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POLL: What's the impact of Intel's Viiv?

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Rob L:
Hm, well, apparently, I'm the only one so far who has used it.

I have a Sony Vaio XL-100, so I've had a Viiv PC for about a year now.
And I don't get it. I still don't actually know what it's giving me!

I do get some nice video clips that explain it to me. Apparently it's about media and stuff. I hadn't realised I was part of an elite. Finally :-)

I think Intel didn't realize it when they released Viiv but Media Center obsoleted Viiv a while ago.

Wile E. One:
I sell computers for a living, and I can say that of the several hundred computers I've sold over the last year or so since Intel released their Viiv technology, NOT ONE single person has ever bought the computer because of Viiv. Actually, AMD have faired about as well with their AMD LIVE... so it seems as if both are equally irrelevant in most people's lives.

I've read some articles about how AMD's Live is actually doing a slight bit better than VIIV, as far as manufacturer support.

Both initiatives seemed to me to be little about actual product features, and more about "platforming" (ala-Centrino) and marketing gimmicks.  They both used all off the shelf technologies that could have been assembled easily before and after Intel decided to give it a fancy marketing name.

I've heard about it but it seems to me this is something I shouldn't really need to care about. Viiv seems to me as the fancy follow-up of SSE & MMX. It's not like I wake up one morning and think "hey, let me enjoy my cup of coffee over some Viiv". It's not like I pick an application based on Viiv support. It's not like what I do is so dependent on Viiv that I can't do without it. Hell I don't even know what it can mean for me and I am on the bleeding edge of technology streaming full HD to my TV set and playing all my music streaming. Obviously I don't need it. I watch several TV series in HD streaming. hell I can't remember the last time I actually played a dvd or cd .... Now that's a lie but I wish it wasn't  ;D

I don't think mediacenter pc's are the future, streaming is IMO. HTPC's are nice but I think the hype is already passing. I think Mediacenter extenders have a greater future. Right now it's only the xbox but I think we are going to see stand alone devices or built in support for extenders. I think upnp client devices have a similar maybe even greater future (given its open source nature and M$ isn't). I am sure we are going to see these applications built in more and more like in TV's and (HD)DVD players etc. I've already seen TV's with upnp clients built in (think it was Acer) and my current receiver supports upnp. Now how does Viiv fit in my future???


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