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Author Topic: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem  (Read 15140 times)


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MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« on: January 12, 2007, 11:53:19 am »

I've got MC 12.0.139, and seem to have some syncing issues. First often when connecting my handheld (iRiver H10 20Gig) the device won't appear under Drives & Devices. Usually disconnecting and reconnecting will make it show up. When this happens the device is always visible and browsable in Windows Explorer.

Second I often experience lockups while attempting to sync, or other weird behavior like the sync spontaneously stopping. Usually the problem I get is an unusually long delay at the end after the sync status detail shows everything is complete. Sometimes this will complete and sometimes it will not.

Is there a log that shows what is happening here? Are there known sync bugs, or issues with certain devices? I'm at a loss to know if I have a program issue or something I can change on my end.


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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2007, 12:04:39 pm »

Any assistance on these issues? I've upgraded to 12.0.147 and still have lots of problems syncing.



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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2007, 12:18:51 pm »

Is there a mode setting for your device?  My Sansa has MTP & MSC modes.  For me, however, I have no issues syncing music.  Have you tried restarting MC to see if the device will show up instead of having to unplug it?  Try removing all devices and then set the device up again from scratch.  Perhaps something got corrupted.  Also try formatting the device.


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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2007, 12:32:11 pm »

The device is officially MTP only, however, it can be booted as a UMS device although that introduces other issues (like needing to manually rebuild the player's database after syncing).

I am getting spontaneous disconnections it seems during transfers. I pulled this from my log file:
0117906: Handheld: CWMDMSupport::Upload: Transfer error 0: Mudvayne - Pulling the String.mp3 transfer failed (-2147417851).

After that it aborts the sync, although it looks like is able to successfully delete and update the MC.dc files on the handheld.

The odd thing is after this happens the device is still present in Windows Explorer and will reappear a few seconds later in MC12. I'm now trying a manual copy of a bunch of files with Windows Explorer to see if it does anything similar. I don't remember having problems like this previously, although It has been a long time since I have done a bunch of files at once. I have never had a problem doing manual deleting/adding of files other than it being inconvenient. I was hoping using MC for the same task would make everything easy, which isn't working well so far.  :)


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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2007, 12:34:12 pm »

That sounds like a hardware USB failure.  I had a very similar problem with an old computer I had.  Its USB was very flaky and would often disconnect and present errors.  Interestingly enough, it didn't seem to fix it when I added a PCI USB card.  Now, I still use the computer, but as a server it doesn't really need any USB devices so I just don't use its USB anymore.


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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2007, 01:24:49 pm »

I just finished transferring my entire library using Windows Explorer without any errors at all. I think this can rule out a hardware problem, since I only seem to experience issues like this with Media Center.

My best guess is my device doesn't really like the way MC is sending data to it or vice-versa.


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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2007, 04:58:27 pm »

i too am getting frequent lockups syncing MC12 with ipod converting flac files to mp3. not sure what the issue is


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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2007, 06:11:07 am »

The locking up issue has been reported in the Beta team forum.
It is being investigated.


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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2007, 11:53:23 am »

thanks for keeping us posted Mr chriZ


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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2007, 02:54:50 pm »

where do i send my logs for the problems i am having synching MC12 with my ipod?  i click on send logs on the logging window, but there is no email address in the 'send to' field.




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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2007, 12:05:52 pm »

The locking up issue has been reported in the Beta team forum.
It is being investigated.

Any update on the status on this?  As one of the users effected, I currently have an empty iPod and no way to get my music back on it (other than converting it all to mp3 and going back to iTunes).

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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2007, 12:36:19 pm »

I believe the investigation is on going.


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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2007, 04:24:27 pm »

I've got MC 12.0.139, and seem to have some syncing issues. First often when connecting my handheld (iRiver H10 20Gig) the device won't appear under Drives & Devices. Usually disconnecting and reconnecting will make it show up. When this happens the device is always visible and browsable in Windows Explorer.

Sounds really strange. My H10 20GB (Firmware 2.51) works really fine with the same release. Presently I'm on release 12.0.151 and my iRiver works still great in both MTP and UMS modes. I am using the UMS-trick to generate M3U-playlists and finalizing/converting the database/playlists using easyH10. Works great.

I'm having similar problems with my other player from JVC, because there is no UMS-mode available and therefore I can only syncronize the files in MTP mode but the creation of playlists is unfortunately impossible...

Rgds, Thomas


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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2007, 08:19:59 pm »

I believe the investigation is on going.

I appreciate the response, but is it to much to ask if anyone from JRiver *KNOWS* what the status is and can tell us?  Forgive me if I sound a little frustrated but I have my data in a format (APE) that pretty much only JRiver handles natively and am stuck with no immediate way of getting this on to my iPod.

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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2007, 03:23:49 am »

They are currently avidly investigating it.  They are having problems
reproducing the problem at their end, but acknowledge there is a problem.
They're really hoping to have it sorted as soon as possible.


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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2007, 06:54:48 am »

I have my data in a format (APE) that pretty much only JRiver handles natively and am stuck with no immediate way of getting this on to my iPod.
Try splitting your synch into smaller pieces.  It seems to work for anything but a large number of files.

We're giving it a lot of attention, but it's slow going because we need logs and feedback from people who do have the problem.


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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2007, 08:08:13 am »

Try splitting your synch into smaller pieces.  It seems to work for anything but a large number of files.

We're giving it a lot of attention, but it's slow going because we need logs and feedback from people who do have the problem.

I was wrong when I thought it worked in small groups, I simply can't find the pattern.  I got up to the V's once and now I can't even get 1000 tracks loaded in 5 chunks before it locks up.

Since my cache dir is 90% accurate, I pointed iTunes to it and iTunes loaded 69gig without a hitch.


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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2007, 08:34:26 am »

Don't know if my logs will help, since they just 'end' after the last successful file (posted the last lines here:  If you need anything else from me just let me know what and where to send it.  I also have a version of go to my pc that allows me to share my system with others via web based interface.


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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2007, 08:40:53 am »

Here's what Magic_Randy posted on the beta forum using build 154 (now available on this board):

I completed 2 tests. 

I did another full sync, ~15,000 tracks, and it completed successfully.  This is the 3rd successfully sync in a row.  2 syncs used 12.0.152 and 1 sync used 12.0.154.  As you have not fixed the problem, this is strange.  It makes me think that one of the changes you made to add to the logging is hiding the bug.

So I tried it with logging turned off.  It froze up within 5 minutes.

I also saw that Craig finished his last test and it succeeded.  I'm sure he had logging turned on.

I don't know if any of this makes sense, I'm just trying to pick up a pattern.

Has anyone been able to make it fail and send a log since 12.0.152 was pushed out? 


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2007, 09:12:48 am »

Things to try that might help us find the problem.

Switch to build 154 or higher, available on this board.

Uninstall any third party plug-ins.

Turn off podcasts.

Turn off any MC servers (Library Server, UPnP, etc.).

Please report the virus checker you run and other utilities like pop-up blockers.




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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #20 on: January 25, 2007, 12:47:56 pm »

Tested smaller batches and was successfully syncing in 151 with groups of 300 or less this morning.  I had also experienced the same 'lock up' issue in 151 with large batch changes (as in changing tags on ~6000 files at once).  Processes in 151 were also running noticeably slower (tag updates for instance), but that may have been due to full logging turned on.

Just updated to 154, made sure podcast auto-download was disabled, purged the log file, plugged in the iPod and started a large sync job (the one it had been hanging on after just a few minutes).  Been running for 1/2 hour or so now and still going strong - will post up results.  One thing I noticed was the the iPod 'recognition' (the time lag between when it sees the 'Apple iPod Photo' and then realizes it is really the device 'Bart's iPod Photo') seemed to take a lot less time with this build.

Edit: never mind - just as I posted this got the 'Media Center has encountered a problem and needs to close.' error.  What data (if any) do you want from that before I dismiss it?  I am going to let MC continue to run until it completely hangs since it is still actively building the cache directory even though it has 'crashed'.

Running Avast Anti-Virus, FireFox as main browser, no active software firewall currently running.  Disabling anti-virus did not help when testing with 151.


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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2007, 08:23:54 pm »

we need logs and feedback

Where do we send the logs?


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #22 on: January 25, 2007, 08:29:20 pm »

Under MC's Help/Logging, choose "Click to email log files"


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2007, 12:14:13 am »

I can't turn on logging, MC slows to such a crawl I can't use it.

I loaded 12.0.54 and tried a small synch... locked up in less than 3 minutes.  I had to kill MC again,  re-initialized and tried again, locked up in 2 minutes.

When doing small batches, MC seems to load the files in the order of my playlist.  When trying to do my entire collection, the load order seems random.

Oh well, back to iTunes again....

0100am  Okay, I tried logging again and painfully waited for MC to connect to my ipod and I started a synch to a clean initialized 80 gig ipod.  It started, but it was SLOW.  It was uploading at about 1.5mb per second, even after it finished converting a bunch of tracks from ape to mp3.  And then suddenly sometime later, it broke free and jumped up to 6-8mb per second and has been going for over an hour now.

It started out saying it would be 1.2 hours, and now after running well over an hour, it says 1.3 hours....

I will let it run all night, and hopefully it will be completed in the morning.

Bartman may be on to something, maybe the logging is changing/slowing the pgm conditions enough to stop whatever ever is causing the lockups to occur.

Media Center Registered 12.0.154 -- C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\

Microsoft Windows XP  Workstation 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Intel Unknown 2666 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 2097 MB, Free - 1530 MB

Internet Explorer: 7.0.5730.11 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.2900 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.2900 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.2900 / wnaspi32.dll: 4.71 (0002) , ASPI for Win32         DLL, Copyright © 1989-2002 Adaptec, Inc. / Aspi32.sys: 4.71 (0002)

Ripping /   Drive X: TSSTcorpCD/DVDW SH-S182M  Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive Y: ATAPI   DVD RW            Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Use YADB: Yes /  Get cover art: No /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: Yes /  Play sound after ripping: Yes  Soundfile:   D:\Graphics\Humor\Sounds\Simpsons\burns-excellnt.wav

Burning /  Drive X: TSSTcorp CD/DVDW SH-S182M   Addr: 1:0:0  Speed:48  MaxSpeed:48  BurnProof:Yes
  Drive Y: TSSTcorp CD/DVDW SH-S182M   Addr: 1:1:0  Speed:48  MaxSpeed:48  BurnProof:Yes
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: Yes /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: No /

Portable Device Info
  Removed devices: THUMBDRIVE (G:)

Device info dump for 'xxx80 (P:)':

WMDMName: xxx80 (P:)
DeviceUID: $$?$storage#removablemedia#8&32329413&0&rm#{53f5630d-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}$0
CanonicalName: \\?\storage#removablemedia#8&32329413&0&rm#{53f5630d-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}$0
VendorName: ; VendorID: 1452
ProductID: 4617; FirmwareVersion: 1.62
WMDMSerialNumber: NULL
DeviceType: 3; DeviceID: 8L637XJQV9R; DeviceName: Apple iPod; UnsupportedDevice: 0
IsDrive: 1; DriveLetter: P:; DrivePath: ; MainDriveLetter: P:
IsJanusCapable: ; IsIpod: 1
SupportsAlbumArt: 1; AlbumArtEnabled: 1
SupportsFolders: -1; PlaylistFormat: 0; EjectMode: 0; AlwaysPumpCOMMessages: 0
SupportedFileTypes: mp3;wav;mp4;aa;m4a;m4b;m4p;aiff;aif;bmp;jpg;jpeg;gif;tif;tiff;png;sgi;psd;mov;m4v
ContextMenus: Delete
MemoryTypes: Internal Memory
ApplicationName: Media Center
ImageName: Apple iPod Video (black)
AudioBasePath: Music\[Artist]\[Album]\
ImageBasePath: Images\
VideoBasePath: Video\
DataBasePath: Data\
PlaylistBasePath: ROOT\
AudibleBasePath: Audible\
MatchKeyExpression: If(IsEqual([Media Type], Image), [Name][File Size, 0], [Name]Clean([Artist], 1)[Album][Genre]FormatNumber([Track #, 0])[Media Type])
ChangeKeyExpression: If(IsEqual([Media Type], Image),,[Rating][Composer][Date Modified])


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2007, 07:48:34 am »

Under MC's Help/Logging, choose "Click to email log files"

When I do that it creates an email, but with no 'to' addressee.


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2007, 07:51:02 am »

Tried a second full sync last night.  This time it just locked up at some point during the night, the program was non-responsive to the point I had to use task manager to kill it.


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #26 on: January 26, 2007, 07:52:41 am »

same for me. there is no email address to send the log to



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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #27 on: January 26, 2007, 07:55:03 am »

Send to matt at jriver.  Include a link to this thread and any other helpful details.


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #28 on: January 26, 2007, 07:56:20 am »

I can't turn on logging, MC slows to such a crawl I can't use it.
That sounds very odd.  Uninstall any third party plug-ins.  If that doesn't do it, uninstall your virus checker (to test).


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #29 on: January 26, 2007, 09:15:06 am »

That sounds very odd.  Uninstall any third party plug-ins.  If that doesn't do it, uninstall your virus checker (to test).

I tried it again last night, and it took forever for the pgm to start and become usable.  Then when I started the synch to a freshly initialized ipod, again, it was painfully unresponsive.  I'd click on MC in the task bar and it would draw part of the screen and then minutes later it would finish up the screen.  Finally it did start the synch at a very slow rate, but some conversion was going on (I saw lame in the task manager).  Even when the conversions finished (no more lame), it was at least 30-60 minutes before things broke loose and MC took off!

Once it took off, the synch rate jumped to 6-8mb per second and I let it run overnight.  This morning I had a fully synched ipod with 69gig of data.

So far the only thing I have done to allow a synch to prevent a total MC lockup is to turn on logging.

When MC locks up, I must kill it with the task manager and my ipod is corrupted and must be reinitialized to reclaim the space for all that was copied by MC before it crashed.

Another strange thing I notice is that when first starting a synch, MC begins uploading any files which are already in mp3 format in the main library (not the cache) and then it starts going through the list of files that are not mp3, converting as required, or uploading from the cache. 

This slows things down, since MC does not even try to upload the cached file until it gets to it in the list, even if it can be uploaded since it's in the cache.  MC can spend hours converting files and uploading the just converted file, but not uploading the cached files in parallel the files already in the cache.  It's like MC thinks all files need conversion, and then at the last minute it sees the cached file and use that instead.


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #30 on: January 26, 2007, 12:30:38 pm »

Uninstall any third party plug-ins.  If that doesn't do it, uninstall your virus checker (to test).

Are you using MusicLobby or Netremote or Playing Now or ...? with MC?

Define "forever to start".


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #31 on: January 26, 2007, 01:25:09 pm »

Uninstall any third party plug-ins.  If that doesn't do it, uninstall your virus checker (to test).

Are you using MusicLobby or Netremote or Playing Now or ...? with MC?

Define "forever to start".

I'd say at least 4-5 minutes to become responsive with the ipod connected at start.  This means it was connecting to the ipod and "working" figuring what all was needed for the synch of my entire music library.  Normally this takes less than 30 seconds without any response issues.

I have a dual core E6700 and 4 gig of memory, so processing power should not be a issue.

And like I wrote above, the first part of the synch was painful, the screen would not redraw immediately, parts would show up and it would  draw slowly over minutes and then part way though the synch, it took off, totally responsive and it even completed without a lockup.

No MusicLoby or Netremote, I was not trying to play music during this synch operation.  I have writeplayingnow installed or playing now, the free one that writes my playing now info to a file that I can use for my email signature file.

I can try turning off my virus checker - Norton.


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #32 on: January 26, 2007, 01:45:38 pm »

Wishful thinking...

After MC spent the night loading my ipod80 and looking like success this morning, I just now tried to use it, not one track on the ipod...


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #33 on: January 26, 2007, 03:04:01 pm »

4 to 5 minutes is absurdly slow. 

Try redetect devices under Handhelds options.

Uninstall the virus checker.  Stopping it won't help.

Uninstall the Playing Now plug-in and any others you have.


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #34 on: January 26, 2007, 05:10:52 pm »

Using the 'small batches' method mentioned above, I was able to get my music back on in 200-500 song groups (talk about painful).  It still isn't a clean load (need to re-initialize/re-load again once the issue is resolved), but it gives me a work around for the moment.  Bad news is that based on recent experience the crashes/false loads really  take their toll on the iPod performance/responsiveness as the clutter up the drive and the database so I will have to do this 'work around' fairly often until this is resolved.


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #35 on: January 26, 2007, 08:52:15 pm »

4 to 5 minutes is absurdly slow. 

Try redetect devices under Handhelds options.

Uninstall the virus checker.  Stopping it won't help.

Uninstall the Playing Now plug-in and any others you have.

Logically, uninstalling my virus checker or any existing plug-in's will have no effect.

I have not installed any new plug-ins, and my virus checker has not changed since I first purchased MC in 2004.

I do believe MC will get this fixed.

I'll use MC to build my cache dir and iTunes to load the ipod in the meantime.


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #36 on: January 26, 2007, 09:13:59 pm »

Logically, uninstalling my virus checker or any existing plug-in's will have no effect.
Plug-ins can definitely cause problems that MC can't prevent.  If you don't want to uninstall, that's your choice.


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #37 on: January 26, 2007, 09:21:32 pm »

Plug-ins can definitely cause problems that MC can't prevent.  If you don't want to uninstall, that's your choice.

I do believe that plug-ins can cause trouble, and so can any other software,  but since I have not installed any new plugins in YEARS nor have I changed my virus checker in YEARS, I can't believe they are the problem.

I'll just wait this one out.  You'll fix it eventually.


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #38 on: January 27, 2007, 03:59:02 am »

just to say that i have switched back to MC11 to do my ipod syncs.  the problem i am having with MC11 though is that it isn't updating the ratings in my MC library (i have checked upload stats and am using latest version of ipod software).  so i have fully synched my ipod in MC11 and now use MC12 to connect the ipod to so that ratings are updated.  this will work for me until the problem with MC12 is fixed



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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #39 on: January 27, 2007, 07:25:53 am »

I believe that Matt may have found the root of the problem in testing last night.  Stay tuned.  It will take a few days to make the fix, test it, and move it over here.


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #40 on: January 27, 2007, 11:35:28 am »

I believe that Matt may have found the root of the problem in testing last night.

Jim did not mention it, but 'Last Night' is actually going on 1:00am this morning.  Matt and his team have working this issue very hard.  If we can be patient for a few more days, this issue should be closed out.


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Re: MC 12 Syncing
« Reply #41 on: January 29, 2007, 12:05:36 pm »

Sounds really strange. My H10 20GB (Firmware 2.51) works really fine with the same release. Presently I'm on release 12.0.151 and my iRiver works still great in both MTP and UMS modes. I am using the UMS-trick to generate M3U-playlists and finalizing/converting the database/playlists using easyH10. Works great.

I'm having similar problems with my other player from JVC, because there is no UMS-mode available and therefore I can only syncronize the files in MTP mode but the creation of playlists is unfortunately impossible...

Rgds, Thomas

So do you normally sync in UMS mode? I have been trying to stick with MTP since (if it works) Media Center will avoid the need to use Easy H10 and handles all playlists (including M3U) just fine.

Just curious, are you using MC to sync you H10 at all? I don't have trouble at all connecting or transferring anything when not using MC.


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #42 on: January 30, 2007, 01:16:33 pm »

If you were experiencing handheld hangs, please try build 157 or newer.  It's at the top of this board now.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #43 on: January 30, 2007, 02:18:51 pm »

I can confirm that 157 fixed the issue for me.  I did it in 3 large passes - 1 to put on the files that will likely never change, 1 to put on the files that may change, and 1 to put on the files that are either temporary (podcasts) or will change (unrated tracks) - just to cut down on fragmentation effects.  Went pretty fast (about 2 hours) since almost all of the APE files were in the cache.


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #44 on: January 31, 2007, 08:04:57 am »

I tried 157 and attempted to synch to a newly initialized ipod80.  It looked good running.  It said it would take 4 hours so I left it run all night.

This morning MC was crashed and said it needed to close.

The ipod has no music.  MC said the ipod db was corrupted and needed to reinitialize.  I said okay and it hung for over 5 minutes, finally I had to kill it.  I reinitialized it again with itunes.


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #45 on: January 31, 2007, 08:18:51 am »

I tried 157 and attempted to synch to a newly initialized ipod80.  It looked good running.  It said it would take 4 hours so I left it run all night.

This morning MC was crashed and said it needed to close.

The ipod has no music.  MC said the ipod db was corrupted and needed to reinitialize.  I said okay and it hung for over 5 minutes, finally I had to kill it.  I reinitialized it again with itunes.

Please provide a log if you're able to make it crash again. (matt at jriver dot com)

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #46 on: January 31, 2007, 05:04:04 pm »

Didn't Randy have some database problems after initilising in ITunes?

MC2Slim - Windows Shell and JRiver Media Center Integration for Squeezebox.


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #47 on: January 31, 2007, 06:04:55 pm »

Please provide a log if you're able to make it crash again. (matt at jriver dot com)

I am unable to keep logging turned on.  With logging turned on, the MC screen will not redraw in a reasonable amount of time.  When I try to make MC active, little parts of the screen will draw, then a few minutes later, a little more draws. Even when I can see the entire MC screen, as the files upload, the grid does not redraw properly and gets all distorted and out of whack.

Since I last posted about this issue, I have upgraded my processor from an Intel E6700 to an QX6700.  I point this out since it was mentioned that the synching issues were more likely to show up on fast machines.

I think MC is synching during all this, but who knows?  The log is growing.  The progress bar is empty and underneath is says "working", that is all.

With logging turned off, the upload is only betwen 2-3mb per second.  Last night it was between 6-8mb per second.  There is no conversions going on.

Last night MC said it would take over four hours to synch, now it says 1.6 hours and I just started it again.


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #48 on: January 31, 2007, 06:28:44 pm »

Didn't Randy have some database problems after initilising in ITunes?


I had 2 types of problems.

1) Problem with the MC library.  I think this was due to manualy terminating MC after the hang and some operator errors (importing during syncs).  The result was duplicate records in the library.

2) Problem with the iPod database.  After a hang I had no confidence in the database, so I would always initialize after a hang.   The symptom was the music was transfered but did not show up on the iPod.  I had a similar problem once after a successful sync (or what appeared to be successful), but I think I just ran out of room.  I don't think this was related to iTunes.  Often I would do restores using iTunes as it was faster than doing an initialize in MC.  I don't think this created any issues with MC.


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Re: MC 12 Handheld Syncing Problem
« Reply #49 on: January 31, 2007, 06:34:38 pm »

I think MC is synching during all this, but who knows?  The log is growing.  The progress bar is empty and underneath is says "working", that is all.

With logging turned off, the upload is only betwen 2-3mb per second.  Last night it was between 6-8mb per second.  There is no conversions going on.

When I was having trouble I would use Task Manager to help indicate if the sync was really doing anything.  I would see ~10-20% CPU utilization during the sync (your mileage may vary) and it would drop to ~0% when the sync stopped.

As for speed, I was always running at ~2-4.5 mb per second.  I never got 6-8, but I also have my music on an external hard drive connected via USB.

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