I might be in a minority.....but I like MJ the way it is,,,and if they were to offer an upgrade I probably would buy it. I for one,,like to burn CD's....and I use it for for that and download to mu personal player. I used to have Music Match when it was the on;ly thing out there that was any good......went through all of the upgrades.and saw it purchased by Yahoo.....which promptly got rid of it over the past few years. I think that we are fortunate to have this player, and all that it can do,,,and if JIM H. does decide to offer an upgrade to the player,,,I will upgrade with it. The word free means without cost,,,,and I truely think that there had to be some cost involved in making this program. As a novice computer user,,,I like what we have,,,and if JIM H. decides to put in an upgrade to MJ13...great,,,if he decides to have a premium player,,,with added cost,,,I will support it. Either way....it's a lot better than i-tunes and the bloated software!! Just my opinion!!