Suddenly getting this for every track during the read in of the MC tracks.
<MCCacheError Name="TrackName" Album="AlbumName" Artist="Artist">Values length is 1</MCCacheError>
...repeated for every track in library...
<Result EndDateTime="2012-05-13T16:47:39">Could not find any tracks in MC.</Result>
TrackName/AlbumName/Artist are the actual values, not those words.
Any thoughts/suggestions. Can't think of anything that changed except maybe the MC update to 17.0.147.
Edit: Tried re-running the install of MC, also rebooted. No change after either.
Edit: Looks like there was an expression editor change. The expression:
If(IsEqual(FilePath(),\\ZEUS\Audio\iTunes Downloads,

, [Filename], C:\Music\iTunes Library\Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace([Artist]|||[Album],<,_),>,_),:,_),",_),\,_),//,_),?,_),*,_),|||,\),|,_)\Replace(Replace([Filename (name)],.flac,.mp3),.ac3,.mp3),.\,\)
Going to post in the main forum to see if anyone can help with what changed in the expression editor.
Now gives the return of 'Expression Error (Unknown)'
Final edit: There was an issue with the expression. Not sure why it worked prior to .147 - but .147 didn't like it. New and working expression is:
If(IsEqual(FilePath(),\\ZEUS\Audio\iTunes Downloads,

, [Filename], Replace(C:\Music\iTunes Library\Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace([Artist]|||[Album],<,_),>,_),:,_),",_),\,_),//,_),?,_),*,_),|||,\),|,_)\Replace(Replace([Filename (name)],.flac,.mp3),.ac3,.mp3),.\,\))