is issued? It restarts the current track, when it would be so much better if it simply ignored the command since it's already playing.
DISCREET commands are available for lots of audio and video equipment, even if the remote that comes with the unit doesn’t have them. My B&K surround sound processor has a separate ON and OFF buttons, making it easy to automate. I sure wish MediaCenter would support automation better.