Fair enough...
CPU is Core Duo T2300 @ 1.66GHz.
The main audio library is 29K (most searches happen with views limited to this). The full library, all inclusive, is 78K. It is spread across two USB HDDs, with audio located on a bus powered slower drive (5400rpm).
The searching feels slow. It's not slow to the point where I'm counting seconds while waiting (usually), but I guess I like filtering type searches to feel almost instant. Often it seems like I can see the filtering "stages" happening. I'll type in my whole search and then wait as I watch files disappear in chunks or batches. It's not really a "batch" per letter or anything, but for a 10 letter search I might see three such transitions, with a bit of a pause at each one. This behavior is significantly worse on thumbnail views.
My defaults search fields are: Album, Album Artist, Artist, Caption, Composer, Events, Grouping, Genre, Keywords, Lyricist, Name, Notes, People, Places, Series, Style plus my custom fields: Game, Influences, Musicians,Publisher, Remixer.
This seemed like a number of default fields, so the idea was to consolidate...