i keep my lists fairly short so 2 or 3 times enter to get through the all thumbs are not a point.
Before I understood jumping to the file list was possible, I created my views this way. I also included a separate "comprehensive" (i.e., many categories) view to handle any very specific filtering need (e.g., "highly-rated movies from this decade that are less than two hours in duration"). Now I realize by putting the categories in a sensible order, I can probably get by with just one view (per video type). The first few would be used to narrow the file list to a manageable size in the usual way—which would be displayed as soon as that is accomplished. For more specific "filtering," those categories might be skipped (i.e., "All" selected) to get to more obscure categories further down the list. Again, as soon as a selection is made in one or two of those categories, one is going to want to go directly to the file list.
It sounds complicated, but I find it much more convenient than having to think about what kind of selection I want to make ahead of time—so I can select the appropriate view to use. The advantage to being able to stay in one view is huge if I'm "browsing" my movies, rather than just selecting one to play. In that case, the nature of my successive queries is random. I don't want to have to keep changing views to make the next selection.