I have an Onkyo HT 180 receiver.
I have been using it since MC14, and definitely with MC15 to stream my MP3 collection.
But since I have switched to MC16, or at least with the latest build (16.0.49), I am not able to stream
It does connect and it's listed in my zones.
I can browse all the music and also the Smartlists, but when I try to play a song it's not able.
Some generic error is reported on the TV screen (from Onkyo)
I noticed someone else also reported some issue with an Onkyo receiver:
Any idea how to resolve this ?
BTW I went back to MC15 and it's working fine.
So it's definitely related to MC16
I have not changed anything under "Media Network".
Same configuration and ports.
I am able to stream from other MC16 connected to the main media center library
And also Gizmo works just fine on my phone.