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Author Topic: Jukebox displaying 'by various artists'  (Read 3775 times)


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Jukebox displaying 'by various artists'
« on: February 11, 2011, 06:00:26 am »

Long time iTunes user making the move from Apple Lossless to FLAC due to a lack of compatibility many devices have with ALAC.

I've been using Jukebox now for a week and it takes a bit to get your head round a different way of doing things. One thing I haven't been able to sort is that in albums with an lots of Artist Feat. Artist tracks Jukebox shows that as by Various Artists.

I tagged my files in iTunes as Artist A Feat. Artist B in the Artist field and Artist A in the Album Artist field. It would then display the album as by Artist A. It appears to be working off the Album Artist tag. Jukebox though shows by Various Artist like it is working off the Artist tag.

Is there a way for me to change how it displays the album from Artist to Album Artist?


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Re: Jukebox displaying 'by various artists'
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2011, 06:23:56 am »

"Album Artist" is used here to denote the parent of the actual album - hence a v/a album is displayed/used as "various Artists" in the tag (if you care to use that nomenclature). The tag below, the "Artist" field, is used for the artist of each track.
You can, therefore, tailor your display by using a different view in the "Audio" section. If the standard views there do not suit, add a library view and tailor it to your needs i.e. by displaying the collection via the "Artist" or "Album Artist" field. Have a play around with some of the settings. The standard views that you get will allow you to amend them but best use a new view and edit that.


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Re: Jukebox displaying 'by various artists'
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2011, 07:23:24 am »



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Re: Jukebox displaying 'by various artists'
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2011, 07:39:23 am »

I can customize the views to show the albums in different ways.

Changing that still seems to leave it as 'Album Name' by 'Various Artists' in the bottom pane showinf the files.


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Re: Jukebox displaying 'by various artists'
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2011, 07:48:48 am »

I can't upload the image so try this...

Create a new view and select "Artist" followed by "Album". View it by "Artist Thumbnail", sort by "Custom"

That produces a single image per artist, referencing all the albums they appear on

If, however, you are asking if the app can ignore one field and us the other, that's a different matter. I suspect that distinction is a core element and users have to accept the concept as it stands. ?


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Re: Jukebox displaying 'by various artists'
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2011, 07:49:37 am »

Here's an alternate method:
Is that a MC user only Jim? I only have MJ.


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Re: Jukebox displaying 'by various artists'
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2011, 08:07:52 am »

Doing that it still shows as various artists. I presume that that's the way the J River works and I'll just have to live with it. It's not a major annoyance I'd just prefer it to show the album artist name rather than various.


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Re: Jukebox displaying 'by various artists'
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2011, 08:11:04 am »

It is somewhat idiosyncratic. Where there are already full albums by the artist, they are displayed, along with the v/a entries, under the main artist entry. It is, as you state, where the only occurrence of that artist is on a v/a album, then it displays the tracks in the v/a section. How annoying - I'll play some more :)


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Re: Jukebox displaying 'by various artists'
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2011, 08:21:57 am »


View  "Artist"
View as "Artist thumbnails"
Sort by "Name"

Try that



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Re: Jukebox displaying 'by various artists'
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2011, 10:13:50 am »

Whatever way I tried it threw up something I didn't want so after playing around with it I settled on the following.

I have three views now. The first is albums. The top shows Albums, viewed as Album Thumbnails and under options I have set the text to be [Album] 'enter' [Album Artist]. The bottom is view as Details, Group by Album, sort by Default. For some reason when I select Album from the drop down list you get Album by Artist, and again the various artists which Im trying to avoid, though if you go to more (sort groups a-z) and select album from there the 'by Artist' bit disappears leaving just the album name. Any ideas why that would be?

The second view is Artists showing Album Artists, viewed as Album Thumbnails sorted by Default. Options, text set to Album Artist. Show as fanned is checked. The bottom is as above.

The third view is recently added. This Album viewed as Album Thumbnails sorted by date imported. The bottom is viewed as details, grouped by date imported, sorted by date imported.

So the albums view shows me all my albums, the artists shows me all the artists and allows me to get all their albums together in the bottom pane and recently added lets me get quickly to whatever I've added last so I can do artwork or fix tags etc.

I think that's me sorted though no doubt I'll mess around further.
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