Is it not quicker to just select the library fields you want to be able to search once and for all? Tools - Options - Library & Folders - Standard Library Fields.
Here you go through all of them and remove "Default search field" for the ones you don't want to search and the oposit for the fields you want to be included in the search.
Now, instead of hitting search arrow and finding an artist, write the artist or parts of the name in the search field, along with other search criteria.
This is at least how I do it..
Learn the search keywords for your most used fields is probably quicker and easier in the long run...
At very least, it allows you more flexibility when typing in a search string directly.
ar=bob would return all artists with 'bob' anywhere in them
ar=[bob" would return all artists that begin with 'bob'
al=greatest would return all albums with 'greatest' anywhere in them
g=rock would return all tracks from the 'rock' genre
p=party would return all files from the 'party' playlist
if any given field does not have a keyword assigned, then give it one yourself. Go to "Tools - Options - Library & Folders" pick a field > edit field, add keyword.
Some that I've chosen here:
mt= for [media type]
ft= for [file type]
aaa= for [album artist (auto)]
aa= for [album artist]
fnp= for [filename (path)]
fnn= for [filename (name)]
lp= for [last played]
np= for [number plays]
kw= for [keywords]
after that, typing in your own searches is an absolute breeze compared to using the search wizard!!