Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

POLL: Would you consider the JRiver Synapse (a PC to TV connection device)?

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Said yes. Perhaps not for my main HTPC just yet (it has 2 * HDDs, 2 * soundcards, tuner card etc), but definitely for Bedroom / 2nd line HTPC's connected to my main HTPC via network.

Whilst I agree that MC is NOT the best at everything, I do believe it to be better at MORE things than any other software. For instance, the TV side of MC isn't as good as say, Sage TV or MythTV but it works well at what it does. The rest of the program is a different story. There is nothing else out there that let's you do half as much customisation of your library as this baby does and I think that is the point a lot of people miss. 

When I bring up my Media Center, I don't want to have to scroll through my folders to find my files - I want the software to know where my song is, how I want it to be sorted and displayed and what I want it to be called when it is displayed. Nothing else I have found let's me do this. They all simply bring up a list of folders, with the same ".." at the top. 

If I want to play one of my ripped DVDs, I don't want to have to scroll through a list of files to find the right one. I (or more importantly, the good lady wife) want a thumbnail picture that I can click on and have it play. Nothing else I've found does this like MC.

Sure, it takes some configuring in MC but the results are well worth it. If I wanted to look through my folders, I'd use Explorer.

MC (if I have it correctly) was originally designed as a way to ORGANISE and SORT your media library AS WELL AS play it back. Thus the concentration on the database / library / features. Theater View and TV were pretty much afterthoughts AFTER the whole HTPC thing started taking off. If I have it correctly, the TV feature was feature that was never really meant to be taken that seriously (thus no EPG etc until recently). I'm sure (simply by looking at the changelog) this mindset has changed recently and hopefully in the near future MC will be as good if not better than everything else in TV department as well.

i voted no have done it... i think jriver has enough on its plate with trying to keep up with technology, and everyone's requests and many requests not being answered.  Make it the ultimate software for tv\music\blueray\ipods\flashmemories devices\ Satellite\ Xbox 360\ Dvd Ripping\Documents\Etc... (Then Maybe MAYBE Think about it) by adding hardware or more to your plate.. other important requests past present and future will never get looked at! ..  And not to be a downer.. but i'd really hate to have to search for new media software and RELEARN a new media manager due to another Great Software company going out of business.. and eventually not being able to use their product due to no longer giving support\Updates!

Just My Opinion.

Ty You For The Poll. And Happy Holidays To all.


--- Quote from: xtacbyme on December 28, 2008, 10:38:15 pm ---i voted no have done it... i think jriver has enough on its plate with trying to keep up with technology, and everyone's requests and many requests not being answered.  Make it the ultimate software for tv\music\blueray\ipods\flashmemories devices\ Satellite\ Xbox 360\ Dvd Ripping\Documents\Etc... (Then Maybe MAYBE Think about it) by adding hardware or more to your plate.. other important requests past present and future will never get looked at! ..  And not to be a downer.. but i'd really hate to have to search for new media software and RELEARN a new media manager due to another Great Software company going out of business.. and eventually not being able to use their product due to no longer giving support\Updates!

Just My Opinion.

Ty You For The Poll. And Happy Holidays To all.

--- End quote ---

I think these are some good points.

So on that note, how about instead of building and distributing the hardware yourselves, licence people to do it for you? With PCs that run software / hardware tested and endorsed by you guys. You could put together a "Manual" of said software / hardware, create a licencing/endorsement procedure and give a kickback to installers...

I'm also in the "No - I've done it" category.  And to echo some others' concerns, I haven't been able to build a maintenance-free machine, no matter how clean I make the install.  Something always requires me to revert to "geek mode" and adjust a setting or two. 

Perhaps if the box received all of its' updates from a MC server you guys could keep them shiny and new (doing the geek work for the customer) but now we're talking about more than a hardware box. 


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