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Author Topic: Stability problems  (Read 10529 times)


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Stability problems
« on: April 14, 2010, 01:52:42 pm »


Twice now I have created this issue.  I am listening to music and I get a phone call.  I grab my remote and press pause.  The music pauses.  The phone call may last 15 - 20 minutes.  When I press the pause button again nothing happens.  I can see the hard drive light come flicker at a period of around every 3 - 5 seconds.  Its like its doing something.  The first time this happened I assumed it was locked and just pressed the power button until the computer shut down (the system is in HTPC mode with out mouse or keyboard).

Today it happened again... same circumstances.  This time I just kept waiting and finally the system reacted to my remote and began to work normally.

This same hardware was used for several months on MC14 and I never had this issue.

It has only started happening with MC15 (15.0.23).   Could MC15 be busy in the background doing something while its on pause ?

Oh, I am in theater mode by the way and playing FLAC when this occurs.  I also have the option to download photos during playback turned off (the background stuff)

No other applications are running on the machine which is a Zotac Atom 230 (single core) 1.6ghz with 1GB RAM and 250GB HD.  I am running Windows 7 Ultimate on this one.  I have Windows Security essentials also installed.  In fact other than vanilla windows, MC15 and Security essentials there is nothing else installed.

I am not using the computer's built in audio and drivers.  Instead I am using the Musiland Monitor 02 US and the same driver I had been using with MC14 which is Musiland ASIO.

Can someone give me any insight on this phenomenon ?  Do you need more details ?  

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2010, 02:09:16 pm »

I don't know if it's the cause of your problem, but there's an outstanding issue with something playing in Theatre View being paused after Windows power saving kicks in. It happens to me when I pause a movie I've been watching long enough for that to happen. The computer goes to sleep and no longer responds to the remote. The workaround is to stop instead of pausing. It seems the stop is recognized as an event by Windows, resetting the power saving timer. Thanks to automatic bookmarking, the movie resumes where it was stopped—so the effect is not much different than a pause. I do wish, however, the issue would be addressed.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2010, 02:40:58 pm »

In my power management I have everything set to "not sleep" so to speak except the screen.  AFter 20 minutes I have my "screen" which is a plasma display power down.  All other power down features are disabled in my power management profile.

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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2010, 03:51:48 pm »

It's the screen setting that causes my issue, so I don't think the other settings matter. To be clear, it doesn't happen while something is playing—but when the time (e.g., your 20 minutes) has elapsed (probably with no input) and then it's paused. Will your remote power-up the display when it's off? If not, I suspect we have the same issue.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2010, 03:56:46 pm »

When its paused and the screen has powered down, I press any button on my remote and the screen powers back up but I have no control.... At leat for along while... today when it happened, MC15 finally started responding to my remote button clicks but not after a long several minute pause.

During this pause the hard drive light rythmically flickers every 5 seconds during this period.

Does an application get a notification in windows if the screen powers down ?  Is there any event code tied to the application in theater mode when this happens ?


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2010, 06:54:12 pm »

I have a similar problem when I stop a movie at the end of play. everything goes black and nothing works for around a minute then it comes back to display the movies.
Intel Core i5-4590 CPU,  Haswell Gen2,  LGA1150, 3.3GHz 6 DDR3/ 2x PCIE3.0 x16 16gb Ram Windows 10 64 bit Asus Z97-DELUXE ATX Motherboard Nvidia GForce gtx1080 Receiver Onkyo TX-NR925 TV LG LF6300 55" smart TV


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2010, 07:19:48 pm »

Well, I have tried all evening to reproduce the problem now and can not.  there must be another compnent that I haven ot figured out yet.  I will keep trying to understand this issue.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2010, 01:00:50 pm »

Today I was able to recreate this issue again.  there is definitely a problem here.  I paused a song.  After 20 minutes, windows powered down my screen.  I then ate my lunch and did some other things for another 20 minutes or so.

When I presses a button on the remote, windows woke the screen up but MC15 will no longer respond to the remote.  It appears locked up.

I then launched UltraVNC from my main computer and it connected but the screen is a solid black.  The MC15 is in theater mode and I saw some album art on the TV screen but this is not painting on VNC.  No amount of clicking or keystrokes will get anything to draw...

I then plugged a USB Mouse (that I have used before) into the HTPC running MC15 and it would not respond, no mouse cursor.  THe computer was completely locked up.  I had to hold in the power button for 8 seconds to power it off (like I have done several other times for this issue)

MC15 must be locked up.  I have never had this happen in MC14.  I do believe this will definitely be a problem as I do not want burn in on my Flat Panel TV.

Is it reccomended not to allow power down on the monitor and turn on a screen saver in windows ?  wont this compete with MC ?

Keep in mind this computer has ran MC14 for 4+ months without any issue and Windows config has not changed.  The only thing that is different is that I am using MC15 now (15.0.23).

I hope the developers are looking at this thread....



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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2010, 03:24:16 pm »

Just to be scientific, I am now performing a parallel test using MC14 on the same machine to make sure this does not happen under 14.  I will report tonight when I get home.  I have mc14 in theater mode, music playing, then paused.  It has been paused for 4 hours so far and no one has touched it.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2010, 04:49:02 pm »

Final Report:

Using MC14 (on the same machine without any other changes), placing a FLAC on pause in Theater Mode for 5 hours, windows has powered down the monitor, upon return I press the pause button and music plays just fine, system responds perfectly.  The issue will actually occur within 30 minutes but I was at work.

This is definitely a problem with MC15.  I can reproduce it by waiting long enough which is a normal operation during normal use.

Will this thread serve as a bug report or do I yet need to post something somewhere else ?


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2010, 06:39:06 pm »

I have had this same problem after a pause or stop, without the computer going to sleep. Some time elapses and the remote control is locked up, sometimes I have to restart the computer. I have no other software running.

MC15 ALWAYS locks up after the computer sleeps and I would really appreciate having this looked into.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2010, 06:40:39 pm »

I'm sorry, but I don't think this is an MC problem.  I think it's going to turn out to be something OS related.  This thread is worth a look:


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2010, 06:43:46 pm »

So what you are saying is that mc15 reacts differently to the OS than mc14 then ? but we will blame it on Win 7 ?

I just loaded MC14, started a FLAC playing, then launched task mgr. and the process "MsMpEng.exe" was using 0%.

I then did the same thing with MC15, and the same result.  I also tested each while pressing pause and the "MsMpEng.exe" process remained at 0%.

MC14 works perfectly while mc15 will lock up... I  find it hard to blame it on Windows...

You can choose this route if you want but I would not over look my testing... I will continue hepling you test if you will give logical paths and suggestions for me to try, otherwise I expect more will have this issue and will cause some dissastisfaction.

I had planned on OEMing HTPCs with MC1x preinstalled and selling these to high end audio customers in my area but now I am worried about this instability.

I can use mc15 and create the problem, while with mc14 I can not... that should indicate something to you... maybe there is a setting you can reccomend in mc15 to help and not just blame it on MS Security Essentials...

to test your theory however, I will uninstall Security Essentials and redo the tests.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2010, 07:46:48 pm »

Ok... I have more results to pass on with this issue:

I uninstalled MS SEcurity essentials. Rebooted.  Launched MC15 in theater mode.  Started a flac playing.  Pressed pause, waited 45 minutes.  Cam back grabbed the remote and pressed the pause button the song played for 3 seconds then stopped.  The computer is locked tight.  It wont respond to the remote.

I plugged in a USB mouse to the system and it will not respond.  MC15 locks up your system after the screen powers down.  It is highly reproducable in MC15 and not in MC14 on the same machine.

Now guess what I have to do?  I have to crash the machine by holding in the power button.  MC15 is not stable and ready for prime time.  I would appreciate a developer looking into this issue and testing it in house.

Here is what I have installed on this machine:



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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2010, 07:56:57 pm »

In my power management I have everything set to "not sleep" so to speak except the screen.  AFter 20 minutes I have my "screen" which is a plasma display power down.  All other power down features are disabled in my power management profile.

HDMI to your screen? With some PCs using HDMI, when they loose their sync to a display, all bets are off.

Try disabling ALL power management including powering down your screen, do the 45 minute timeout thing and report back..

[EDIT] For this reason, I avoid all power management options.
RKM Smart Home -
Z-Wave Home Automation


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2010, 08:08:46 pm »

Here are my processes in case this helps:

I rebooted, launched MC15, and I am connected via UltraVNC.



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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2010, 08:11:22 pm »

HDMI to your screen? With some PCs using HDMI, when they loose their sync to a display, all bets are off.

Try disabling ALL power management including powering down your screen, do the 45 minute timeout thing and report back..

[EDIT] For this reason, I avoid all power management options.

don't forget..... The problem does NOT happen with MC14 !!!! I think you are barking up the wrong tree.  Additionally I am using the DVI monitor port, not the HDMI.

The problem only occurs with MC15..... !!!!!!

Plus... why would I run a system on an expensive TV without monitor power down or screen saver??? I definitely do not want burn in, would you ?  Is it reasonable to accept that you can not run with power management?  Is this really an option ? Come on..... ?

and don't forget... there is NO ISSUE with MC14....  ;D

However, I will turn off power down for the monitor which is the ONLY power option currently on (I just reverified this morning) and try again.  whether it locks or not really makes no difference other than to prove that it locks when using MC15 and not MC14.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2010, 08:22:54 pm »

If the power down of the screen and MC15 are incompatable, either you could fix the incompatability (as it works ok with MC14), or you could add a simulated screen saver or screen to black feature (if you dont already have it).

I am already testing the pause thing with all power mgmt disabled right now.  I am using MC15 for this test.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2010, 08:28:36 pm »

I think you are barking up the wrong tree.

Ok, ok... just trying to help, man. I'm trying to determine if it is actually a power management problem. Then we can take it from there....

For the record, I set a screensaver to prevent burn-in on some of my systems. I don't have any issues with this and MC15.
RKM Smart Home -
Z-Wave Home Automation


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2010, 08:50:43 pm »

Can I use a screen saver while in theater mode ?


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2010, 11:55:26 pm »

Can I use a screen saver while in theater mode ?

RKM Smart Home -
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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #21 on: April 16, 2010, 06:30:15 am »

Ok, here are the results of my testing without power management.  I left MC15 on pause all night long.  This morning it still responded normally, so as expected the issue in MC15 relates to the monitor powering down.  MC14 does not have the issue so I would think it is fixable.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2010, 12:07:58 am »

As I stated, I have this same problem and I do not have a TV or anything hooked up but usb out to a DAC.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #23 on: April 17, 2010, 08:15:09 am »

As I stated, I have this same problem and I do not have a TV or anything hooked up but usb out to a DAC.
Which DAC?  Did you try this page?


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #24 on: April 17, 2010, 03:51:08 pm »

I just read your link and changed my settings from ASIO to WASAPI and checked the boxes reccomended on that wiki page for the high end DACs and it still sounds great, low cpu usage... I dont think I can tell the difference but I have to say that the Musiland Monitor 02 US really sounds good.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #25 on: April 17, 2010, 05:01:02 pm »

Well, I always stop play before I leave so I don't know why this has to do with the DAC, I have an EMU 0404 and am running its ASIO driver with appropriate settings.

The system locks up after about an hour. It is still running but will not respond to the remote commands. The disc is accessing and over a period of about 10 minutes, it will start to process the commands that have been input and eventually come back to the program. Usually there is a 3d video  error as well. I have it set to never power down. I am checking the settings for any other programs that run automatically but do not have scanning running.



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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #26 on: April 17, 2010, 05:38:49 pm »

The only way around this problem with MC15 is to disable all power management and use a screen saver in windows.  Its not what I would prefer.  I prefer the power management and the way it works correctly in mc14.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #27 on: April 17, 2010, 06:08:21 pm »

Did you try reading the log file?  It's under MC Help.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #28 on: April 17, 2010, 06:17:10 pm »



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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #29 on: April 17, 2010, 07:44:10 pm »

I need help with what to do next.

I deactivated the screen saver, and turned on power down on the screen.

Logging was not turned on.  So, I turned on logging.  Activated theater mode.  Started a FLAC playing, then pressed pause.  Waited 45 minutes or so.

Cam back and monitor was powered down.  I pressed the pause button and heard 3 seconds of music then nothing.  remote wont work but screen does wake up.  computer does not respond - locked up tight.  I held in the power button and then turned it back on.

Now, under help, I have pulled the previous log.

Should I email the log to someone for analysis ?

Here is the tail end where it shows that 43 minutes has elapsed, then I press pause and then thats about it...

Code: [Select]
171293528: 452: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Start
171293528: 452: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Processing completed work threads
171293528: 452: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Purging files
171293528: 452: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Scheduling downloads
171293528: 452: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::ScheduleDownload: Start
171293544: 452: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::ScheduleDownload: No work found
171293544: 452: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::ScheduleDownload: Finish (16 ms)
171293544: 452: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Finish (16 ms)
171353667: 452: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Start
171353667: 452: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Processing completed work threads
171353667: 452: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Purging files
171353667: 452: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Scheduling downloads
171353667: 452: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::ScheduleDownload: Start
171353667: 452: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::ScheduleDownload: No work found
171353667: 452: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::ScheduleDownload: Finish (0 ms)
171353667: 452: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Finish (0 ms)
171378284: 452: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Start
171378284: 452: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Hot key type: Application command; Command: 10000, 0
171378284: 452: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Elapsed time since last hot key: 2596138 ms
171378284: 452: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Sending MCC (10000, 0)
171378299: 452: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::ShowOSD: Start
171378299: 452: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Start
171378299: 452: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Play, 2500, 0
171378299: 452: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Creating OSD window
171378299: 452: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Start
171378299: 452: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Finish (0 ms)
171378299: 452: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Finish (0 ms)
171378299: 452: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::ShowOSD: Finish (0 ms)
171378315: 452: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Finish (31 ms)
171378596: 452: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Start
171378596: 452: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Finish (0 ms)
171378830: 452: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Start
171378830: 452: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Finish (0 ms)
171382293: 452: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Start
171382293: 452: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Hot key type: Application command; Command: 10000, 0
171382293: 452: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Elapsed time since last hot key: 3978 ms
171382293: 452: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Sending MCC (10000, 0)
171382293: 452: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::ShowOSD: Start
171382293: 452: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Start
171382293: 452: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Pause (0:20 / 2:20), 10000, 0
171382293: 452: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Start
171382293: 452: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Finish (0 ms)
171382293: 452: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Finish (0 ms)
171382293: 452: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::ShowOSD: Finish (0 ms)
171382293: 452: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Finish (0 ms)
171382293: 452: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Start
171382308: 452: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Hot key type: Application command; Command: 10000, 0
171382308: 452: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Elapsed time since last hot key: 15 ms
171382308: 452: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Ignoring because anti-repeat time has not elapsed
171382308: 452: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Finish (15 ms)

I am repeating this test in standard view (not theater mode).  Who knows it may work ok in standard mode. Unfortunately thats not the way I run MC.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #30 on: April 18, 2010, 07:35:41 am »

Results this morning after leaving machine in standard mode with power management on the monitor turned on and a song on pause all night long:

The machine did not lock up.  The problem is related to Theater mode only.

What should I do next ?


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #31 on: April 18, 2010, 04:42:04 pm »

Is anyone interested in the full logs or helping me further with this issue ?


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #32 on: April 18, 2010, 06:16:35 pm »

Results this morning after leaving machine in standard mode with power management on the monitor turned on and a song on pause all night long:

The machine did not lock up.  The problem is related to Theater mode only.
That suggests something like a video driver problem.  Theater View uses 3D and some video cards have trouble with it.

There is an option coming in a build next week that might affect this.  I'm guessing that you may hit pause in Theater View and leave the mouse on the menu bar at the top.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #33 on: April 18, 2010, 06:19:39 pm »

Hmmm but I have not changed my video driver or settings since using MC14 that did not have the issue.

There is no mouse connected, only the IR remote recvr and the TV on DVI ouput.  I power the system on and it starts in Theater mode automatically.  I dont know if there is a mouse cursor or not really... is there ?

The motherboard is the Zotac IonITX with NVidia.  I downloaded the latest drivers from Zotac site for Win 7 32bit originally.



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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #34 on: April 18, 2010, 06:25:53 pm »

Hmmm but I have not changed my video driver or settings since using MC14 that did not have the issue.
Yes, but MC15 added a few things.  Transparency was one.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #35 on: April 20, 2010, 08:38:57 pm »

Will you post on this thread when you think this issue may be resolved ?


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #36 on: April 21, 2010, 08:39:15 am »

I don't think it's an MC problem.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #37 on: April 21, 2010, 08:46:36 am »

I see then I am stuck using a screen saver then.... Oh well.  I dont think I am the only person with this issue.  You just never explained very well why it only happens in MC15 and not MC14. Apparently no one really knows why I suppose.

Look I am not fighting you guys.  I am trying to help you make the software better.  Several including me have this issue as documented on this thread.

The point is regardless of "whos" problem it is, if it happens when running your software it becomes your problem.  Finger pointing does not help end users.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #38 on: April 25, 2010, 07:39:33 pm »

All Power management is disabled.  This is the same set up that works perfectly with MC14.  I want to make this clear.  After the system started hanging on monitor power down, I had to disable all power management.  I now have a screen saver instead.

Win 7 Ultimate.  Vanilla install + MC15 and sound drivers.  thats it since MC15 is beta I don't want to be accused of doing something to "interfere".

I was running in theater mode at the time it crashed and it was just in the middle of a song with out the screen saver up.

What else can I give to help with any diagnostics.  I must say on this same system I have zero trouble with MC14 but quite a bit with mc15 which is that I installed a couple of weeks ago (and licensed).

Below is the crash message:

Scroll to the bottom to see it log the crash... I dont know how much of this log you need so I just copied a few lines off the bottom to paste here:

Code: [Select]
2306147: 2012: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::ShowOSD: Start
2306163: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Start
2306163: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Volume: 46%, -1, 0
2306163: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Start
2306163: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Finish (0 ms)
2306163: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Finish (0 ms)
2306163: 2012: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::ShowOSD: Finish (16 ms)
2306163: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Start
2306163: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Hot key type: Application command; Command: 10019, 1
2306178: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Elapsed time since last hot key: 46 ms
2306178: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Sending MCC (10019, 1)
2306178: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Finish (15 ms)
2306178: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Start
2306178: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Hot key type: Application command; Command: 10019, 1
2306178: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Elapsed time since last hot key: 0 ms
2306178: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Sending MCC (10019, 1)
2306194: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Finish (16 ms)
2306194: 2012: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::ShowOSD: Start
2306194: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Start
2306194: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Volume: 44%, -1, 0
2306194: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Start
2306194: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Finish (0 ms)
2306194: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Finish (0 ms)
2306194: 2012: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::ShowOSD: Finish (0 ms)
2306210: 2012: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::ShowOSD: Start
2306210: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Start
2306210: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Volume: 44%, -1, 0
2306210: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Start
2306210: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Finish (0 ms)
2306210: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Finish (0 ms)
2306210: 2012: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::ShowOSD: Finish (0 ms)
2306210: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Start
2306210: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Hot key type: Application command; Command: 10019, 1
2306210: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Elapsed time since last hot key: 16 ms
2306210: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Sending MCC (10019, 1)
2306225: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Finish (15 ms)
2306241: 2012: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::ShowOSD: Start
2306241: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Start
2306241: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Volume: 43%, -1, 0
2306241: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Start
2306241: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Finish (0 ms)
2306241: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Finish (0 ms)
2306241: 2012: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::ShowOSD: Finish (0 ms)
2306256: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Start
2306256: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Hot key type: Application command; Command: 10019, 1
2306256: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Elapsed time since last hot key: 31 ms
2306256: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Sending MCC (10019, 1)
2306256: 2012: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Finish (0 ms)
2306272: 2012: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::ShowOSD: Start
2306272: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Start
2306272: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Volume: 42%, -1, 0
2306272: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Start
2306272: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::UpdatePosition: Finish (0 ms)
2306272: 2012: Playback: COSDWindow::Show: Finish (0 ms)
2306272: 2012: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::ShowOSD: Finish (0 ms)
2306303: 2012: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Unhandled exception -- program crashing
2306319: 2012: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Message: 275, wParam: 1, lParam: 0, Window class: JRiver Player Zone Class


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #39 on: April 25, 2010, 07:49:31 pm »

Please try simplifying the install, swapping hardware, and running some system tests.  You have had more than your share of problems, and it may turn out to be an unstable PC, even if it works with other software.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #40 on: April 25, 2010, 07:52:49 pm »

See if Theater View is where the problem occurs.

That it doesn't happen in MC14 doesn't mean much.  Theater View is different in MC15.  Transparency, for example.  Take a look at the option for "Popup Transparency Mode".  Options has a search window in the upper right corner.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #41 on: April 26, 2010, 11:59:32 am »

Well, I have searched and searched for some reason I can not locate the popup transparency mode option, even using the search feature.  I know this sounds stupid but is it possible I dont have it in my build ?

Maybe you can help by indicating the tree that this option lies under ?

By the way, did you look in the code and determine where the access violation was at and what object was referenced at that memory location ?  (in other words am I wasting my time publishing this stuff?)


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #42 on: April 26, 2010, 12:21:31 pm »

Please get the latest build from the top of the MC15 board.  This should always be done if you have a problem.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #43 on: April 26, 2010, 01:39:12 pm »

Thanks.  At the time of my "first" issue (top of this thread) I was on the latest and greatest which was .23.  I just downloaded and installed .31.  I am repeating all my testing starting with the top of this thread before testing any new features.  First of all I need to see if any issue I have had is still there.  Once I determine if the problem is still there, I will begin to test the transparency feature you described and will only change one thing at a time.  I believe this is the best approach.

I just did not realize that new builds of 15 require a manual download/install.  I assumed it would be like 14 and tell me when an update was available.  Is there a reason why 15 does not have automatic updates ? (I assume it will at some point)


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #44 on: April 27, 2010, 06:36:00 am »

Results from last nights testing:

I loaded build .31.  I turned off the screen saver and reenabled power management on the monitor.  I started the unit playing and left it playing for hours.  Upon my return it was still playing, I pressed pause and it paused, I pressed pause again and it played.  I navigated and it all worked just fine.

Next I placed it on pause for an hour and the system had locked up on return.  I powered down the computer and back up again.  

I then disabled popup transparency mode and started the tests all over.

I placed it on pause and left it over night.  When I pressed pause this morning, the computer had locked up tight.

So, popup transparency mode has nothing to do with this issue, also power down of the monitor seems to have nothing to do with it unless you are on "pause".

What was changed with respect to pause in this version ? and what should I test next ?


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #45 on: April 27, 2010, 06:41:29 am »

When you say "locked up", have you tried leaving it for fifteen minutes?  Just to test. 


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #46 on: April 27, 2010, 06:51:09 am »

Yes, I after pressing pause and it appeared to be locked up, I leftoit for 30 minutes to see if maybe it was just really busy.  It would not respond.  I have the power button in windows configured to shutdown.  when I pressed it the system would not shutdown so I had to hold it in until it did.


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #47 on: April 27, 2010, 09:18:50 am »



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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #48 on: April 27, 2010, 09:26:17 am »

If the entire machine is frozen (nothing else works), this is a hardware or driver problem.

Is that the case?


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Re: Stability problems
« Reply #49 on: April 27, 2010, 10:13:35 am »

Yes (as far as I can tell), but which driver ?  It does not happen when I do not use power management on the monitor or MC14 or do not press pause and leave it for 45 minutes... hehehe.  Very strange driver issue there I must say.

Once, when it was "locked" I pressed the power button and the system did shut down but other times it would not shutdown.  So if the computer shutdown then windows was still there somewhere even though I could not get to a desktop and ctrl-alt-del did not do anything nor did ctrl-esc.  The screen will always look like the "now playing" and the remote does not work.

the problem is with MC15 and coming back off pause while the monitor is powered down.  I think this is very clear.  The system never freezes while playing music.  In fact if you read above I left it playing for hours and the monitor had powered down and the system responded normally to the remote.  You have to pause MC15 in order to create this issue.  what would that have to do with a driver ?  Is it that when you unpause it starts to send data to the audio device and locks up ?  If that was the case why does indefinite pause work just fine with out power management on the monitor (and nothing else) ?

The other time I got errors (you merged them all into this thread) while playing I found that I had switched to WASAPI and that when switching back to ASIO the play back issues went away.  I dont want to confuse these issue into a single one.  the recent testing (above) was while using ASIO which is my "stable" configuration.

It sounds like you are just going to claim this is a hardware or driver issue and hope that it goes away.  I am dissapointed.  I have purchased two licenses so far and an upgrade to MC15.  I am not trying to get something for nothing but I am trying my best to help you fix this issue and I am not the only one who has it.

How about putting some debug code into the code area that would be execute when I unpause the system and I will download and install it and test it for you ??  I do this type of thing with my customers all the time (I own a software company and I am a developer).
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