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Author Topic: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?  (Read 10928 times)


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Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« on: January 06, 2010, 10:54:06 am »

I'd like to see a history option for the Base Path field in the Rename, Move and Copy Files tool. I have two locations I use very frequently, and it's a pain having to browse for them each time. It would be much easier if I could choose from a list of recent destinations, much like the other fields on the form.


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Re: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2010, 11:37:06 am »



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Re: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2010, 04:38:29 pm »

i would so much love this. even better would be if it was possible to add it to a çope,rename profile. when i move images around i copy them to some folder that is different from the the one i put my audio, but i also dont want them to have names like [artist] - album] - [track#] - [name].
but just a history of the base path would be a nice start.



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Re: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2010, 05:15:47 pm »

Yes, it would be a huge help for Rename - Move - Copy to have a custom config save/load capability. It's the single most-used tool in my library, but a huge pain to use for multiple configurations.
Managing my media with JRiver since Media Jukebox 8 (maybe earlier), currently use Media Center for Audio/Music and Photos/Videos.
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Re: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2010, 02:53:47 pm »

yes, the ability to create 'destination profiles' being combinations of base path, folder rules & file name rules would be excellent! I also use different such combinations for different types of media / data. //Olle


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Re: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2010, 05:28:34 am »

yes, I would like it too.


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Re: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2010, 12:23:14 pm »

This function is in need of an upgrade, and it has been requested several times before.

Also for it to remember last used function: Rename, move, or copy. So you don't have to choose every time!

Maybe MC15?


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Re: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2010, 09:58:33 pm »

On a related note, I've mentioned before that the "Remove, Move, Copy" window size and layout does not lend itself very well to the task.  We're dealing with file names and paths here, which can be quite long, yet we have a VERY narrow window for viewing the "before" and "after" columns.  They need to be expanded a LOT in order to see the pertinent info, and this takes a LONG time in the present form -- i.e. I have to pull the column separator, then move the slider, then pull the column separator some more, than move the slider again, etc, etc.  It's really rather clumsy, and takes a long time just to confirm the correct changes.

I think the layout needs to have MUCH easier access to the full name/path info.



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Re: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2010, 04:54:05 am »

On a related note, I've mentioned before that the "Remove, Move, Copy" window size and layout does not lend itself very well to the task.  We're dealing with file names and paths here, which can be quite long, yet we have a VERY narrow window for viewing the "before" and "after" columns.  They need to be expanded a LOT in order to see the pertinent info, and this takes a LONG time in the present form -- i.e. I have to pull the column separator, then move the slider, then pull the column separator some more, than move the slider again, etc, etc.  It's really rather clumsy, and takes a long time just to confirm the correct changes.

I think the layout needs to have MUCH easier access to the full name/path info.

you can make the form bigger by pulling the sides, and mc remembers the size, mine is nearly as big as my computer screen. the only thing it does not remember is the second collumn.



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Re: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2010, 07:06:37 am »

I appreciate that they're kind of polarising, but the base path will accept expressions.
It took a couple of years of campaigning, but it's in there now and it allows us to tackle the problem from a different angle while we wait to see if we may or may not get a history.

It is possible to write an expression that takes care of, for example, "if it's an audio file, use this base path, if it's an image file, use this base path, if it's a TV series, use this base path, and if it's a movie, then use this base path"

If you're curious, you can see three expressions I've used for a number of years now for "rename from properties" here.

Once I'm done tagging, I load the rename tool, it opens with these expressions already in place and all I need to do is hit the OK button.

I fully appreciate that expressions you either embrace or abhor, and if the latter is you, this will just annoy you.
I just thought it might be worth a mention for those that might not want to wait. The 'base path' expression should be the shortest, so theoretically the easiest, expression to form.
If anyone feels like giving it a try, the before/after paths are shown before you commit, which makes testing quite easy, and if you want any help / tips, best to start a new thread rather than ask here and so take the thread off topic.

you can make the form bigger by pulling the sides, and mc remembers the size, mine is nearly as big as my computer screen. the only thing it does not remember is the second collumn.

How irritating is that btw? Seriously bugs me to the point I don't drag it out every time, falling back on the tool tip instead, which leaves me wondering, why make it resizeable in the first place? seems a tad pointless when the columns won't go with the window ?


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Re: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2010, 09:11:26 am »

interesting post marco.. i like expressions. one small problem i have is that i also use the tool for copying. what makes it impossible to use an expression like that, since there is no history. but i did find something that seems to work for me.
since i nearly ever stay on the same disk i just putted [volume name] in the base path. easy to type in again when i use a different path.
now under the rule i putted
Fotoos\Oude Fotoos\[album]

How irritating is that btw? Seriously bugs me to the point I don't drag it out every time, falling back on the tool tip instead, which leaves me wondering, why make it resizeable in the first place? seems a tad pointless when the columns won't go with the window ?
i agree100% its one of the bugs that is bugging me, although there are some bugs that bug me more. 8)


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Re: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2010, 03:00:42 pm »

I appreciate that they're kind of polarising, but the base path will accept expressions.
It took a couple of years of campaigning, but it's in there now and it allows us to tackle the problem from a different angle while we wait to see if we may or may not get a history.

I'm working entirely with audio files; both copying and renaming files in multiple locations, so expressions wouldn't be very useful. Like others have posted,  Rename/Move/Copy is by far my most used tool in Media Center, and it seems like the history feature would benefit a large percentage of MC users. With the advent of netbooks and other 'portable but not attached' devices, copying files between different drives has to be on the upswing.


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Re: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2010, 10:28:44 pm »

As Marko says, expressions are useful, though if used as a workaround for "Rename, Move, Copy Files..." that's further evidence this important tool needs remodeling.

I use expressions both for naming patterns, and to steer different types of content into different paths. I have a couple of custom fields that let me precisely tag files (beyond MC's standard tags), then I use a these field values to control complex expressions.

To deal with the too-small dialog fields vs. very-long content, I build and revise my path and file expressions in a separate editor, then paste the result back into MC. This technique originally arose when I needed to use different expressions for different purposes, so I created a text file to hold my "Rename, Move, Copy Files..." variations. This gives me a library of expressions (plus my comments on purpose and design), and a much nicer environment to to edit them externally, especially when they are long and crazy. To make this step convenient, my Windows has a QuickLaunch link to Notepad (or equivalent).

But, this is just a workaround. It would be a huge improvement to have an integrated way to do this in MC.
Managing my media with JRiver since Media Jukebox 8 (maybe earlier), currently use Media Center for Audio/Music and Photos/Videos.
My career in media spans Radio, TV, Print, Photography, Music, Film, Online, Live, Advertising, as producer, director, writer, performer, editor, engineer, executive, owner. An exhausting but amazing ride.


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Re: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2010, 04:54:47 am »

Actually, though I use it less these days because my library has become so well organized, this tool was one of the main selling points of Media Center for me. Anything that can be done to make it even better gets my vote.


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Re: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2010, 06:28:07 am »

yes, the ability to create 'destination profiles' being combinations of base path, folder rules & file name rules would be excellent!


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Re: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2010, 05:14:24 pm »

one thing about those 'destination profiles' is that is should include what it does. copy, or rename etc. at this moment the form always is set back to rename. when using it to copy a load of files from different places to, lets say a memorie stick, its easy to forget to reset the rename to copy. i lost enough files that way in the past, yesterday the same happened again.



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Re: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2010, 06:20:08 pm »

yes, the ability to create 'destination profiles' being combinations of base path, folder rules & file name rules would be excellent!

This would be superb and I would use it every day.


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Re: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2010, 01:53:57 am »

+nth'd. :)


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Re: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2010, 08:43:11 am »

Yes, please don't forget about this tool.


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Re: Add a history for Base Path in Rename,Move, and Copy Files?
« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2011, 07:54:57 pm »

Did anything ever happen with this?
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