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Author Topic: Device information cannot be retrieved. Please reboot your PC and retry.  (Read 9645 times)


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This has been asked a few times before (, but there's been no answer:  Why do I get this "Device information cannot be retrieved.  Please reboot your PC and retry." error message?

This is an interesting case, because I've been running MC13.0.172 (and lots of earlier revs) on my computer for years with no problem hotsyncing the same 60G Rockbox'd iPod (mounted as my "R:" drive).

I then replaced my original hard drive with a SSD, reinstalled Windows XP using the same CD I used to install Windows on the original drive, reinstalled the same version of MC13, backed up and transferred my MC13 library, and now I see this error all the time - I ca not get MC13 to talk to the Rockbox/ipod.  If I reboot using the original disk, everything is fine, the device is recognized and I can sync.  Windows Explorer recognizes and mounts the R: drive with no complaints on both systems.

So to summarize: I have 2 installs on the EXACT same hardware with semi-identical Windows installs (both of which mount and see the R: drive), the same version of MC13, yet one works fine while the other constantly gives me "Device information cannot be retrieved.  Please reboot your PC and retry.".

And needless to say, "reboot and retry" doesn't work...

I don't know why MC has a problem when Windows Explorer does not.  Is there anything special MC is looking for on a "device"?


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Are you running as as limited user as was the person in the post you linked??


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Are you running as as limited user as was the person in the post you linked??

Nope, I've got admin rights.  Since I last posted I created a new device, "RockBox60" (I can't recall if I deleted my old "RockBox" device or not), with essentially the same settings, and it seems to work most of the time.  I still get "Device information cannot be retrieved.  Please reboot your PC and retry." messages, but RockBox60 shows up as a device and I can sync it.  When I get home I'll check if my old Rockbox was deleted or not.

Thanks for the response!


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Re: Device information cannot be retrieved. Please reboot your PC and retry.
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2009, 05:14:13 pm »

Can you send a log file? Start MC, make sure all of the logging is turned on, reset the log, plug in the ipod, wait for the message, and email the current log file to bob at Thanks.


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Re: Device information cannot be retrieved. Please reboot your PC and retry.
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2009, 10:42:08 pm »

Can you send a log file? Start MC, make sure all of the logging is turned on, reset the log, plug in the ipod, wait for the message, and email the current log file to bob at Thanks.

That did the trick!  :-)  Now that it knows it's being watched it's on its best behavior.  But I'll keep logging enabled and send you the file if it acts up again.

Thanks for scaring my MC into submission!



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I'm having the same trouble as the original poster, and I am running MC as an administrator.  Would I be able to send you my log file (I followed the instructions above)? At the same e-mail address?



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If this is a newer iPod, MC won't support it.  Apple encrypts the database.  So the log wouldn't be useful.

This is an old thread.  What version of MC are you running?


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Re: Device information cannot be retrieved. Please reboot your PC and retry.
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2012, 04:35:05 pm »

I still have the same problem I originally reported.  It seemed to go away for that period in 2009 when I was trying to get it addressed, but it came back after that.  I've just gotten used to it, though it is still irritating.

What's interesting is that I bought another 5th generation iPod video, installed rockbox, and it still has the same problem.  This problem has stayed with me on different PC hardware.   The things that haven't changed over the years are:

- It's a 5th generation iPod video (I've never tried any other devices)
- The problem exists with all version of Rockbox up to the latest release (3.12)
- The problem exists with all versions of Media Center up to 16.0.181
- I only see the problem when I launch Media Center (no other software complains)

It's only an annoyance, but it would be nice to finally get rid of.

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