It is possible to add root items in MC11.1 too. I have several of them in my MC11.1 library, including an "All Media" root view scheme. MC12 is not different in this sense.
For some reason, I didn't remember this.
Yes, if PN is static your first custom view scheme can come only after it.
I have mixed feelings on this. On one hand, I see the advantage of having PN further up the list. On the other hand, however, I like having my custom view schemes at the top since I access these all the time, and I still have quick access to PN via the toolbar. I feel there is a logic to having ALL the view schemes in one group (the main mediatype items and my custom view schemes), and having PN in between them would disrupt this a bit. Perhaps the PN should be above the main mediatype items (I thought I saw a mockup like this, but I don't see it now.)
I have noticed that I dislike when Playing Now disappeares from sight when a large tree branch (or several branches) is expanded. I am not used to scroll for going to PN.
I understand what you're saying here. You can put PN on the toolbar and have access to it all the time, but I do see the logic in saying that if PN is going to be in the tree, it should be easily accessible.
That's true. Actually, I thought that the new buttons could be designed to be much smaller in vertical direction since they would not contain any extended funtionality. In general, MC12 uses a lot more space than MC11.1 for the same tree items.
Yes, but there is something to be said for having the "main" items a bit larger. I rather like their bigger "presense" on the screen, which gives them more weight that somehow matches their importance. With smaller icons, everything in the tree sort of blends together, and nothing really stands out.
I also like the BOLD tree items for the same reason -- they stand out amid the rest of the tree items as well as the entries in the panes. In MC11, the main tree items just didn't have the weight that MC12 gives them.
MC11.1's tree was about perfect for me.
Between MC11 and MC12, I prefer MC12's tree for the changes it implemented -- the bold tree items, the horizontal mediatypes, etc. That said, I agree that there could still be some improvements, and I agree that a static PN item would be nice if it didn't interfere with the other advantages MC12 offers over MC11.