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Author Topic: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here  (Read 6282 times)


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Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« on: April 23, 2010, 09:47:48 am »

This is a beta version of MC 15.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved. (requires an MC15 license)

15.0.31 (04/22/2010)

1. Fixed: Playing a video from Theater View could cause a crash (only applies to build 30).
2. Fixed: When using Kernel Streaming, pausing a track then manually starting a different track could result in a fraction of a second of the previous track being heard.
3. Optimized: Improved performance of WebRemote server engine.
4. NEW: Added a new server 'WebPlay' for playback of a home library on an iPhone and other devices, as its own feature. (no longer part of WebRemote like in build 30)
5. Fixed: WebPlay feature for single file playback works on an Android (playlist playback requires QuickTime).
6. NEW: Added an 'M3U' option to WebPlay for devices that support M3U playlists (may require an external application with Android).
7. Changed: Installation no longer installs Windows XP hot-fix KB902344. (previously could be installed on older XP systems)

15.0.30 (04/21/2010)

1. NEW: Added ability to play your home library on an iPhone, iPad, etc. from anywhere using WebRemote. (pick 'iPhone' link when browsing the library with WebRemote)
2. Fixed: A number of audio or video codecs were reported as "unknown codec" when imported/updated.
3. Fixed: The Compression field for some Windows Media videos was filled with audio codec info only.
4. Changed: The Compression field for Windows Media audio or video is filled in the same way as that of other file types.
5. Changed: Each type of locate (artist, album, etc.) will be a discrete entry in the most recently used (MRU) list.
6. Changed: When searching in Options, all tree nodes with matches are expanded instead of keeping advanced nodes collapsed like when there's no search.
7. NEW: Added File > Export to iTunes & iPhone to allow exporting a list of files to iTunes or an attached iTunes device.
8. Fixed: When using ASIO on certain hardware, pausing a track then manually starting a different track could result in a fraction of a second of the previous track being heard.
9. Fixed: Some DVD's would fail to play to dlna devices (or the wrong dvd would play).
10. Fixed: JRWorker failed to create thumbnails using Enhanced Video Renderer.
11. Optimized: JRWorker is a little more efficient generating thumbnails.
12. Changed: Updated Korean language file (thanks to Junghwnan).
13. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks to Bytestar).
14. Changed: Updated Dutch language file (thanks to Vincent Kars).
15. Changed: Updated all language files to have the latest strings from the source code, and to remove any orphans.
16. Changed: Added #jrmediacenter to Twitter status updates to allow realtime views of anybody using the feature.
17. NEW: Added Output Format subwoofer crossover option 'None (allows all frequencies)'.
18. Fixed: Stock smartlists could get created with incorrect names. (only applies to build 29)
19. Fixed: Customizing view header links to contain international characters could cause issues.
20. Fixed: Playing in Theater View could switch to Playing Now with no actions available in the second roller.
21. Fixed: When switching to Display View, the borders could appear until the mouse was moved if the mouse was in the border region. (which causes troubles with remote controls)

15.0.29 (04/19/2010)

1. Changed: System playlists like 'Top Hits', 'Recently Imported', etc. are translated at display time so changing languages updates the language on the fly. (as a result, names are no longer user editable)
2. Fixed: Loading a large library from Library Server could fail if the server took longer than ten seconds to package up the library.
3. Changed: A user can cancel when downloading a library from Library Server.
4. Fixed: The 'Connect to Library' dialog didn't work with library URLs that didn't start with m01p://. (protocol headers like m01p:// are not required)
5. Changed: When locking both split views in a two split view configuration, the other view is automatically unlocked.
6. Fixed: DSP Studio Filter could not be inserted into graph when playing an analog cable television channel for certain analog television devices.
7. Changed: mimetype for DLNAExtra video and other video mimetype tweaking.

15.0.28 (04/16/2010)

1. NEW: Added "Tweet 'Listening To'" to the Playing Now right-click and view header menus.
2. Changed: When explicitly trying to play a file that can't be found, the player won't silently advance to the next track. (but still will in the middle of a playlist)
3. Changed: The view header menu appears on the right-most breadcrumb, and the left-most breadcrumb is a link to the home of the view.
4. Changed: Library Server 'Port' option renamed to 'TCP Port' to be more precise.
5. Changed: Added some example URLs to the 'Connect to Library' dialog.
6. NEW: Added Options > General > Advanced > Popup transparency mode. (useful on netbooks or other lower powered graphics hardware where showing the player or on screen display causes stutters)
7. Fixed: The new television subscription option to not record programs that have already been recorded wasn't working properly in certain cases.
8. Changed: Enlarged the import wizard because the folder list could get cutoff when using large fonts.
9. Changed: Reworked 'Move / Copy Fields' dialog and added support for field name translation.
10. Changed: In Options > Network, the server options are disabled until the main checkbox for that server is checked.

15.0.27 (04/15/2010)

1. Fixed: The 'List Style' view customization menu didn't always contain the new mode 'Tiles'.
2. Fixed: Using WebRemote, adding a single track to the current playlist would not work.
3. Changed: Added a maximum width to the default WebRemote appearance so it looks better with a desktop browser.
4. Fixed: Setting sorting in the Customize View dialog using 'Set rules for file display...' would not work properly.
5. Changed: A list, tree, or options control more visibly represents when it is disabled.
6. Changed: Skins can specify a list DisabledTextColor and DisabledBackColor.
7. Fixed: Audio problem when playing a television channel using JRiver audio renderer.

15.0.26 (04/14/2010)

1. Fixed: Locking all views in a split view configuration would cause problems.
2. NEW: The video thumbnail capture position is now configurable.
3. NEW: Added television subscription option 'Do not record programs that have been recorded in the past'. (doesn't know about programs from before this change that have been recorded and deleted)
4. Fixed: Multi disc burning was broken - it would not continue to the next disc in the burn process.
5. NEW: Added support for CUE files that point to multiple files.
7. Changed: Numerous refinements to how views are customized.
8. NEW: Every level of a categories view can be independently configured (thumbnail size, text, sorting, etc.)
9. Changed: Switching the sorting for a category list using the view header menu changes the same thing as picking the category in Customize View and changing the sorting.
10. Changed: "Video Audio Renderer" feature becomes permanently enabled and removed from the Features list.  Its selection is moved to Video > Audio for Video, DVD, & Television > Playback Device.

15.0.25 (04/13/2010)

1. Fixed: Tiles list style was not honoring skin text coloring.
2. Changed: WebRemote is available using http://host:port/WebRemote/ or http://host:port/WebRemote.
3. Changed: SDK requests for artist, album, and name for the file playing in the active zone will return the playback-time-only values like web radio song titles, etc. (useful for NetRemote)
4. Changed: Improved how library server access keys are displayed and managed.
5. NEW: Added the ability to view, reset, test, etc. a library server access key.
6. NEW: Added locked views to allow locking any view in a split view to avoid unintentional view changes. (view changes will simply occur in an unlocked split view)
7. NEW: Added the ability to maximize the Tag Action Window.
8. Changed: The Action Window Tag mode 'Show Tags With Values' would show tags filled with a default value (i.e. Bookmarking: Default)
9. Changed: More tweaks to the Customize View dialog.

15.0.24 (04/12/2010)

1. Changed: Viewing a DVD under Drives & Devices could use the wording 'CD' instead of disc.
2. Changed: When viewing an empty disc drive under 'Drives & Devices', the header will have a 'Refresh' button instead of a 'Play' button.
3. Changed: A name can be entered when ripping some types of discs.
4. Fixed: Drawing of some edit controls wouldn't properly clip text at the margins, instead letting the text run right to the border.
5. Changed: When a control has a label above it, the label will be close to make the relationship more clear.
6. Changed: Added a 'Lookup Movie Info From Wikipedia' button to the view header of a DVD.
7. NEW: Added 'Tiles' list style designed for better viewing of movie and television collections. (still rough around the edges)
8. Fixed: DirectShow and VST DSP Plugins did not work in video playback, displaying "Not authorized for this output".
9. Changed: Made it easier to create a library view with no panes or categories.
10. Changed: Revised the 'Customize Current View...' dialog so that each section of the view has its own panel. (still a work in progress)
11. Fixed: DLNA avi's were not showing up on the Xbox 360. They will work now if the codec is supported.
12. Changed: Using codec info (if we have it) to set the DLNA flags for content directories of video files.

15.0.23 (04/09/2010)

1. NEW: When connecting to a Library Server, only changes from the previous connection to a library server are downloaded instead of the full library. (also makes syncing server changes back to a client much faster)
2. NEW: The system of using an access key to load a library server works on local area networks by using local addresses whenever possible.
3. Fixed: Some YouTube video would not play when user chose "Play the file inside the player".
4. Fixed: Installing to or using folders that began with a dot could cause problems.
5. NEW: Media Center will import data from MyMovies-style xml file created by Yammm.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2010, 01:10:05 pm »

Thanks for the "play your home library on an iPhone" option. I test this to export my selection files but it's the visible files (as i saw after that & so all my library) that running! I would like to stop the operation but it's not possible actually...
Best regards ; Cordialement,
- Paris, France


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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2010, 01:40:14 pm »

7. NEW: Added File > Export to iTunes & iPhone to allow exporting a list of files to iTunes or an attached iTunes device.
What is the purpose of this new feature?

EDIT: OUps, answer is here:


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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2010, 02:32:00 pm »

Any chance the cover art type could be fixed and set to "Front Cover" by default instead of "Other" for WMA and FLAC at least? I suspect several other file format support the cover art type.... This is just a byte in the WMA tag...



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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2010, 03:39:05 pm »

I was just trying to split and convert an album ripped into a single APE file via the associated cue sheet when I noticed that the last track isn't split correctly. Media Center ends up encoding the whole album and calling it the final track. I was converting to Musepack, and tried both "Leave original file; add destination file to library" and "Replace original file on disk and in library" modes with no success; the same thing occurs regardless of the mode I choose. I set MC to covert 4 files at the same time (quad core processor), if that matters. This functionality has worked for me before (recently purchased and upgraded to MC15 from MC13), so I think this is a bug.

Also, I was wondering what version of the Musepack codec that MC uses? Stream Version 8 was released last year, and if it hasn't already been updated I'd like to suggest including this version in MC in the future!


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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2010, 07:17:03 pm »

Also, I was wondering what version of the Musepack codec that MC uses? Stream Version 8 was released last year, and if it hasn't already been updated I'd like to suggest including this version in MC in the future!
MC uses version 8 for both encoding and input.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2010, 08:33:54 pm »

Time to sound like a broken record. Video syncing to iPod is still broken.. Love the way the product is coming along though!

jack wallstreet

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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2010, 08:55:05 am »

(15.0.31) While working in library manager to create my mc15 libraries (restore from 14, etc.)  I had considerable screen flashing and one crash (mc not responding).  After restarting MC (not the computer), it wasn't as bad.  Haven't had problems with my computer doing that with anything else, so thought I would report it.  The problem occurred while actually entering directories and names, it wasn't really executing that was a problem.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2010, 09:15:39 am »

(15.0.31) While working in library manager to create my mc15 libraries (restore from 14, etc.)  I had considerable screen flashing and one crash (mc not responding).  After restarting MC (not the computer), it wasn't as bad.  Haven't had problems with my computer doing that with anything else, so thought I would report it.  The problem occurred while actually entering directories and names, it wasn't really executing that was a problem.
Are you using Haali with the taskbar icon option checked?  It can cause a flicker like this when it's importing.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2010, 09:21:39 am »

Flashing in other applications during importing/thumbnailing will be fixed in the next build.
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2010, 10:06:56 am »

In the "Analyze Audio" window you can select, even customize the view of the files you selected to be analyzed (very cool by the way). However, when you're finished analyzing the audio and close that window, if you open the "Analyze Audio" window again the custom view isn't saved (reverts to default).


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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2010, 11:27:19 am »

Been Reported before:  If I double click a mp3 when media center is NOT loaded.. It loads and plays the music.

If I double click a mp3 when media center IS loaded.  It takes me to the media center program.. BUT does NOT play the music.
Nothing was playing at the time. The play list is empty.

I will wait a time with Patience for this, and will ask politely

Thank YOU for the 
Changed: Each type of locate (artist, album, etc.) will be a discrete entry in the most recently used (MRU) list.
There is a way to compare tags


thanks marko


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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2010, 11:47:18 am »

Sansa E260 when I try and open the device a message pops up saying "calculating transfer" then the cpu usage goes between 80-95 % for 8 minutes and I am unable to do any commands in Media Center until it finishes.  (reported before)

What else can I do to help get this fixed?

works fine in version 13..

UPDATE: I found a playlist on the device and deleted it.  The playlist must have been bad.. a playlist is back and everything seems to be working fine...........
There is a way to compare tags


thanks marko


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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2010, 01:41:25 pm »

Bug that's been about for a long time:
Click on a file list header, select Sort All Files (remove grouping temporarily) when the upper section is 'focused', the list is sorted very briefly and then flicks back to original.

Also, Gridlines:
Still appear when meant to be switched off, in places such as sorting selections, where they look stupid as there's no reason to have gridlines there anyway (as there's only one column)

[Edit: Moving Customize View options bit to new topic]


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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2010, 05:50:33 pm »

Now today with this new version, I can't play music.

1. I have a server with MC15.0.31 acting as library server
2. I have a laptop with MC15.0.31 for playing the music locally.

I can see the library, when I click to play a music, it seems to start for 3 to 4 seconds (showing the graph) but with no sound, and after, it suddenly stop to play.

I am available to provide more info in order to have resolved. I can't use anymore MC



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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2010, 06:42:14 pm »

I can see the library, when I click to play a music, it seems to start for 3 to 4 seconds (showing the graph) but with no sound, and after, it suddenly stop to play.
Try rebooting.  Try powering down and up.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2010, 10:57:52 pm »

On my HTPC with large fonts enabled, I'm not able to add any folders to the Auto-Import list.  In the Media Import dialog, instead of separate Add/Remove/Edit buttons, I only see one button next to the folder listing, labeled Commands.  When I click on this button, it drops down a pop-up menu, but there are only two choices, Remove and Edit.  No Add.

On my machine downstairs, which runs with normal font sizes in Windows (but the same desktop resolution), I have separate Add/Remove/Edit buttons still.

I also noticed that you now don't get access to the Folder Settings when you add a new folder, but you have to add it first, and then select the folder in the list and hit Edit.  This wouldn't be such a big deal, but these settings also now seem to reset themselves back to the default each time you add a new folder.  So, for example, I always want my folders to be scanned for All Audio, Video, Image, AND Data types, and I never want it to "Ignore files previously removed" (but special files are okay to ignore).  Before, I could set these settings once and they'd stick no matter how many folders I added.  Now, I have to manually reset these settings after I add each individual folder.

Can the stickiness of these settings be put back the way it was before the dialog was changed?  Not a big deal to have to edit the settings individually (though it is extra mouse clicks and a little odd), but having to do it over and over gets old pretty fast when you have a lot of folders to add.
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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2010, 01:10:35 am »

I have downloaded xmltv data for australia (using xmltvdownload, from and this should be a pretty respectable source.  During the loading of the data it asks me to assign the different xmltv channels to the mc channels and all looks good.  after that MC is only showing the data for one of the channels (which isn't the first in the XMLTV file).

Is this a bug or just my issue with a dodgy xmltv file?

PS using 15.0.27


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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2010, 01:41:43 am »

I have downloaded xmltv data for australia (using xmltvdownload, from and this should be a pretty respectable source.  During the loading of the data it asks me to assign the different xmltv channels to the mc channels and all looks good.  after that MC is only showing the data for one of the channels (which isn't the first in the XMLTV file).

Is this a bug or just my issue with a dodgy xmltv file?

PS using 15.0.27

Check out the scripts rpalmer68 referenced in this thread - works for me (no idead how it all works thought!)
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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2010, 06:36:30 am »

thanks jmone,
missed that post.  i can't seem to download the zip file rpalmer refers to for Sydney (my location also) at

you don't happen to to have a copy??

I did get guide data from but it is not as complete as the epgstream data.

Would be good if JRiver could just double check that the problem isn't at their end (let me know if you want the original xmltv file that is not being loaded properly by MC15).



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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2010, 06:09:16 pm »

I just upgraded to 15 and ran into the same issue I run into every time there is a major upgrade. As with every other time, I eventually figured it out, but it would be nice if this was more seemless.

The issue is that I dynamically reencode my media as MP3 when I stream it off of the server, but out of the box MC doesn't have an MP3 encoder. So, from the client side I just get a timeout with no explanation of why it fails. Interestingly, on the server side, MC did not prompt me to install the codec until I restarted MC on the server once.

My suggestion is that it would be great if the client could show an error message about the codec not being installed/supported.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2010, 04:37:03 am »

Not sure if these are bugs or if they are to do with the OS.

For some reason I can't import WMA files on my Windows Server 2008 installation, but I can on my Windows 7 system, can't figure out why as it always used to work (as far as I know).

Also, when I do an import I don't always get the recently imported playlist populated. It seems quite random if and when it appears.

Other than those two things it's looking usual !


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Mixed playlists don't show photo frames
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2010, 12:07:05 pm »

Playlists (and views) that contain both images and videos do not show the white frames around images.  It would be good for this to work just like image-only views so that you can easily distinguish the media type.
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Re: Media Center 15.0.31 -- Available Here
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2010, 12:17:14 pm »

Would be good if JRiver could just double check that the problem isn't at their end (let me know if you want the original xmltv file that is not being loaded properly by MC15).

Please email a zipped copy of the XMLTV data to yaobing at jriver dot com.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center
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