For RMAF 2015 we will have about 35 ripped Blu-ray concerts. Every time I starting working to making Particles of chapters I think that there has to be any easier way. I like simple with not much work.

JMone has a
good guide for adding chapters but I feel it has too many prerequisites and looks complicated.
I remembered my Cue file idea and thought I'd revisit it, but add some simplicity. has chapter lists with track names of most Blu-ray concerts I own. One can click "download" and save a text or xml file of what is very similar to a cue sheet. Alternatively, one could create the file with
ChapterGrabber. Or JRiver could make their own ChapterGrabber interface.
It would be extremely simple for someone to save the file in their Blu-ray folder and let JRiver take over from there. Is there a way these files can be parsed and leveraged to provide chapter names within JRiver?
JRiver could use the "cue" file for the following:
1. Start playback of a Blu-ray and list each chapter as a separate item in Playing Now with proper chapter titles
2. Allow one to pick any chapter in the playlist and recognize it is part of the same Blu-ray. This way it doesn't destroy/restart video when switching chapters even though they are separate "files" in Playing Now.
3. Allow one to manually modify the "cue" file to skip content between songs (like Adele's profanity laced long monologues)
4. Create a Blu-ray view that lists all chapters just like tracks in a song