Anyone experience with following issue...?
I have just moved my music to a NAS (QNAP TS-219P+ Turbo NAS):
- NAS is setup as UPnP Server (QNAP ships with TwonkyMedia Server)
- MC (15.0.167) is setup as explained in Wiki:
http://wiki.jriver.com/index.php/DLNA#Setup_Instructions- I mapped the NAS also to drive letter, and can connect to it
What I now get is very long filenames and filename paths in the Tag view:
- Where the drive is something like M\Public\Music\Artist\Album\Name
- I now get this:$1$7I4527/Violin%20and%20Oboe%20in%20C%20Mino.mp3
- and strangely enough, the value "O 0$1$7I4527" changes slightly for each file in the same folder
- and when I right-click on file and select "Locate on Disk", I get message that file does not exist...
Anyone any idea what's happening, and how to clean this?
Not sure if it is Windows Vista (and the drive letter mapping),MC, or the QNAP doing this....
Thanks in advance,