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Author Topic: NEW: Gizmo 2 -- Stream to Android, play to a DLNA Server, control Theater View  (Read 137159 times)


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You mean it does play in itself but uses the playing qualities of other players???

Well, the stock player " Logitech media player" sees the files but will not play them thats why I installed Gizmo.

I'll try another player.



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Do i have to have my smartphone connected to wifi rather than the mobile networks internet service in order to use gizmo?

Its probly best that way unless i want to run up a silly mobile phone bill but i just tried to test gizmo with no joy, i assume its because i do need a wireless connection to the phone?

And is this* version always the latest version of gizmo as my marketplace function is broken, i only just found this link & am very grateful for it, without it i wouldnt be able to use gizmo at all! :)



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No, you can connect using your mobile connection, or any internet connection, but you have to make sure that your firewall will allow that incoming request to be routed to the proper port so that MC gets the request.  I think the default is 52000, and in the setup dialog of MC, there is a way to test the connection, and it will report if you are unable to connect from an exterior connection.

It took me a while to realize I had to save every change in the router software, THEN test the connection before I got mine working.
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Ok, i'll have a play with it when i get home, a more detailed explanation would help me get there faster i think though, i'd really appreciate it

I can't really change any settings on my phones end in gizmo, it just asks for the access key, so it must be settings i alter in MC/PC right?

The router itself is in a house separate from my room, so hopefully not too much tweaking at that end of things...


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sorry, I'm at work so can't give very specific examples/advice, but I'll do my best to help anyway :)

You don't need to do anythign with your phone or on the device you want to use to connect WITH.

All settings need to be changed on the machine running the library server, and the router and firewall.  If you don't have access, you're not going to be able to do this, sorry.

My router allows me to make changes by connecting from any machine on the network, so assuming you can also do this, you're still in business.  I connect by typing into the address bar of my browser.  the IP address of your router is likely similar, but not the same.

Assuming you can gain access, this link does a better job of explaining how this works, and what changes you need to make.

Respond back with specific questions if you get stuck and someone will try to help.

Good luck, it's worth the effort!!
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Cool, i have my i.p address now but when i type it into my browser & try to login with the username/pwd my mum gave me it doesn't log in on the site, to be honest i don't want to use my mobile networks internet service for this anyway, i'll end up with a huge bill, i just wanted to test it as it seems such a bloody cool way of controlling your music!

Early next week im getting a dlink device that lets me take my ethernet cable & create a wireless point in my room which i can then use for my laptop or phone, and it also gives a straight through ethernet which i can run into my PC, im assuming i wont have to do all this router config stuff when it comes as it won't be an external network trying to gain access, if its all under the same network/ip address im hoping i can just copy the access key across from MC into my smartphone/MC on laptop?

Thanks ;)



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If an Access Key won't work when you enter it in Gizmo, either there is a typo or the network path isn't open.  Firewall or router.  Port 52199 needs to be open.


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Cool, after reading the networking page i came to the same conclusion, unfortunately i can't seem to log into my routers page with the username/password i have so can't change any settings, i have the ip address but when i put it in my browser i can't get access into the page to change any settings, its asks for a username/password, the only one's i have are definitely for the router but doesnt let me in. I seem to remember having access to this page without a username/password though

I already set my firewall to allow connections on both public & home networks as it popped up & asked me when i installed media centre last night when i selected 'use media library to share this network' (my friend installed windows 7 64bit last night so had to reinstalll MC)

Guess ill just have to wait until i have wireless on my home network & it should work straight away hopefully



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It still could be the firewall.  Check its settings.

For the router password problem, check the manual.  It may still be set to the defaults.  Otherwise, you can reset the router, but you'll need to re-configure it.

Router changes aren't normally required for access between two PC's on the same LAN.

There is a "Network Access" topic on our wiki.


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Checked firewall settings & access is 'open' on both 'public/private' and the rest of the settings are 'any' such as local port/allowed users etc... its all open it seems

I think id have to do router changes as im using my mobile networks internet connection, not the same network as my PC, but i will have my wireless connection early next week so all good anyway, i've spent the last 28 years without it so 3 more days won't hurt ;)



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unfortunately i can't seem to log into my routers page with the username/password i have so can't change any settings, i have the ip address but when i put it in my browser i can't get access into the page to change any settings, its asks for a username/password, the only one's i have are definitely for the router but doesnt let me in. I seem to remember having access to this page without a username/password though

Make sure you're using the internal IP, and not your external IP.  it will probably be similar to the one I posted earlier.

Many come default with no user name, and "password" as the password.  a google search will find the default login info for your specific model, including the default IP address.

You'll need to gain access to that to enact the port forwarding, or outside access will never work.
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  • World Citizen
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I tried with my internal IP in my browser (i was just using before) but when i use default username/password it tries to work but still fails to log in everytime, i've tried lots of combinations of them aswell

All good as my wireless access point will be here soon so my android's connections won't be on an outside/mobile phone network service anymore


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Works a treat using my Samsung Galaxy Note.  Nice work   ;D


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Got my wireless network all setup now & its working beautifully, absolutely LOVE Gizmo to bits, excellent lil app and FREE!

Probly dont even need to use my laptop as a remote now, can do pretty much everything i need to from here, except make a new playlist... my next question may cover this....

One thing im wondering, when you hold down your finger on a song, you can do 3 things - play, add, or add (next to play)

What does 'add' do?

I thought it would be adding to an on the fly playlist but when i go into my playlists there's no extra playlist that i can see, not sure what this function does?


EDIT: adds to 'playing now' d'oh!


  • Junior Woodchuck
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There was a problem connecting to the server.....
« Reply #214 on: December 20, 2011, 01:04:20 am »


Must be doing something wrong, but can't fiqure it out. Goes through "Attempting Connections" about 4 times then produces "There Was A Problem Connecting To The Server".

Key is correct.

Never does ask for password.

Please help!!


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It could be that a static/fixed ip needs to be set, or if the ip address changes you need to reset the access key each time


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Please describe the setup.

Make sure wireless is on if your connection is local.

If it is not local, you're using the cell phone's data connection.  Check the wiki topic called "Network Access".

On the server, under Media Network, there is a test.  Try it.

Firewall needs to be open on 52199.


  • World Citizen
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Not to criticize anything about Gizmo at all, but isit a work in progress/updates to come in the future?

Just a couple more functions & it would be perfect


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It, like all other things, will never be perfect.  We do plan to continue to improve it.


  • World Citizen
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haha yeah, perfect is always a figure of speech, we can but try ;)


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If an Access Key won't work when you enter it in Gizmo, either there is a typo or the network path isn't open.  Firewall or router.  Port 52199 needs to be open. does one open it??? Router is the issue I believe


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Please see the "Network Access" topic on our wiki.


  • World Citizen
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It works like a dream on my phone and (much more important) on my Tablet (Samsung 10.1).

Sitting here on my couch, controlling all my music without TV on (my former solution was the PS3).



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on my home network i have no internet connection can i use gizmo anyway


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Sure you can. But you can't use it outside of the Wifi range of course.
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with my internet router gizmo connect to the server
with my home router nothing
must i remove the access key


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when i start gizmo i must enter a jriver library server access key
i enter the key and start

error message
there was a problem connecting to the server.
please double-check that you have entered the correct key, and that the server and your connection are working.

i think gizmo use the internet connection


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If you can access the server in any way via the client, there is no need to do anything with your router. You only need to configure that if you want access from Internet to your home network. You have probably got a firewall that is blocking Gizmo access.

Port 52199 needs to be open for incoming connections. TCP connections to be specific. You have to know what version of Windows you have on the server, and then you can google how to open up for custom incoming connections. You can find firewall under your Control panel.
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ok to vit
the pc with mc server need always a internet connection.

but he hasn't it!
it's a pity, i can not use this function.



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I thought Gizmo only needs an Internet connection the first time it connects. After that I believe it only needs LAN connection between the client and server.
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no when i remove the wlan stick for internet router i gizmo can not connect to the server

this error message come on my phone
there was a problem connecting to the server.
please double-check that you have entered the correct key, and that the server and your connection are working.

when i add the stick gizmo connect and i can use the app


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That's a shame. Let's hope JRiver will add a offline option then. I know that online functionality makes it a bit easier to connetc to the server. Both on a LAN and over internet. But there should really be a way of doing it locally only too.
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as far as i know:
library server create an access key and send it to jriver servers with two parameters: the ISP ip, and the local IP
for gizmo to connect: it goes and search the access key on jriver servers (so the use of the internet is a must) and gets the local ip and ISP ip

now gizmo search the local network for the server and connect to it when found
else it will try to connect through the internet which you must have been configured your router to allow traffic on the ports in use by jriver; and configure any other software that might block traffic (firewall, antivirus....)

so for now gizmo needs internet to connect to a local network server which I find a little bit abnormal


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so for now gizmo needs internet to connect to a local network server which a find a little bit abnormal

Exactly. If it works the way you describe, and I believe it does, it's no wonder people have problems. This might simplify things for normal users, but it introduces problems as well. There are several ways this could be done better imo.

You could have methods that stores the local IP/Host name after the first connection to the JRiver servers, and subsequent connections tries to connect the library server on the local network first, and then contacts JRiver servers. This require the server to be configured with either a static IP address, or you use the host name.

Second option could be to simply have a field in Gizmo, which you can fill manually if needed. This could give you the option to add IP or host name to use if no Internet connection is available.
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Exactly. If it works the way you describe, and I believe it does, it's no wonder people have problems. This might simplify things for normal users, but it introduces problems as well. There are several ways this could be done better imo.

You could have methods that stores the local IP/Host name after the first connection to the JRiver servers, and subsequent connections tries to connect the library server on the local network first, and then contacts JRiver servers. This require the server to be configured with either a static IP address, or you use the host name.

Second option could be to simply have a field in Gizmo, which you can fill manually if needed. This could give you the option to add IP or host name to use if no Internet connection is available.
Please move discussion of networking to a new thread.


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For anyone who doesn't have a constant Internet connection:

Try updating Gizmo to 53 from the Market on your phone.  It was just uploaded.

You will need an Internet connection to connect the first time.  After that, if there is no Internet connection, Gizmo will use the last internal IP address that worked.


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 ::) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ::)

It works great



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I've been having a lot of trouble lately with continuous play of a smart playlist. 

Gizmo, whether connected via wifi or 3g network on my HTC Incredible will play 1 or 2 songs and then stop.  If I wake the phone Gizmo immediately says it is preparing the next song and it starts almost immediately.  The phone plays the song, goes to sleep during that time and then either plays 1 more song and stops or just stops after playing that one.  Repeating the process of waking the phone back up starts the next song. 

Wifi and 3g connections are both good, I am at a loss as to how to troubleshoot further.  But the app just isnt' very usable for me in the current state.  There was a time when I was running MC16 and an earlier version of gizmo on this same device where it would play flawlessly for hours.  Not sure what has changed.



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I've been having a lot of trouble lately with continuous play of a smart playlist. 

Gizmo, whether connected via wifi or 3g network on my HTC Incredible will play 1 or 2 songs and then stop.  If I wake the phone Gizmo immediately says it is preparing the next song and it starts almost immediately.  The phone plays the song, goes to sleep during that time and then either plays 1 more song and stops or just stops after playing that one.  Repeating the process of waking the phone back up starts the next song. 

Wifi and 3g connections are both good, I am at a loss as to how to troubleshoot further.  But the app just isnt' very usable for me in the current state.  There was a time when I was running MC16 and an earlier version of gizmo on this same device where it would play flawlessly for hours.  Not sure what has changed.

Just curious, what version of Android are you running?


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Android 2.3.4
MC17.0.82 and the latest Gizmo downloaded directly from jriver site.

I've played around with my MC17 settings and may have found the cause/solution.   My music is stored in WAV format.  I had the convert audio if necessary button checked.  I had this set because I have my media stored on one PC and use another instance of MC17 running on another HTPC to play the lossless files in my theater.  I think because my phone when connected can play WAV files that there was no conversion being done.  I changed it to always convert to high quality mp3 and so far have not had any issues.  

I would like to still be able to send the lossless steams to my other PC though (and if possible continue to stream to my phone without problems), is there a way to do this or am I missing something?  

It is strange though that it would play 1 or 2 files at a time and then quit when set up as indicated above.  

So, I may have found a solution, but it is not a perfect one.



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Gizmo always uses MP3 when you play 'Here' (on the phone).

When you use it to control other places, there's normally no conversion since Gizmo is just a remote.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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I wonder why making the change from convert when necessary to always convert made a difference then.....



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Now I am getting no playback in Gizmo at all.

It says preparing when I click on a file or playlist, shows the album art and then changes to the resume playback button.  I can hit that button and it says preparing again, then reverts back to resume playback.  Never starts playing the selected song.

Any ideas?



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To add to my post above.  I have installed MC17 on a 2nd PC.  I made no changes to any of the networking settings from the default (I have tinkered a lot with the settings on my main server PC trying to resolve this issue).  The new instance will play an mp3 file with no issue, but presents the same problem when attempting to play a WAV file as my main pc.  It say preparing and then switches to the resume playback, pressing resume playback sends it back to preparing, but it stops after a few seconds and goes back to resume playback.



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To add to my post above.  I have installed MC17 on a 2nd PC.  I made no changes to any of the networking settings from the default (I have tinkered a lot with the settings on my main server PC trying to resolve this issue).  The new instance will play an mp3 file with no issue, but presents the same problem when attempting to play a WAV file as my main pc.  It say preparing and then switches to the resume playback, pressing resume playback sends it back to preparing, but it stops after a few seconds and goes back to resume playback.

There is a conversion problem that is fixed in generally available builds (later today) >=17.0.91


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I am having a problems running Gizmo on my new asus transformer prime and the galaxy nexus.  Both devices are running android 4 (ice cream sandwich).  I am getting force closes when playing video on both devices (mostly when exiting "back" from a playing video).

Also, it would be great if you could have the video fill the entire screen of the device and not have the home button, back button and recent apps button visible.




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Is there a way in Gizmo or Webgizmo to load a different library?

I have my lossless CD collection as the main library, on a different computer I have mp3s, music downloads, podcasts, etc. I would rather not have to combine them in to a single library.  It would be nice when using Gizmo to be able to access either library.



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Hi All,

I have been reading through this thread and trying to find an exact match to my needs. I have tried the android remote controller on an HTC mobile but it doesnt quite do what I would like to do, even the menu type view doesnt quite hit the mark.

What I am looking for is a way to have an android tablet as a remote (wireless) controller but using it in Theatre view, i.e. the tablet shows exactly what the theatre view does on my server pc.

I have for some years been using a second vga display with touchscreen for parties and music listening sessions but I really want to go wirefree so that at parties/BBQ's etc my guests can simply pass around the MC Theatre view and add music via the tablet. I wonder if there is any application that would do this on an android or even an adroid app that will let me remote desktop.

Any ideas?



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You'll have to go for a Windows Pad for that purpose. Wait for one with Win8 would be my suggestion. But remember that MC will probably not be able to run on a ARM version. Just the x86 CPU's.
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