1. Assuming you're talking about the vertical column gridlines in a list, that gridline visibility is either enabled or disabled by user choice via Options>Tree and View>Show Gridlines.
You can't disable them in the XML, but you can control their colour, so, I forced the issue in my
Seamless skin by making the gridline colour exactly the same as the list background colour. It works for me there because I don't have any candy stripes going on, but maybe something you could experiment with.
2. Add the details to the List area of the XML, starting the line like so: <Entry Name="LinkButton" Bitmap="
That will over ride the default skin items entry.
Inside the default skin items folder, there is also a "main.xml" file. Open that in a text editor to find where the image details need to go in your own main.xml in order to replace the default items with your own.
Have you considered creating a list group header graphic? Stick: <Entry Name="GroupHeader" Bitmap="List_GroupHeader.png" NumberImages="1" Columns="2,?-Flex,2" Rows="2,?-Flex,2" />
in the list section of the XML file and create an image at least 6x6 pixels for it to use. Subtle is better. I think they add a lot to a skin, but as they are quite a recent addition, not many skinners are aware of their existance, especially when starting off from an old skin base as you have done.
Just an idea, of course, and if you don't see them fitting in this skin, you can always build them into your next one
