I appreciate that they're kind of polarising, but the base path will accept expressions.
It took a couple of years of campaigning, but it's in there now and it allows us to tackle the problem from a different angle while we wait to see if we may or may not get a history.
It is possible to write an expression that takes care of, for example, "if it's an audio file, use this base path, if it's an image file, use this base path, if it's a TV series, use this base path, and if it's a movie, then use this base path"
If you're curious, you can see three expressions I've used for a number of years now for "rename from properties"
Once I'm done tagging, I load the rename tool, it opens with these expressions already in place and all I need to do is hit the OK button.
I fully appreciate that expressions you either embrace or abhor, and if the latter is you, this will just annoy you.
I just thought it might be worth a mention for those that might not want to wait. The 'base path' expression should be the shortest, so theoretically the easiest, expression to form.
If anyone feels like giving it a try, the before/after paths are shown before you commit, which makes testing quite easy, and if you want any help / tips, best to start a new thread rather than ask here and so take the thread off topic.
you can make the form bigger by pulling the sides, and mc remembers the size, mine is nearly as big as my computer screen. the only thing it does not remember is the second collumn.

How irritating is that btw? Seriously bugs me to the point I don't drag it out every time, falling back on the tool tip instead, which leaves me wondering, why make it resizeable in the first place? seems a tad pointless when the columns won't go with the window ?