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Author Topic: Labyrinth to keep customers from contacting the company...  (Read 3489 times)


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Labyrinth to keep customers from contacting the company...
« on: November 01, 2008, 11:53:16 am »

I've been trying off and on over the last week to figure out how to take advantage of email offers I've received to get Media Center 13 for $14.98 (regular $19.98), but this labyrinth of forums has kept me from having any success! Anywhere I tried to go sent me to download Media Center 12 (which I've already paid for!?).

I understand the concept of forums being cheap support for a product, and although I don't like it, I put up with it. But I've never seen any company go to such great lengths to use this device in such a manner as to preclude all customer contact with the real players.

At one time I thought this was a very good product, but of late I find it more trouble than it's worth...

Are there any plans in future to correct this lack of connectivity? Even just supplying a link when purchase offers are made would be a vast improvement...

[And I'm sure I've offended staunch supporters of the forum-maze for attacking their sacred cow]

Mr ChriZ

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Re: Labyrinth to keep customers from contacting the company...
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2008, 12:14:37 pm »

Hi Dunzel,

It shouldn't be a labarynth.
All the support for MC13 can be found on the MC13 board...

Which is just a standard board from the home page of the forum.

Instructions for installing and licensing it can also be found as a sticky thread from the the top of that board.


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Re: Labyrinth to keep customers from contacting the company...
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2008, 12:23:48 pm »

I feel like Captain Dunsel some times
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Re: Labyrinth to keep customers from contacting the company...
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2008, 12:55:32 pm »

Hi Dunzel,

It shouldn't be a labarynth.
All the support for MC13 can be found on the MC13 board...

Which is just a standard board from the home page of the forum.

Instructions for installing and licensing it can also be found as a stick from the the top of that board.

I know you mean to help, and I do appreciate that... But take a good look... Doesn't it look more like you're quoting chapter and verse from the book of labyrinths than a plain, straightforward link to the advertised offer as presented in the emails?

I mean, to the initiated and brethren of the forums it's quite explicit. But there are many of us who don't spend our time in overgrown bulletin boards.

Mr ChriZ

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Re: Labyrinth to keep customers from contacting the company...
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2008, 02:51:15 pm »

I'm afraid I personally can't see where you're coming from here.
From the main page Media Center 12, Media Center 13, Media Jukebox they're all right in front of you, like an index.
Each board has a description of what it's about.  The only reason I gave you three links was to show you how I'd got to the MC 13 board.

JRiver does have several seperate products and they need seperate support, and as such seperate boards. 

Normally to purchase/download MC most people would start at the products home page (,
as MC13 isn't formally released yet, the Interact forum contains more information of use, and the latest beta builds.   
It's not a complex forum to navigate by any means. 

However my opinion is my own, I do not speak on behalf of JRiver here as I am just a regular here.
I'd imagine if you have suggestions of how it could be made clearer they would more than welcome them.


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Re: Labyrinth to keep customers from contacting the company...
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2008, 03:42:01 pm »

Just so you understand why it seems complex, in the olden days, we would just give you a few links in the e-mail and you'd be able to click on the one you wanted.

Now we can't do that anymore.  E-mail with many links gets discarded as SPAM or put in a junk folder or gets dropped by the ISP.  AOL users are almost impossible for us to e-mail now.

In addition, many people are (justifiably) afraid of clicking on a link in an e-mail, for fear that they will end up with some malware.

So the e-mail we sent had a minimum of links.  But you're here now, and if you follow the links that Chriz gave you, you'll find a description of what to do.  It's actually in several places.


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Re: Labyrinth to keep customers from contacting the company...
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2008, 04:47:49 pm »

Did you hear the one about the two Iowans who went to Minnesota to go ice fishing?

When they got home, a friend asked them how it was.

"Oh, the fishing wasn't too bad, but we were pretty worn out by the time we got a hole cut that was big enough to get the boat in."


John Gateley

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Re: Labyrinth to keep customers from contacting the company...
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2008, 05:23:52 pm »

I feel like Captain Dunsel some times

That's pretty esoteric King.... M5 and human ingrams.



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Re: Labyrinth to keep customers from contacting the company...
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2008, 05:52:18 pm »

That's pretty esoteric King.... M5 and human ingrams.



I was wondering if anyone would get it.
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Re: Labyrinth to keep customers from contacting the company...
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2008, 07:01:57 pm »

McCoy didn't get it.


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Re: Labyrinth to keep customers from contacting the company...
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2008, 05:25:17 am »

Did you hear the one about the two Iowans who went to Minnesota to go ice fishing?

Haha!  I've heard a variation of this joke that goes, "Two Minnesotans named Jim and Matt go to Hayward Wisconsin to go ice fishing..."

John Gateley

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Re: Labyrinth to keep customers from contacting the company...
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2008, 10:08:08 am »

And it took them a long time because first Jim suggested a monitor for the fishing lines to notify them of a fish on the line, then Matt decided to run several fishing lines at once, but doing that confused the monitor which had to be redone....



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Re: Labyrinth to keep customers from contacting the company...
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2008, 03:41:28 pm »

to dunzel
"don't worry be happy"
when you post on this forum you are communicating with a lot of people including those who created the best available product.
if that means i consider the forum as some sort of sacred cow so be it
i am a silly old fart and i had no problem upgrading to mc13 - try harder
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