I like the look of the glassy skin too.
I hope that there is a place in the new tagging interface to create/edit/delete fields.
I also think that it would be a good idea for MC to have a "Synch to portable" field by default, and a smartlist of the same name to be used as a master list for synching. Maybe chuck in a couple of child smartlists with the rule "files must come from Synch to portable smartlist" just to give people some ideas.
Then just to finish it all off, create a viewscheme called "Synch to portable" which has as its first column, the "Synch to portable" field, so that people can easily choose what they want on their portable using the "quick tagging mode"
I know that not everyone synchs like this, but it is a nice workflow that a lot of first time users would not think to make, and might benefit from knowing about.
My stepdad recently gave up on MC after I started talking about making fields, new viewschemes, and smartlists, just to be able to send music to his first ipod. He went with itunes because it was just easier.
Anyway, this has become a MC12 requests post, so I better stop.