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Author Topic: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here  (Read 8848 times)


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Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« on: May 16, 2010, 10:04:57 am »

This is the latest version of MC 15.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

15.0.44 (5/14/2010)

1. Fixed: Quick Find of cover art would not always work properly.
2. Changed: Revised how a Library Server client specifies audio conversion in Options > Libraries & Folders. (uses new encoder profiles that builds on more sophisticated conversion engine of v15)
3. NEW: When controlling DLNA devices, playback will advance between tracks even if the device is not sending subscription events properly.

15.0.43 (5/14/2010)

1. Fixed: List style tagging in the Action Window was not working (only applies to build 42).
2. Fixed: When in a library view, the locate commands would not work.
3. Fixed: Using UNC paths for the handheld conversion cache did not work nicely.
4. Changed: Improved compatibility with Kernel Streaming 24-bit audio to Bel-Canto and other similar DACs.
5. Changed: Disabled 32-bit floating point output support for Kernel Streaming -- most (all?) cards claim to support it, and then treat the data as 32-bit integers so the sound is heavily distorted.

15.0.42 (5/13/2010)

1. Fixed: DLNA server wasn't reporting resolution for images when converting/shrinking.
2. Fixed: DVD video discs would not get recognized under certain conditions.
3. Optimized: Many improvements to help performance when dealing with list type fields like Keywords, Actors, etc.
4. Optimized: The Tag Action Window for list type fields is several orders or magnitude faster.
5. Changed: Reverted launcher back to Windows program as console program caused issues for some users.
6. Changed: Import system will still import zero-byte .txt, .log, and .dat files; other types of zero byte files are still ignored.
7. Internal: Auto-import will remove files with no filename that are in the 'previously removed' database location. (cleanup for possible bug from years past)
8. NEW: Add support for different conversion sizes for images in the DLNA server options.
9. Fixed: Web Media view header buttons could cause a crash.

15.0.41 (5/12/2010)

1. Changed: Added command MCC_QUERY_UI_MODE (32000) to allow querying the user interface mode of the program from a batch file.
2. Changed: MC15.exe is a console application so it's easier to use in batch files or with other scripting.
3. Changed: MC15.exe /MCC will exit the process with the result of the call. (so in a batch file, %ERRORLEVEL% will be the result after a call)
4. Fixed: MP3 encoding was always using a default configuration of VBR 160kpbs (last several builds only).
5. Internal: Consolidated file naming used by YouTube! Podcasts so they match WebMedia file naming. (i.e. webmedia://youtube/[id] instead of youtube://[id])
6. Fixed: Streaming FLV files could fail to play in some cases.
7. Changed: The import system will ignore zero byte files.
8. NEW: Added 'Collapse All' choice to the right-click menu for a pane. (only shows for list style fields that support nesting)
9. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks to Bytestar and Daniel_2k).
10. Optimized: Numerous improvements to help performance with list-style fields, especially when there are huge numbers of values used. (ie. a database with 50,000 actors, etc.)

15.0.40 (5/11/2010)

1. Fixed: When decoding non 16-bit audio data, up to 0.006 seconds of silence could be unnecessarily appended to the end.
2. Fixed: ASIO playback for 32-bit integer style cards had a possible overflow (only applies to last few builds).
3. Changed: Stock smartlists will dynamically change names with language changes (stock smartlists will be updated / recreated as a result)
4. Fixed: At the file list level with WebPlay, the last item in the list would not be shown.
5. Fixed: When a ripped DVD and the associated cover art was on a drive that was temporarily removed, Media Center could disassociate with the broken cover art link. (it should only disassociate with a broken cover art link if the media file is available and the art is not available)
6. Fixed: Pressing Ctrl+F in an image or video library view could switch to Audio. (remember that Ctrl+E will focus the search box in any view)
7. Fixed: CUE parser was not properly loading the playback range of the last track.
8. NEW: Added ASIO option for channel swapping C/LFE with SL/SR during surround sound playback. (needed with Creative and possibly other cards)
9. Fixed: MC could crash in JRiver audio engine (using DirectShow filters) when it failed to load an output plug-in (such as ASIO) in a worker thread.
10. Changed: Updated splash screen no longer says 'beta'.

15.0.39 (5/10/2010)

1. NEW: WebPlay includes "JRiver Gizmo", an Android app for nicer support of WebPlay on Google phones (install app from WebPlay's homepage).  Not yet very pretty.
2. Changed: WebPlay uses the user agent of the requestor to automatically switch between M3U, ASX, QuickTime, etc.

15.0.38 (5/7/2010)

1. Fixed: Television recording could fail to build a proper filename due to string changes in build 36.
2. Changed: Fixes and enhancements to DLNA and WebPlay conversion system.
3. Fixed: At shutdown, the JRReader.dll and JRImage.dll core libraries could be unloaded forcibly instead of naturally.
4. Changed: JRiver URL Reader filter can work with MPEG streams.
5. NEW: For the DLNA server audio, "Always Convert" to mp3 or uncompressed wave makes a seekable stream and invokes DSP studio for replay gain and sample rate conversion.
6. Changed: Report resolution on DLNA served image files when the "shrink large images" option is selected in the content directory.

15.0.37 (5/5/2010)

1. Fixed: CUE files that contained multiple file links but no root file link could fail to parse correctly.
2. Fixed: Library Manager did not allow creating a new library entry that pointed to an existing library.
3. Fixed: With Media Server running and audio playing in a non-active zone, closing the program could allow audio playback to continue in the inactive zone.
4. Fixed: In some occasions MC was unable to play the next track due to a failed cleanup of the DirectShow graph of the previous track.
5. Changed: JRiver Audio Renderer in video playback will only accept an AC3 SPDIF connection if the user has configured it's connection type as "Digital connection to a surround sound receiver (supports AC3 and DTS)".
6. Changed: More improvements to new DLNA and WebPlay conversion system.

15.0.36 (5/3/2010)

1. Optimized: Improved performance of core string engine used everywhere in the program.
2. Optimized: The database takes a little less memory.
3. Fixed: When playing source material with more than 16-bits to ASIO, the output could cap a peak at 32767/32768ths (0.999969482421875) instead of 1.0.
4. Fixed: The DSP Studio overflow mode was not properly applied on startup for video playback.
5. Changed: Pasting HTML into a Note supports a broader range of HTML formats.
6. Changed: An HTML hyperlink pasted into a Note is clickable.
7. NEW: New music transcoding system for DLNA and WebPlay -- still in development.

15.0.35 (4/29/2010)

1. NEW (Experimental!): Remuxing of television recording (digital television only, i.e. ATSC or DVB-T) jtv files to MKV.  Requires Haali Matraska Muxer filter which is part of Haali Media Splitter installation.  Select jtv files, and go to Tools > Advanced Tools > Convert Format...
2. Changed: It is no longer possible to create a new library in a non-empty folder (the program requires full control over its library folder, and deletes files in that folder that are obsolete or foreign).
3. Changed: List-style fields like image keywords are saved to the database with spaces after delimiters. ("Al; Bob" instead of "Al;Bob")
4. Changed: Doing a manual 'Quick Find Cover Art' will force a rescan of a directory for art (previously could use a cached scan up to one minute old)
5. Changed: MCWS (developers web service) is available on a client using protocol commands. (i.e. on a local webpage, mc15://MCWS/v1/Playback/Pause)
6. Changed: The Library Server root page has a link to connect to the server (requires Media Center to be installed).
7. Fixed: Crash in "Export to iPod..." when trying to export unsupported media types.

15.0.34 (4/28/2010)

1. Fixed: Converting some audio formats that played using Directshow filters would not work properly.
2. Changed: Import dialogs are now sizable.
3. Fixed: When using large fonts, the auto-import configuration dialog would not show 'Add' in the menu of commands.
4. Fixed: AIFF could appear multiple times in file association / import type lists.
5. Fixed: The .mpeg file type no longer associated with audio, only video.
6. Changed: When connected to a library server or in party mode, export to iTunes is disabled.
7. Changed: More library commands like 'Back Up Library', etc. are disabled when in Party Mode.
8. NEW: Added expression functions IsPlaying() and IsInPlayingNow().
9. Fixed: The Theater View television view 'By Program' was including groupings for previously deleted recordings.
10. Fixed: Uninstall could leave an entry for running Media Server on Windows startup if that startup mode had been selected by the user.
11. Changed: When locking all views in a three view split view configuration, the other two views are unlocked (it's not valid or possible to lock all views).
12. Fixed: When copying a file in Explorer to the clipboard then pasting it as the cover art for a file in Media Center, the source file could be erased after setting the art.
13. Changed: When setting cover art from the clipboard, a string version of a local filename will also be accepted (along with a URL to an image, an image, or a system file object)
14. Fixed: Pasting multiple files from Explorer to the cover art of files could cause a crash.
15. NEW: Television views of recorded television in Theater View can be fully user customized.

15.0.33 (4/27/2010)

1. Changed: Improved Twitter formatting for video and television files, switched to #nowplaying header.
2. NEW: Added favicon support to Library Server, WebPlay, and WebRemote.
3. NEW: Library Server Home Page with links when visiting the root of a library server. (i.e. http://libraryserveraddress:[port] shows a page with links to http://libraryserveraddress/WebRemote/, etc.)   See Server Home Page for more information.
4. Fixed: DSP setting changes for 'Tempo & Pitch' were no being saved.
5. Changed: Image thumbnail frames also draw in mixed lists of images + video instead of only being used in image-only lists.
6. NEW: Added the ability to lock a playlist to prevent unintended changes to the order or files.
7. Changed: When controlling a DLNA device, a stop command is issued before switching tracks to help with devices that don't like switching tracks while playing. (may help Pioneer receivers, etc.)
8. Internal: Revised how view headers create and display their buttons. (please report any issues)
9. NEW: DLNA Server, added thumbnails (if they exist) to the item[ description in the content directory if DLNAExtra is set.

Bill S

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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2010, 01:54:45 pm »

Autocomplete/F2 no longer works for me in v15.0.44. I have a user-created text field (not a list field) which stores some info I use in view schemes, panes etc..  For example:
-- for a file from a CD I use this:    
      1411.2Kbs ; 44.1kHz ; 16bit ; 2ch

-- for a file recorded from a multichannel SACD I have this:
      13824Kbps ; 96kHz ; 24bit ; 6ch

Before 15.0.44,  after importing a new music file all I had to do is start to key in the value for this field (i.e., 14) and it would autocomplete to 1411.2Kbs ; 44.1kHz ; 16bit ; 2ch.  Or,  I could hit F2 and see a list of my previously used values and select the appropriate one.  Now however...

1. Autocomplete does not resolve to the full data, only the data that is before the first semicolon.

2. In the list of previous data for that field (F2 and hitting the down arrow) the choices only display/use the values in front of the first semicolon, i.e., 13824Kbps - everything after the Kbps is missing.

So now to enter the complete value (i.e., 1411.2Kbs ; 44.1kHz ; 16bit ; 2ch) I have to manually look up a similar track type (ie., ripped DVD-A track, CD track, or recorded SACD track etc...), scroll to that field, Copy C, return to the recently imported list, scroll to my field, and finally paste the value.  

This problem did not exist for me in the previous version I was using, I think it was 15.0.35


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2010, 02:00:51 pm »

15.0.40 (5/11/2010)
7. Fixed: CUE parser was not properly loading the playback range of the last track.
Doesn't works.

CATALOG 0731452185525
PERFORMER "Jimmy Smith"
TITLE "Jazz Masters 29"
FILE "VJM.29-Jimmy.Smith.ape" WAVE
    TITLE "Organ Grinder's Swing"
    PERFORMER "Jimmy Smith"
    ISRC USPR39400929
    INDEX 00 00:00:00
    INDEX 01 00:00:33
    TITLE "The Preacher"
    PERFORMER "Jimmy Smith"
    ISRC USPR39400930
    INDEX 00 02:14:00
    INDEX 01 02:16:23
    TITLE "Side Mouthin'"
    PERFORMER "Jimmy Smith"
    ISRC USPR39400931
    INDEX 00 08:27:58
    INDEX 01 08:30:73
    TITLE "I'll Close My Eyes"
    PERFORMER "Jimmy Smith"
    ISRC USPR39400932
    INDEX 00 17:23:28
    INDEX 01 17:26:03
    TITLE "Blues And The Abstract Truth"
    PERFORMER "Jimmy Smith"
    ISRC USPR39400933
    INDEX 00 20:44:48
    INDEX 01 20:47:23
    TITLE "O. G. D."
    PERFORMER "Jimmy Smith"
    ISRC USPR39400934
    INDEX 00 26:12:60
    INDEX 01 26:15:35
    TITLE "Hobo Flats"
    PERFORMER "Jimmy Smith"
    ISRC USPR39400935
    INDEX 00 31:27:58
    INDEX 01 31:30:35
    TITLE "Bashin'"
    PERFORMER "Jimmy Smith"
    ISRC USPR39400936
    INDEX 00 36:14:25
    INDEX 01 36:17:00
    TITLE "Meditation"
    PERFORMER "Jimmy Smith"
    ISRC USPR39400937
    INDEX 00 42:29:28
    INDEX 01 42:32:03
    TITLE "Walk On The Wild Side"
    PERFORMER "Jimmy Smith"
    ISRC USPR39400938
    INDEX 00 45:35:60
    INDEX 01 45:38:38
    TITLE "Johnny Come Lately"
    PERFORMER "Jimmy Smith"
    ISRC USPR39400939
    INDEX 00 51:32:58
    INDEX 01 51:35:35
    TITLE "Maybe September"
    PERFORMER "Jimmy Smith"
    ISRC USPR39400940
    INDEX 00 55:33:03
    INDEX 01 55:35:55
    TITLE "G'wan Train"
    PERFORMER "Jimmy Smith"
    ISRC USPR39400941
    INDEX 00 61:57:70
    INDEX 01 62:00:45


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2010, 02:21:38 pm »

I didn't respond on last batch of changes, but in these latest ones there too hasn't been an update on the ability to lock a playlist to prevent unintended changes to the order or files. That is: some (including me) have asked to build in the possibility to lock a group of playlists and the playlists under that.

Can we see such an improvement in the (near) future?
Mark Coutinho
Dutch Top 40 collector of lyrics, sleeves and bios


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2010, 03:21:48 pm »

I am having trouble downloading this version.  The download itself is smooth and quick.  When it starts extracting files it locks up when it reaches 32%.  I noticed that I have 100% processor use.

I've tried it several times without success.  Is this related to the Microsoft problem Craig isentified with flac files?



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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2010, 04:19:09 pm »

I am having trouble downloading this version.  The download itself is smooth and quick.  When it starts extracting files it locks up when it reaches 32%.  I noticed that I have 100% processor use.

I've tried it several times without success.  Is this related to the Microsoft problem Craig isentified with flac files?
Sounds like a security program problem.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2010, 04:38:00 pm »

Been Reported before:  If I double click a mp3 when media center is NOT loaded.. It loads and plays the music.

If I double click a mp3 when media center IS loaded.  It takes me to the media center program.. BUT does NOT play the music.

also......... it would be nice (if easy)  in the wizard..  filename (path).. .. propagate it.........  thanks.
There is a way to compare tags


thanks marko


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2010, 05:41:47 pm »

I just upgraded to .44, hoping it would fix some of the issues I was seeing with .38, but I immediately ran into a big issue.

As I mentioned before, I'm trying to run MC for the sole purpose of accessing my Library Server. Because of that I really don't care about what's in my local/default library. Nonetheless, MC wants to create a local library, so I just chose the Auto option. After that the "Please wait...  Working..." dialog popped up and is now spinng forever, doing nothing. I have no media on my local machine, so the problem isn't that it's importing a lot.

I tried a full MC uninstall/reinstall and that didn't make a difference.

I just tried the alternate import method of choosing a single folder. They folder was empty and, in this case, MC immedately showed the popup saying it found no results, but after clicking Ok on that it seems stuck and I get the busy spinning curson and the main MC window is not responsive.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2010, 06:47:33 pm »

I just upgraded to .44, hoping it would fix some of the issues I was seeing with .38, but I immediately ran into a big issue.

As I mentioned before, I'm trying to run MC for the sole purpose of accessing my Library Server. Because of that I really don't care about what's in my local/default library. Nonetheless, MC wants to create a local library, so I just chose the Auto option. After that the "Please wait...  Working..." dialog popped up and is now spinng forever, doing nothing. I have no media on my local machine, so the problem isn't that it's importing a lot.
Please start a new thread.  You can turn auto-import off.  Tools/Options/Library ...


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2010, 10:34:27 pm »

I just upgraded to build 44, hoping it would fix some functionality limitations of build 38, but discovered a big problem: after the upgrade, my Roku Soundbridges could no longer play back music from the MC server. The Soundbridges could connect and navigate the trees, but could not actually play and audio files. I playd around with the always convert settings to no avail. Reverting back to build 38 fixed the issues.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2010, 05:43:01 am »

This sounds interesting!
2. Changed: Revised how a Library Server client specifies audio conversion in Options > Libraries & Folders. (uses new encoder profiles that builds on more sophisticated conversion engine of v15)

I have my new client setup and have to say Library Server has been working better than ever.

5. Changed: Disabled 32-bit floating point output support for Kernel Streaming -- most (all?) cards claim to support it, and then treat the data as 32-bit integers so the sound is heavily distorted.

Are you saying they are using 32-bit fixed rather than floating point?


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2010, 07:09:16 am »

 You are right.  I disabled the security software and I successfully installed 44.  The cover art fix is great!  Found everything in just a few seconds.  Thanks!

Have you been able to identify why the date doesn't appear in the"date" field?  I have verified that it is in the tag and it was input through 12.


Lovin' 15


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2010, 10:28:14 am »

Autocomplete/F2 no longer works for me in v15.0.44. I have a user-created text field (not a list field) which stores some info I use in view schemes, panes etc..  For example:

Thanks for the detailed report.  This will be fixed in a coming build.

All fields were being handled with the new faster list field code, so if you happened to use semi-colons in a non-list field, it would still break the value into pieces.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2010, 10:43:50 am »

Doesn't works.

CATALOG 0731452185525
PERFORMER "Jimmy Smith"
TITLE "Jazz Masters 29"
FILE "VJM.29-Jimmy.Smith.ape" WAVE
    TITLE "Organ Grinder's Swing"
    PERFORMER "Jimmy Smith"

This seems to be working for us.

I wonder if there are stale values in your library causing troubles.  Do you mind trying a fresh test library just to see if the problem is with the parser or the old values?

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2010, 10:52:25 am »

Are you saying they are using 32-bit fixed rather than floating point?

Let's use this thread for any discussion of this (if any more is necessary after reading the back-story in the thread):
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

Vincent Kars

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Little cosmetic problem
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2010, 01:52:18 pm »

In Album View, when switching to details, Name contains the Album, should be (like any other track related field)  [Varies]


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Re: Little cosmetic problem
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2010, 02:15:35 pm »

In Album View, when switching to details, Name contains the Album, should be (like any other track related field)  [Varies]

With a grouped list item, [Name] will always be the name of the grouping.  This is by design, and underpins how the same file object works nicely in a thumbnail view that uses [Name] as the thumbnail text.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

Bill S

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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2010, 02:31:42 pm »

Thanks for the detailed report.  This will be fixed in a coming build.

All fields were being handled with the new faster list field code, so if you happened to use semi-colons in a non-list field, it would still break the value into pieces.

Thank you very much! 

Vincent Kars

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Re: Little cosmetic problem
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2010, 04:20:04 pm »

With a grouped list item, [Name] will always be the name of the grouping.  This is by design, and underpins how the same file object works nicely in a thumbnail view that uses [Name] as the thumbnail text.
[Name] I do associate with the title of a song, the description of the contents of a individual file.
I'm afraid I do think this design criterium a bit confusing.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2010, 12:28:20 am »

I am getting a crash on accessing my library on another computer through the network.

Also crashed when I tried to use PVD.
Intel Core i5-4590 CPU,  Haswell Gen2,  LGA1150, 3.3GHz 6 DDR3/ 2x PCIE3.0 x16 16gb Ram Windows 10 64 bit Asus Z97-DELUXE ATX Motherboard Nvidia GForce gtx1080 Receiver Onkyo TX-NR925 TV LG LF6300 55" smart TV


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2010, 04:17:25 am »

I wonder if there are stale values in your library causing troubles.  Do you mind trying a fresh test library just to see if the problem is with the parser or the old values?
Yes, it works on new test library.
Is it possible to make it work with old library? It contains a lot of customization that cannot be just re-imported from media files.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2010, 07:55:53 am »

I just upgraded to build 44, hoping it would fix some functionality limitations of build 38, but discovered a big problem: after the upgrade, my Roku Soundbridges could no longer play back music from the MC server. The Soundbridges could connect and navigate the trees, but could not actually play and audio files. I playd around with the always convert settings to no avail. Reverting back to build 38 fixed the issues.

I'm seeing a similar thing, but I have "convert unsupported" selected and I can play back .mp3 files but .ape and .flac don't play.

So it seem there is an issue with the DLNA conversion process somewhere.

Can you play .mp3 files OK?



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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2010, 09:46:51 am »

Decided to start using MC 15 but it's crashing on me, alot. Not sure what's causing it but it but might have to do with heavy cpu usage.

I Started MC, worked for a few minutes and than it crashed while I was resetting columns to default. Restarted MC but it didn't loaded the program completely. Closed the program and restarted.

It can work for a minute or a few hours but always seems to crash on me.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #23 on: May 18, 2010, 09:51:52 am »

Decided to start using MC 15 but it's crashing on me, alot. Not sure what's causing it but it but might have to do with heavy cpu usage.

I Started MC, worked for a few minutes and than it crashed while I was resetting columns to default. Restarted MC but it didn't loaded the program completely. Closed the program and restarted.
Please see if you can get a log.  See the "Stability" link in my signature.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2010, 10:01:20 am »

I have a couple bugs to report - I'm running 15.0.44 (the bugs were also present in 15.0.35). I'm using the Thunderstorm skin, and I have two custom tags - mood and tempo, each with values from 1 to 5. I have the tag action window set to "show tags in current view", and I have the mood and tempo tags displayed. If I select a song either in the library or in the playlist and click on any number of stars in the action window, the rest of the tag blanks out completely in the action window. This does not happen if I click on the stars directly in the library or playlist.
im seeing the same. its not depending on the skin or which tags are shown, but seems to be happening only with xp?



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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2010, 11:28:33 am »

Yes, it works on new test library.
Is it possible to make it work with old library? It contains a lot of customization that cannot be just re-imported from media files.

Try File > Import Playlist... on the CUE file.

That command allows playlist data (CUE is handled like a playlist) to overwrite existing library data.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #26 on: May 18, 2010, 02:44:17 pm »

MC 15.044 crashed
where can i send my log file


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #27 on: May 18, 2010, 03:44:01 pm »

I'm seeing a similar thing, but I have "convert unsupported" selected and I can play back .mp3 files but .ape and .flac don't play.

So it seem there is an issue with the DLNA conversion process somewhere.

Can you play .mp3 files OK?


Not sure, because most of my files are WMA.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #28 on: May 18, 2010, 04:15:25 pm »

I just upgraded to build 44, hoping it would fix some functionality limitations of build 38, but discovered a big problem: after the upgrade, my Roku Soundbridges could no longer play back music from the MC server. The Soundbridges could connect and navigate the trees, but could not actually play and audio files. I playd around with the always convert settings to no avail. Reverting back to build 38 fixed the issues.

I'm having the same problem with WebPlay. Worked like a charm in .35 but when I upgraded to .44 it stopped working. When I start webPlay I can browse and do everything as normal, but when I try to play something on my mobile it is silent. The player advances, but no sound no matter how I set the covert settings.

And trying to use firefox for webplay didn't work either...


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #29 on: May 18, 2010, 04:24:39 pm »

I'm having the same problem with WebPlay. Worked like a charm in .35 but when I upgraded to .44 it stopped working. When I start webPlay I can browse and do everything as normal, but when I try to play something on my mobile it is silent. The player advances, but no sound no matter how I set the covert settings.

And trying to use firefox for webplay didn't work either...

Matt is onto this issue and it should be fixed in a new build very soon.

He has suggested in the meantime to try using Uncompressed Wave instead of the MP3 Encoder.



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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2010, 05:19:04 pm »

I'm getting repeated crashes of this build, while doing literally nothing. I just start it, wait a minute or two, and it crashes and closes. I'm not sure if there's a log to get since I can't do it via the UI -- clicking almost anything crashes it immediately.

The last few builds seemed OK. Nothing changed on this PC. Rebooted, reinstalled, etc. (No security software in action.)

MC 14.0.165 is also on this PC and works reliably.

EDIT: I don't see many other reports of this build crashing, so I'm pondering what could make my PC different. Because this MC15 is on the same PC as MC14, I wonder if it is picking up the DSP plugin I use, AudioProc, which was designed for Winamp but has been working fine in MC14 for a year (it is a wonderful addition to my audio chain). If MC15 is also loading it, AND there's some difference in how MC15 interacts with it, might that be a factor?

For debugging, since I can't seem to keep MC15 loaded long enough to do anything, is there an external way to be sure this plugin is not loading in MC15 -- something in the registry or elsewhere to check/change?

(If it turns out that the crash is due to this plugin, I hope it's a bug since using this particular plugin is mandatory in my audio chain.)

Or should I just wait for a new MC15 build?
Managing my media with JRiver since Media Jukebox 8 (maybe earlier), currently use Media Center for Audio/Music and Photos/Videos.
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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2010, 05:53:51 pm »

With regard to the bug I reported when playing dvds on PS3 via the network version is 15.0.44 As mentioned in my post, it happens on nearly all my dvds which are stored in video_ts as ifo and vob files. Playing on Helios 5000 network player from wizd server files play ok. If I play from MC from DLNA server it skips at exactly the same place evertime. There is no loss of quality when the jump forward
Also maybe of some use when I fast forward at 10x or 30x when I hit play it plays from a point a good few minutes behind.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #32 on: May 18, 2010, 09:45:48 pm »

Still no joy syncing video to the iPod classic


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Re: Media Center 15.0.44 -- Available Here
« Reply #33 on: May 19, 2010, 01:42:36 am »

If I select two (or more) tracks where (at least) one track has a Composer tag and (at least) one has a blank Composer tag and then select Composer in the tag panel I used to get the existing information in the selected tracks on top of the list of suggestions making it easy to choose the correct information. As of this version (.44) I get only the list of all composer tags in the entire library. If all the selected tracks already have Composer tags, it works as before (the info from the selected tag is on top of the list of suggestions).
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