Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

POLL: Would you consider the JRiver Synapse (a PC to TV connection device)?

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Another one for the "No" category I'm afraid.  I think the wide range of responses show that it would be almost impossible to conceive a hardware configuration that would satisfy a broad (enough) range of users and standards.  Far better perhaps to concentrate on good network support to some existing media front ends to interface to the TV and leave the configuration to the individual.  How about an MC front end designed for PS3 or Wii - that would be perfect.

Personally, I'm still waiting for solid DLNA support for PS3 and would also like MC to replace the Sony M-Crew server - it seems that every new bit of kit these days comes with it's own (probably proprietary) server - frustrating as a customer but a big selling point for MC if it could offer some standardization.

I agree with the previous comment to a degree. MC would be far more successful if it could be installed on existing popular hardware.

But I do think that eventually the "living room PC" is going to be the winner. People are doing more and more on their PC. My family came to visit me in Japan for christmas and loved being able to check their facebook/flickr, and watch ripped movies on the TV with a wireless keyboard and remote control. MC's theater view has really come a long way recently.

The thing is that nobody has made it effortless to setup yet. My VAIO TP1 looks good in the living room, and does the job well because I dont use any of the stuff that Sony put on there, and spent hours of my own time setting it all up right. The company that releases a beautiful looking HTPC with all the media and internet software people need, pre-set up and auto updated is going to be a big winner I think. Currently it looks like the games consoles are the closest to doing that, but I'm sure that there are a lot of people that just dont want to buy a games console (me included).

The only other point I'd make is that the market isnt quite there yet to drive the demand for a "living room pc". When the user can buy movies as easily as they can buy music from the internet, and build up a reasonable collection, then the easiest media organizer is going to wipe up. Perhaps America is close to that stage with the itunes and amazon movie stores, but everywhere else is still very far from that point. And streaming services, if they supplant the demand for downloads and "owning" your movies, could change everything too.

Media Freak:
1- I'm still waiting for MC to be able to pull movie data info for my DVD's, a feature that most other software in MC's league have by default.
2- Better Track Info views.
3- Theater view skins still sucks in MC
4- From 11 to 12 to 13, MC still crashes too often
And that's just a small hand of issues that need resolution.

MediaCenter the software is the foundation, if it's not rock solid then I don't see how we can fit a hardware in the mix.

Just to record a snapshot, the "Yes" and "Maybe" answers total 58% now.  It started in the low 60's when the poll was on the beta forum.

Thanks for all the feedback.

Any update? The more I study the options, the better this option looks.


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