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Author Topic: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database  (Read 53772 times)


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #50 on: February 05, 2010, 01:10:37 pm »

Thanks rick and everyone. I will install firebird on the server and see how we go.

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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #51 on: February 05, 2010, 01:13:44 pm » pvdimportconfiguration.xml file is not write protected, or hidden.

Close MC and try editing it directly.


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #52 on: February 05, 2010, 01:37:53 pm »

I tried editing the file and got "access denied"..... so I went back and ran MC as administrator.  I swear I did that yesterday and my changes didn't stick, but now it works :-\. Sorry bout that... and thanks for the help.


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #53 on: February 08, 2010, 12:02:07 pm »

I noticed Duration is not in the default pvdimportfieldconfig.  I tried modifying my importfieldconfig file by adding "duration".... without success.  Any advice would be appreciated. 

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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #54 on: February 08, 2010, 08:57:31 pm »

MC determines Duration from the media file; the result cannot be edited or replaced. PVD does the same, and saves it as Length. I also download (from allmovies) a custom field I call Original duration—the runtime of the item as originally released—and import it using the following expression.

Code: [Select]
Select CUSTOM_VALUES_INT."value"
Where MOVIES."mid" =@id and CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES."dispname" = 'Original duration'

This must be mapped to a MC field other than Duration—a custom field is required. The practice I use is to always include a period in a custom field (e.g., "Duration." or "Original.Duration"). This effectively distinguishes them from standard fields, while allowing them to appear where expected in lists and still be usable as a caption (e.g., column headings).


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #55 on: February 11, 2010, 05:59:42 pm »

OK..this all may be over my head.  But concerning the "Duration" field (that displays in PVD).  Is this the "Length" field you refer to?  Because I don't see Length displayed anywhere in PVD.  BTW, my movies are 95% DVD rips (if that makes a difference).  Can I map this PVD field "Duration (or length) to a custom field in MC.  Is the code you wrote to be entered in MC or PVD?  Sorry...again, I may have to punt on this one.

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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #56 on: February 11, 2010, 10:49:03 pm »

Is this the "Length" field you refer to?

Yes. The actual name of the field is "length." In the default skin, it's displayed "Duration" in the media information section of the movie panel.

Can I map this PVD field "Duration" (or length) to a custom field in MC.

Yes. I suppose you may want to do that because PVD (using MediaInfo.dll) can determine the duration of the media where MC cannot. Bear in mind, however, MediaInfo cannot read all media types either. You can check to see how well it does with your DVD rips before deciding if it's worthwhile to do this...

Use the following query to get Length from PVD. Enter this in the PvdExpression column of the PvdImport configuration.

Code: [Select]
Select MOVIES."length"
Where MOVIES."mid"=@id

Map this to a custom field in MC. I call mine Duration.PVD. Enter your field name in the McField column, and create a custom integer field of the same name in MC. The data is in seconds, so you'll want to reformat this. You can do so using an expression whenever you want to display it. I prefer to use an expression field. Either way, the expression I use is FormatDuration(Math([Duration.PVD]).

I actually prefer video durations to be in minutes, but don't see a way to round Math([Duration.PVD]/60).


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #57 on: February 12, 2010, 04:49:44 pm »

Thank you.  I was able to pull the "length" field over to MC and map to a custom field.  (You're right though about the rounding....162.76485739012 minutes is kind of hard to look at).  At any rate it appears the PVD length field is way off.  I looked at about 10 DVD rips and it was off anywhere from +25 minutes to -15 minutes (when compared to time listed on the DVD box...or the progress bar in MC).  I may just type this one in manually.  Thanks again.

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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #58 on: February 12, 2010, 05:36:08 pm »

At any rate it appears the PVD length field is way off.

It's seems unlikely it would be "incorrect" when it's being determined directly from the media files. I think the time it's reporting is the total length of all the media files included in the File path field. So that would include any extra features on the DVD that were included in the rip. Could that be the cause of the discrepancies?


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #59 on: February 12, 2010, 06:42:42 pm »

It's seems unlikely it would be "incorrect" when it's being determined directly from the media files. I think the time it's reporting is the total length of all the media files included in the File path field. So that would include any extra features on the DVD that were included in the rip. Could that be the cause of the discrepancies?

I'll bet you're right.  Now that I think of it, I remember when I first started using PVD, it used to display a list of VOB's (during processing a new DVD movie)... and I believe there was an option to select or deselect files.  I always accepted the default, but maybe these are the files it added up to calculate length.  I don't get that option anymore, but I'm going to check an see if it's still there.

edit.. I just found it.  "Show file selection When detecting DVD Duration" under Preferences/Options/Dialog.  Some of my DVD are shrunk to 4.5gb and some are I'm not sure if/how "counting" vobs would work.  I'll do some testing.


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #60 on: February 17, 2010, 07:34:33 pm »

question about using PVD import. ive yet to start but just thought of soemthing...

i have a main computer that has a 16 bay direct attatched storage connected to it. meaning i dont have a true server yet.

now if use main machine and fill in all pvd import info then use jriver pvdimport to import actors plot producers etc.. will that stick when i buy and setup my server? what steps would be needed to make it work once all drives are on server?

once pvdimport imports all the info does it stick by the side of the files like the jriver sidecars?

what do you guys suggest? i dont feel like having to redo all these again once i buy my server.

thanks for any tips and i hope i can get to work on these if all looks like it will work out?!

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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #61 on: February 18, 2010, 12:14:44 am »

what steps would be needed to make it work once all drives are on server?

As you know, each record in MC is associated with one file on a drive. PVD doesn't require a file to be associated with a record, in most cases, it does. And it includes a file scanning facility for matching video files found on any specified drives to existing records. It will match files to existing records, record changes in path names previously recorded, and add records for new files. PvdImport matches records in PVD to records in MC by the common file paths.

So, to answer your question, there is really nothing out of the ordinary you'll have to do. You'll probably use MC to move files from their current locations to the server—to maintain the integrity of the MC library. You'll then need to run the PVD file scanner to update the path changes. PvdImport with then once again be able to match records based on the file paths.

once pvdimport imports all the info does it stick by the side of the files like the jriver sidecars?

No. PvdImport will automatically detect any changes to data in PVD and update the corresponding records in MC. There's no need for sidecar files. Similarly, posters are maintained in PVD and updated to MC by PvdImport. These, however, have to be saved somewhere in order for MC to be able to use them. It can be configured to so in any of the three ways supported by MC—beside the video, in the same directory as folder.jpg, or in a specified directory.


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #62 on: February 19, 2010, 04:28:14 pm »

Evening all....

I have this working, almost...

I cannot get both MC+PVDImport and PVD running together. Whichever one is opened first works, the other produces errors and does not open the database.
Firebird guardian and server are both running, and I've entered the path to the database file into the "File > server" option of PVD

Any ideas?

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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #63 on: February 19, 2010, 05:08:05 pm »

Nothing specific. First-time connection issues are fairly common, and all seem to be resolved with some tinkering...

When properly connected, PVD shows the connection in the Title bar as "<computer name>:<local path> Network." Even if that seems okay, review the Connect-to-server wiki entry carefully, and try reconnecting. If you are connected directly to the database, you may have to load a different database before the Connect to database command will work effectively on the original database.

I'm not sure it's applicable, but here's a thread where I resolved my own difficulties. There's a number of similar threads both here and the PVD forum.

Once you figure it out, we could probably use your advice on how to improve the instructions. ;)


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #64 on: February 20, 2010, 11:42:24 am »

Thanks rick. The "here's a thread" link you linked to had the answer for me, which was to enter the path in PVD under "File>Server" to my movies.pvd file as:


It felt odd typing it in, but "\\DESKTOP\C:\Users\[]\Appdata\etc\etc\MOVIES.PVD" worked a treat and I'm now off and trialling.
Thanks again to all involved for providing this option.


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #65 on: February 20, 2010, 03:49:45 pm »

It felt odd typing it in, but "\\DESKTOP\C:\Users\[]\Appdata\etc\etc\MOVIES.PVD" worked a treat and I'm now off and trialling.

Now I'm confused. Should it not be <computer name>:<local path> or <ip>:<local path> as stated in the wiki? In other words, if "DESKTOP" is your computer name: DESKTOP:C:\Users\...


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #66 on: February 20, 2010, 08:55:22 pm »

First, I tried, but got errors opening file, so, next up, I tried the \\name\path thing.
It worked straight off, even though the file I was pointing at via the server was the same file currently open by direct local path.
It just switched them and all was good.
I didn't read the wiki!!
My PVD config file looks like so:

Code: [Select]
FileName=\\DESKTOP\C:\Users\<snip>\AppData\Roaming\Personal Video Database\MOVIES.PVD

And that path is reflected in the title bar with "Network" appended to it.


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #67 on: February 20, 2010, 09:45:07 pm »

Thanks. This is the sort of thing I'm fishing for. It looks like it might be a network thing—which I can't see or test because I'm not on a network. So if you don't mind clarifying...

Might "\\<computer name>\" be the common way to reference the path to a computer in a network environment? I suppose it is, as I see it's used in the FAQ at the top of this thread—although in the context of movie pathnames.

Is this form of pathname what would result if you were able to select the path from a standard file selection dialog where "network" is selected as the root? I'm wondering if difficulties could be avoided by providing such a dialog in the Connect to server command.

What happens if you attempt to connect using <computer name>:<local path>. If this doesn't work in a network environment, we definitely need to revise the wiki entry. And in any case, it seems this should be explicitly addressed in the PvdImport documentation—probably right up front under "Installation" where it can't easily be missed.


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #68 on: February 21, 2010, 11:49:10 am »

perhaps someone else would be useful - subtitles

List separator: ;
McField: User list
Comment: Subtitles

Code: [Select]
WHERE    MOVIESUBS."mid"=@id

raldo, сan I set the login / password for the database through the configuration file?


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #69 on: February 21, 2010, 12:47:02 pm »

raldo, сan I set the login / password for the database through the configuration file?

You can't, but is there a reason why you'd want to?


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #70 on: February 21, 2010, 01:29:51 pm »

You're right raldo, no need. I thought I have a problem if I add additional users and accesses rights via PVD. But everything works, pvdimport login as SYSDBA.

I thought about the possibility of assignment of different users and access rights. PVD supports it, and I could use the same database as read-only on my htpc points (MC does not support links to persons, clickable www links and much more. For a detailed study of the film db is more convenient to work in PVD, and all at my house, except me, better do it in readonly ).


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #71 on: February 22, 2010, 05:00:22 am »

Hi Raldo,

I am noticing something strange with screen shots for series.  I have just run the automatic screen shot generator in PVD and MC/pvdimort automatically picks up that the file has changed.  The screenshot is updated in MC but many of the files are the same screenshot.  However, if I go to each file individually and "Send to PVDImport" it comes up with the correct image?

I am using the option where the image file is kept in same directory called folder.jpg, but I, as I guess most do, have many tv episodes in one directory and folder.jpg is simply the last imported.

Can you replicate and/or suggest a better way for me to be using?



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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #72 on: February 22, 2010, 08:24:46 am »

2 Craig probably for tv-show better apply the scheme of "InASpecifiedFolder", where covers will be stored as DVDVideo - name (usually unique). jpg in one folder.

I have a similar question to pvd importer users. Usually I use the scheme "InASpecifiedFolder", and it works fine, but fails when dealing with video_ts and m2ts files. These types of files typically have the same name field - VIDEO_TS or 000?? for m2ts files from the BD-remux. I don't change this in my db. As a result, the folder covers PVDimp repeatedly overwrite the same files - DVDVideo - video_ts.jpg and DVDVideo - 00000.jpg.

Now I use 2 scheme for auto import - [Media Type] = [Video] [File Type] = [ifo], [m2ts] + "InTheSameFolderAsTheFileAsFolderJpg"  and [Media Type] = [Video] - [File Type] = [ifo] , [m2ts] + InASpecifiedFolder.

As you're using this feature? Thank you.

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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #73 on: February 22, 2010, 02:46:09 pm »

It seems to me using the InTheSameFolderAsTheFile option should resolve both issues. Make sure the same choice is made in the MC options at File Location - Cover Art.

BTW, PvdImport will usually write the expected poster, but might use a non-visible (in PVD) one or a screen shot, if these exist. This problem can be avoided by explicitly setting the desired poster as the default (click the paper clip icon on the image in PVD).


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #74 on: February 24, 2010, 04:59:28 am »

Good advice rick.ra, thank you. Now I also use this scheme. In the MC main settings I left "in a specified folder"- to me it's more convenient scheme for audio, and that has not troubles with video.


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #75 on: February 27, 2010, 12:39:22 am »

Thanks. This is the sort of thing I'm fishing for. It looks like it might be a network thing—which I can't see or test because I'm not on a network. So if you don't mind clarifying...

Might "\\<computer name>\" be the common way to reference the path to a computer in a network environment? I suppose it is, as I see it's used in the FAQ at the top of this thread—although in the context of movie pathnames.

Is this form of pathname what would result if you were able to select the path from a standard file selection dialog where "network" is selected as the root? I'm wondering if difficulties could be avoided by providing such a dialog in the Connect to server command.

What happens if you attempt to connect using <computer name>:<local path>. If this doesn't work in a network environment, we definitely need to revise the wiki entry. And in any case, it seems this should be explicitly addressed in the PvdImport documentation—probably right up front under "Installation" where it can't easily be missed.

PvdImport cannot connect using this syntax.

More specifically: The connection string used in invoking the firebird client code inside the PvdImport code cannot be formulated with such a syntax. I then get "Host cannot be resolved" or something similar.


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #76 on: March 01, 2010, 02:09:10 am »

Before I do any more blind tinkering...

The "Year" info is not making the transition from PVD to MC.

If I make an expression column using [date,0] to show the raw data, I can see that the year info is being added to MC literally.

ie. the year shown in pvd is 2002.
after import, the date field in MC shows 24/06/1905 and the raw date data, [date,0], shows, 2002.
Any ideas what's up here?


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #77 on: March 01, 2010, 04:42:08 am »

It should be imported to Date (year).


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #78 on: March 01, 2010, 12:41:42 pm »

erm, ... ye-es... it was like that...

I'm guessing that as I hadn't hit the 'save' button, something caused the config file to be re-read, as I also lost some custom field changes too that had to be redone.
I was flipping to and fro between tabs, checking what was coming in against the pvdimport setup, and amending as I went...

config file saved now and all is good. I should say, all is really good. The downside of needing to install two external apps is out weighed by miles by the simplicity and efficiency.
This is one extremely clever plugin. Respect is due.


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #79 on: March 01, 2010, 01:15:00 pm »

I was flipping to and fro between tabs, checking what was coming in against the pvdimport setup, and amending as I went...

I find it convenient to put PvdImport in a split view, which I keep covered with my video view until needed.


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #80 on: March 09, 2010, 12:57:45 am »

Added numbering to the FAQ Q and A.

Added some text, Q11...


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #81 on: March 23, 2010, 06:54:09 pm »

How can PVDImport be installed in MC15?


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #82 on: March 24, 2010, 06:10:30 am »

As far as i understand, you should be able to use PvdImport with MC 15 as is (since all the registry settings are duplicated for mc 15)

Maybe you have to enable it in the plugin manager?


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #83 on: March 24, 2010, 07:30:32 am »

after install MC15 and restore settings from backup, I receive message from MC about incompatibility version of PvdImport plugin, but don't remember text message..


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #84 on: March 24, 2010, 02:26:17 pm »

As far as i understand, you should be able to use PvdImport with MC 15 as is (since all the registry settings are duplicated for mc 15)

Maybe you have to enable it in the plugin manager?

Unfortunately, it does NOT appears to be quite as straight forward as this.

After an upgrade to MC15, I backed up the Library in MC 14 (File --> Library --> Backup Library), then Restored the library in MC15 (File --> Library --> Restore Library) and included the restore setting option.

PVDImport doesn't appear in the "Services and Plugins", so had a look in the Plug-in manager, but nothing in there.

Tried to re-install PVDImport plugin MSI, but still nothing

Copied the PVDImport folder from the Plugin directory in MC14 to the same folder in MC15 - still nothing

Tried to add the plug in directly from Plug in manager, but all the DLLs I tried to add from the PDVImport folder in the Plugin folder, returned with the error message "Failed to install Plug-in"

Any other ideas?


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #85 on: March 25, 2010, 04:19:09 am »

Ok, I'll take a look sometime soon.

BTW: An MC15 request: Please fix the plugin interface on the MC side so that it is independent of MC version...


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #86 on: April 04, 2010, 03:57:53 pm »

Hey Raldo. Did anyone manage to solve the problem of getting PVD Import Plugin to work in MC15, especially as the MC15 licence has now separated from MC14.


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #87 on: April 05, 2010, 04:21:18 am »

Hey Raldo. Did anyone manage to solve the problem of getting PVD Import Plugin to work in MC15, especially as the MC15 licence has now separated from MC14.

Yes, this has been solved (today). I'm working on a new version as we speak. It's posted in the plugin development board and I expect to "release" it soon...

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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #88 on: July 18, 2010, 09:48:02 pm »

Yes, this has been solved (today). I'm working on a new version as we speak. It's posted in the plugin development board and I expect to "release" it soon...

This is obviously not happening "soon"—so what version should MC 15 users be installing? Is there some way to get this release version working, or is the as yet unfinished beta version the only option?


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #89 on: July 28, 2010, 09:45:08 am »

This is obviously not happening "soon"—so what version should MC 15 users be installing? Is there some way to get this release version working, or is the as yet unfinished beta version the only option?

Go for the beta version for now.

It's summertime now so I'm putting this on hold for a while.

I've asked JRiver in the forums before why they cannot make the plugin architecture JRiver release independent. But no answer which I find strange considering the value added (for some users) of PvdImport and other plugins.

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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #90 on: July 28, 2010, 01:30:51 pm »

Go for the beta version for now.

A note for others...

The auto import aspects don't work properly, but the beta is otherwise fine. The mass import is very fast, and the SendTo menu can be used to update new items.


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #91 on: July 28, 2010, 01:40:35 pm »

For clarification, do you  mean that the plug-in isn't working correctly?  Or that MC15 isn't?


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #92 on: July 29, 2010, 04:02:20 am »

For clarification, do you  mean that the plug-in isn't working correctly?  Or that MC15 isn't?

It's not that things aren't working correctly, it's more a minor design flaw in the way MC recognizes plugins, I'd say.

The problem is that each new version of MC requires plugin descriptions to reside in the new versions registry area, otherwise the plugin isn't found by the new version of MC.

This means that Plugins become "old" when new versions of MC are released, this is what is talking about in his previous posts. Either the developer must release a new plugin version for the new version of MC, or some clever user must derive a registry hack which fixes the issue.

I suggest that you guys create a new release independent section for plugins in the registry.

yozo trinity

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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #93 on: September 29, 2010, 07:29:10 am »

After reading all the posts regarding the problems that I can encounter after importing from DVP, I finally imported my video library.

I have all my movies on cds/dvds marked with a number and previously cataloged in Ant movie catalog.
What I did (please correct me if I did enything wrong...):

 - I imported everything in PVD from Ant movie catalog successfully

- I made ''fake'' avi movies on the hard disk and connected with movies in catalog

 - I managed to connect the database with Firebird

 - I got dvpimport dialog and able to import movies

 - I cannot (after lot of different combinations) get the data from PVD field ''Media index'' which is very important for me as it shows the exact number of the dvd/cd where the movie is...

Anyway what I did:
 - I created a custom field in MC named : .label and tried to make the import...

Q: Does anybody know the exact name of the field ''Media label'' in PVD?

Or alternatively how exactly the custom row in dvpimport should look like for this data?

Thanks for your answers...


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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #94 on: September 29, 2010, 02:23:44 pm »

Q: Does anybody know the exact name of the field ''Media label'' in PVD?

Since you refer to it as ''Media index'," I assume you mean the ID field. It's the one that's (optionally) automatically indexed, and appears to the left of the title in the default PVD skin. It's proper name is num. Use the query...

Code: [Select]
Select MOVIES."num"
Where MOVIES."mid"=@id

But if you do mean ''Media label'' (it appears in the video information section), it's proper name is medialabel. Use that, instead of num, in the above query.

yozo trinity

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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #95 on: September 29, 2010, 03:17:58 pm »

Thanks for the answer Rick.

But still not working...I get the message: ...error code -206 column unknown.

But in personal video database I have data inserted under ''media label:''

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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #96 on: September 29, 2010, 04:18:01 pm »

Sorry. It's referred to as medialabel in the skin, but it's a separate table in the database. So the query you need is...

Code: [Select]
Select LABELS."value"
From MOVIES inner join MOVIELABELS on MOVIES."mid" = MOVIELABELS."mid" inner join LABELS on LABELS."mlid" = MOVIELABELS."mlid"
Where MOVIES."mid"=@id

yozo trinity

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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #97 on: September 29, 2010, 04:22:19 pm »

Man, you are great...yuuupiii :), it works.





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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #98 on: November 10, 2010, 11:13:50 pm »

I downloaded PVD and Firebird, both of which work properly.  Well, I don't really know what it would look like it Firebird were or weren't working (I'm not super tech-savvy), but it's listed as running in the services tab of the task manager, so I guess that means it's good.  However, when I tried to install pvdimport, nothing happened.  I realized that it was creating a folder called Media Center 14 (I'm running 15), so I just moved the folder into the plugins folder of Media Center 15.  When I open the plugins section of MC15, pvdimport doesn't show up.  What exactly am I doing wrong?

I'm running Windows 7 x64.  Are there compatibility issues?  Am I supposed to be doing something more with Firebird?  Any help would be greatly appreciated, because I love what I'm seeing so far with both MC15 and PVD.



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Re: PvdImport - Import video metadata from Personal Video Database
« Reply #99 on: November 11, 2010, 12:16:48 am »

Uninstall that and install the beta version posted here. It has been updated to install properly to MC15, while this version apparently has not. Don't be concerned that it's a beta. It has more features, works better and seems more stable than this one.
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