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Author Topic: Media Center 12.0.301  (Read 10664 times)


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Media Center 12.0.301
« on: August 07, 2007, 09:05:37 am »

This is the latest version of MC 12.0.  Any MC12.0 license will work with it.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

This latest build (usually safe) of MC12.0 is here:

12.0.301 (08/03/07)

1. NEW: Integrated the smartlist wizard into the search box.
2. NEW: The list of possible fields filter according to media type when using the smartlist builder.
3. Changed: The smartlist builder more dynamically filters fields and values based on other selected values.
4. Fixed: iTunes playlist import wouldn't correctly import the year / date field.
5. Changed: Added help links to the playlist web page.

12.0.300 (08/03/07)

1. Fixed: Playlist groups that only contained other playlist groups would not be shown in the handheld Sync List.
2. Changed: The root items in the Sync List get expanded when going into Options.
3. Fixed: Library Server could crash on receiving a search for library servers packet.
4. Fixed: Library Server might reply with the wrong IP address when receiving a search.
5. NEW: Player includes reworked filters for TV (and HDTV) time-shifting and recording. (more functionality to follow)

12.0.299 (08/02/07)

1. NEW: The "Sync List" in handheld options now suports media types and podcasts, along with playlists.
2. Fixed: In some Mini View skins, a selected, playing track in the playlist would be incorrectly colored.
3. Fixed: Some Mini View skins would have text that was smaller than specified by the skin.
4. Fixed: When dragging the volume slider, the volume tooltip could lag slightly behind the actual volume.
5. Changed: Dropping a Playlist Group onto a handheld will transfer the files and child playlists. (formerly only files transferred)
6. Changed: Empty playlist groups are no longer shown in the sync list. (they caused check all / check none to not work)
7. Changed: Column resizes operate faster.
8. Fixed: The Debug Viewer link in the logging dialog pointed to an old website.

12.0.298 (08/01/07)

1. Changed: When opening the smartlist dialog, the first rule gets the keyboard focus.
2. Changed: Pressing "Tab" while doing typed-navigation in a smartlist drop-list will jump to the next field.
3. Changed: Merged the Import and Export buttons on the smartlist dialog.
4. Changed: Changing a modifier style rule in the Smartlist editor clears the value (instead of keeping a value that may not make sense with the new modifier).
5. Fixed: Smartlist modifiers with escapement in them didn't work nicely.
6. NEW: Added the options to include or remove cover art from converted files transferred to a device.
7. NEW: Added the option to include cover art in a Folder.jpg file when transferring files to a device.

12.0.297 (07/31/07)

1. Fixed: Large lists would be slower than necessary when scrolled towards the bottom.
2. Optimized: Improved performance when loading database fields.

12.0.296 (07/31/07)

1. Changed: Scrolling while in-place editing will cancel the edit.
2. Fixed: When the selection changed, the list would select but not show items. (only affects 295)
3. Fixed: Typed list navigation works better with the space bar.
4. Fixed: Fixed a small leak with the Theater View statusbar.
5. Fixed: Theater View could work too hard to maintain a goal framerate, making the UI unresponsive to user actions.
6. Changed: Theater View defaults to "Play" instead of "Play All" for video views.
7. Changed: Theater View play menu commands are saved on a per-root basis. (so video can vary from audio, etc.)
8. Fixed: The "Print List" feature was not outputting item text.
9. Fixed: The preview on the Cover Art > Add From File... dialog was not showing.

12.0.295 (07/30/07)

1. Fixed: When viewing TV in Theater View, each channel would show as having more than one file in Lineup mode.
2. Fixed: When Jump on Play was set to "Playing Now (always)", the player could crash when starting playback from certain lists.
3. Fixed: Printing a list could cause a crash.
4. Fixed: Mini View playlist list controls were not working nicely. (scrolling, font, etc.)
5. Fixed: Some Google videos wouldn't download.
6. Fixed: Truncation tooltips in a list or tree could remain visible when the mouse was inside the tooltip but actually over an adjacent item.


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Sort settings were not carry over with this release
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2007, 09:58:02 am »

Had to reset my sorting display after installation.



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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2007, 10:54:33 am »

Very nice search box UI for the wizard!

The wizard still has what I consider a problem, though.  If I enter a very long and complicated custom search string, it will take tens of rows and just go down forever so I can't access the buttons.  Either a scroll bar or better yet, an option to just have ONE box so users can enter the long, complicated strings.  I use many parenthesis in the playlist I'm talking about and each ( ) can take a whole line!  How about a radio button to determine if just one custom line should be used.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2007, 11:01:03 am »

Need a way to copy the wizard box or quickly create a smartlist from it.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2007, 12:54:08 pm »

12.0.295 (07/30/07)

2. Fixed: When Jump on Play was set to "Playing Now (always)", the player could crash when starting playback from certain lists.

This has fixed my jump on play problems - many thanks!



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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2007, 02:56:42 pm »

Found a Bug - MP3 id tag not populating ripped MP3s.

If I am on a 2nd computer running MC12, and select File -> Library -> Search for library server... let it find the library server of MC12 on another computer.  Now try to rip a CD using MP3 and you will find that the cover art, album, artist, genre, date, track are all missing.

If you then do the following it will work properly: File -> Library -> Default.  Now when you rip a CD using MP3, you will find all the id tags are populated including cover art (if found online).

Please correct this.

Also if I am ripping a CD with Mc12, and then try to access my NAS via Windows, I get a blue screen of death.  This has happend a lot of times.  I found that if i don't access a network drive I don't get BSODs.  Has anyone else run into this problem?



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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2007, 03:26:34 pm »

Not all Playlistgroups and Playlists are shown in "Action Window -> Tag -> Playlists". They are looking normal within the organisation tree. In the "Send to -> Playlist" menu some other Playlists are missing. I have got 731 Playlists (incl. some smartlists) in 43 Groups... Export works fine.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2007, 03:56:18 pm »

Articles (A, An, The, ...) are not ignored for number pad navigation though they are for sorting the items.

See my other number pad navigation suggestions here.



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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2007, 06:29:25 pm »

whenever I grab an album of files in details view of file pane, and add a rating by clicking on the stars, the group of files de-selects as the rating is applied

this has also ocurred several times so I will post it;
while tagging an album in files pane, change the Genre of the group and a number of the files will revert to the previous Genre when the file is renamed.
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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2007, 02:13:29 am »

Library loading issue I had with build .294 at launch are now gone, thanks.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2007, 09:34:49 am »

1. Fine manual adjustment of horizontal Tile spacing doesn't work.

Set Tile size with slider so that Tiles do not complete a row, and when you try to maintain a Tile size you can not space (horizontally) to achieve a complete row (e.g. move tiles with spacing to create a complete, evenly spaced row)

With certain Tile sizes it works, and with others it fails. For example, one scheme has 10 tiles, and using values of 1-12 results in zero re-spacing of tiles; tiles stay put.

When a value of 13 is used, suddenly the Tiles are forced to create a new row which will result in the same incompletely spaced row; or if you have maxed out the available screen space you now have to scroll down to see extra Tiles.

The problem isn't limited to specific values which are manually entered, however there is a range between values (depending on Tile size) that returns no change to tile spacing effectively eliminating the possibility of fine-tuning.

This problem is further exacerbated by Tile layouts which contain an odd number of tiles: when the row "leaps" as described above, (as opposed to creeping incrementally towards the edge to make an evenly spaced row that stretches across the available screen space), it creates a new row below. With an even number of tiles, the "leap" seems to always result in a smart-layout where the the tile furthest to the right ends up flush the right edge of the screen/end of row.

2. Column headers move around (float) when horizontal scroll of file list is engaged. Looks really strange and this is especially disorienting when looking through many fields.

3. For many builds I have often noticed the slider bar is not drawn until a separate (existing) Tab is selected.



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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2007, 11:18:02 pm »

1. Noticed all unique tabs were reset after normal MC shutdown; settings for last view ignored and all tabs either reset or mimic the tab last used.

2. Thumbnails fail to auto-load when browsing Pane>Disk Location (similar to a problem I've noticed browsing SD card of photos via tree). Re-insertion of the SD card doesn't work, but a close & restart of MC solves both of these stalled thumbnail build problems.



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Crash after editing field
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2007, 05:06:06 am »

After editing the comment field MC12.301 crashes. I could reproduce this behaviour several times.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2007, 01:56:33 pm »

Bug with visualizations:

If you stop a track, the visualization clears.  If you then press play, the visualization structure reappears but it does not repopulate any of it's information leaving an incomplete track info screen.  Fast forward or skip back restores the full display...

This bug has been present in a few builds prior to .301



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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2007, 05:22:00 pm »

The same problem I reported in detail about 12.0.294 still exists in 12.0.301. When ripped several CDs, MC usually gets into an error loop and says there's no CD or it can't rip the CD. But closing this dialog and immediately selecting Tools > Rip Disc... shows it has already analyzed the CD and listed the track names and just needs me to click RIP. This workaround is reliable, whereas the used-to-work method of letting MC just keep cranking no longer is reliable. For me it works 1 out of every 10 CDs. See the other post for more details. Running WinXP MCE 2005.
Managing my media with JRiver since Media Jukebox 8 (maybe earlier), currently use Media Center for Audio/Music and Photos/Videos.
My career in media spans Radio, TV, Print, Photography, Music, Film, Online, Live, Advertising, as producer, director, writer, performer, editor, engineer, executive, owner. An exhausting but amazing ride.


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UI annoyances in MC 12.0.301
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2007, 11:12:46 am »

Two UI anomalies that hinder smooth use of MC:

1. When editing keyword tags, there's often a "freeze" when jumping through the list by name by pressing keys. It can work fine for the first selection (ie, "a") but pressing the second (ie "d") somethings just results in keyboard beeps because MC won't accept the keystroke. Eventually, after repeated presses, it does -- 2 to 10 seconds later. This happens more often than not, but usually just once per tagging of a given song file. It usually freezes when trying to jump to the second keyword, but sometimes on the third or later. Also, jumping UP the list is more likely to cause freezing, such as being on a keyword that starts with "j" and the pressing "1" to jump up.

2. Right after I rip a CD, I open the Recently Ripped view to update the tags of the new files. But at this point the tags dialog usually shows just a few tags, not all the tag fields in the view, and it lacks a scroll bar to move to the other tags. This happens even if the option is ALREADY checked to Show Tags In Current View, so likely there's a bug. Tabbing down from a visible tag field doesn't usually scroll the list, so I must reselect Show Tags in Current View, even if it is already selected, to display most of the lower "hidden" fields, along with a vertical scroll bar.

Managing my media with JRiver since Media Jukebox 8 (maybe earlier), currently use Media Center for Audio/Music and Photos/Videos.
My career in media spans Radio, TV, Print, Photography, Music, Film, Online, Live, Advertising, as producer, director, writer, performer, editor, engineer, executive, owner. An exhausting but amazing ride.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2007, 07:50:33 am »

BUG in Audio Pane view (when filtering both directions)?

Example: I have a pane view with Genre, Sub Genre and Album Artist (Auto). Choose an artist and jump to a artist of a different genre.
- The Genre of the the previous artist are still listed. This results in empty track lists and makes dual directional filtering annoying to use.

Are there any reasons why it should behave like this?

- I may not always believe what I'm saying


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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2007, 10:29:56 am »

I think I found a bug but it's probably a simple one.  When MC is minimized, I'm minimizing to system tray, and then brought back up, the bar separating the left bar from the track listing does not reload.  It is clear and displays whatever was behind MC when it was brought up.  Resizing MC's window causes a reset and then it works fine.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2007, 11:28:00 am »

I think I found a bug but it's probably a simple one.  When MC is minimized, I'm minimizing to system tray, and then brought back up, the bar separating the left bar from the track listing does not reload.  It is clear and displays whatever was behind MC when it was brought up.  Resizing MC's window causes a reset and then it works fine.

Similarly, I have had the Tabs section remain transparent so you could not see the tabs, yet they still respond if you can blindly click them.

Also, the Thumbnail size adjuster slider thingie is not there any longer in all the Album Thumbails views I use.
Was this removed as a feature, or is this also a bug?
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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2007, 05:11:48 am »

Is there any news as to when chapter support for mp4 movies might be added ?



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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2007, 12:25:13 pm »

I enabled split view to have two side by side views and the split bar, likely the same image as the nav bar -> main track listing, also doesn't display.  So it's this one image that doesn't update correctly.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2007, 07:26:56 am »

In the file info pane, below the main view scheme pain, I just noticed that I can no longer edit the value of one of my fields, which is defined as:

My Rating
store in file tags

I *can* edit all the other fields in the current view, but not this particular field.

In fact I just created a duplicate field 'My Rating Test' with identical setup to the field above and I *CAN* edit the new field, but still not the old field?!  I can however edit the old field if I use the tag window but not directly in the view scheme.

[edit]Removed the My Rating field from the view and then added it back and now all is well.  No idea what is going on[/edit]




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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2007, 10:32:04 am »

Minimize / Maximize / changing from one view to another (Playlist <-> Audio <-> Playing now etc.) causes a short (< 1 sec.) break during playback.
Does NOT appear if I switch to Wave Out as Output Mode.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2007, 10:44:11 am »

Tools -> Options -> Playback -> Output Mode Settings
Some text is cut of:
Channels (if in


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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2007, 11:10:15 am »

Tools -> Options -> Playback -> Output Mode Settings
Some text is cut of:

Not sure if that is a bug or not but I get the same thing...

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Re: Media Center 12.0.301: burn crash
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2007, 06:53:16 pm »

I have been able to reproduce this, at least on my machine.  I believe it has been in all recent versions up to and including 301.

1. Prepare to burn by bringing up burn in the action window and progressing to where it says "drop here"
2. Drop a playlist on the drop here (works fine)
3. Clear that burn list.
4. Drop the same playlist on the burn dialog again - There is a crash.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.301: burn crash
« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2007, 08:41:22 pm »

4. Drop the same playlist on the burn dialog again - There is a crash.
Confirmed. I have the same issue. I never would have known it was an issue had it not been for Jack.



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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #27 on: August 20, 2007, 06:02:18 am »

Is it possible someting was broken with the pasting of cover art from the clipboard? It seem that in the last few days (since I updated to 301) that when i copy art to the clipboard, then paste it to a number of tracks (lets say... and album :) ) its about 50/50 to take. Usually about half the tracks update correctly, but sometimes none of them do. Ive waited over 10 mins to see if it was a refresh thing, but no go, and if i do it again, it will most likely work immedeatly. When i do the initial past it does show that its updating the right number of files, and the file is actually modified, just not with the album art. Its very odd. Am I the only one seeing this?


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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #28 on: August 20, 2007, 06:05:37 am »

I reported the same thing (I think) in a separate thread.  The pastes actually do seem to stick, but the thumbnail update is what doesn't always happen immediately.



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Re: Media Center 12.0.301
« Reply #29 on: August 20, 2007, 11:55:15 am »

I recently set up a secondary library on my laptop using a USB drive for travel.
This is in addition to another I have for music on my home network, and a third smaller one of music located on the laptop's hard drive.

After setting the various options to suit my needs in this situation and running an import then a backup, I returned to my Default library.

Here's the problem:
The default library was now found to have had it's settings altered so that it now mimicked the new USB library's settings rather than it's original settings.

This affected two critical settings:
Import Folders and Exclusions
the Update Tags When File Info Changes setting

I understood that the Import Folders were a per-library setting, was I mistaken?
Also was/is the Update Tags When File Info Changes setting per-library?
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