Using MC 15.0.38 in Windows Vista, MC will only copy SOME files from a camera memory card -- just 12 out of 283 files. Why?
1. Put camera's SD card in my computer. MC shows card has 283 files. Using MC's hover preview, all these photos look as expected.
2. Ctrl+A selects all the files.
3. Right-click, select "Transfer to PC". Select option "Import after transfer". Dialog opens, says "Copying 283 items". Progress bar chugs along.
4. Look in Recently Imported -- only has 12 files. Using MC or Windows Explorer to look at location designated to receive the photos, there really are only the same 12 files, so it doesn't seem to be a library problem. That's all I get, no matter how often I repeat the process. I see nothing about these particular files that sets them apart. They aren't even from the same date; the file names are not consecutive.
What could be the cause of this?
More experiments:
1. Use MC's Tools > Import adds ALL 283 images to the library, but at their memory card location; it does not copy them to the PC. I then have to use Rename, Move & Copy to actually move the files.
2. Use Windows Explorer to copy ALL 283 images from the memory card to the PC. However, this doesn't get them into MC's library.
It's a "minor" matter this time because with such as huge disparity I noticed it. But what if MC had only omitted a few images, and I hadn't compared file counts? That would be a horrible outcome.
BUG #2 ? When I select all the files then "Transfer to PC", MC opens a dialog similar to "Rename, Move & Copy" (it might be the same dialog with a different name). Using either, the Base Path is pre-set, somehow, to a path that does NOT EXIST on this PC. The path is actually to a Music folder, but I only use (and have ever used) MC on this PC for photos and videos. Even though I change it to the correct path of "Pictures" (otherwise even the 12 files couldn't be copied), when I repeat the process, MC has set the Base Path back to the non-existent "Music" path.
I presume this is happening because in MC Options, the Audio path is set to Music (not by me, must be an MC default), and even though the files are images, MC seems to use the Audio path. But... the Directories Rule and Filename rule are what I set some time ago for my Images, and it is not at all like the any of the paths set in MC Options for Audio or Images or Video.
When I use Rename, Move & Copy (necessary after importing because it doesn't move the files), the non-existent Base Path is there AND the Directories and Filename options are NOT checked, even though I had previously checked them. This is not how MC14 behaves.