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Author Topic: Media Center 16.0.101 -- Available Here  (Read 4812 times)


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Media Center 16.0.101 -- Available Here
« on: June 01, 2011, 05:03:53 pm »

This is the latest version of MC 16.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

More on Red October

Update: Run Media Center and check for updates (Set the option in Startup/Update Channels to "Latest" to get the build normally found here)

16.0.101 (6/1/2011)

1. Fixed: Line 21 subtitles would be on by default instead of off by default with Red October (and the state reported by the menu or on screen display would be incorrect at first).
2. Changed: Red October uses a less demanding deinterlacing method by default, which works better with laptops and older computers.
3. NEW: Added 'Red October HQ' option that will use the highest quality settings available, but will only work nicely on a fast computer.
4. Fixed: DVD playback was not working on many Windows XP computers.
5. NEW: Red October HQ methods will default to madVR if it is installed on the system (except for DVD, since madVR doesn't currently support DVD nicely).
6. Changed: Red October will use the Microsoft MPEG decoder with madVR now that current versions of madVR support the Microsoft decoder's output format.
7. Fixed: JRSS downmixing was not working properly when resampling.
8. Fixed: Using merit based filter selection was not working properly.
9. Changed: Video renderer selection is automatic when using Red October, and the option is hidden when appropriate.
10. Changed: Video options does not show per-file type filter selection with Red October on.
11. Changed: Theater View watched marks were not working reliably for non-Netflix files.
12. Changed: Theater View watch marks are only shown for videos longer than 20 minutes.
13. Changed: Red October will use 'ffdshow raw video filter' as a post-processor if it's manually selected.
14. Changed: Revised the wording on DSP Studio > Output Format > Channels to make it more clear that channel downmixing requires JRSS.

16.0.100 (5/31/2011)

1. Fixed: Quickly switching videos could lead to a crash.
2. Changed: When restoring an old library that does not contain settings, the program will succeed on the library restore (but of course not restore settings) instead of report a failure that required a user to uncheck the option to restore settings.
3. Faster: Editing a field of the type 'Large Value' (like lyrics) for a large number of files is much faster.
4. Fixed: Editing a huge number of files where all tagging would fail (due to a disconnected drive, etc.) could cause a memory leak.
5. Changed: Editing a large number of files uses less memory.
6. Fixed: Red October video playback would crash on some mpeg files, especially on Windows XP when ffdshow was configured to decode mpeg with libmpeg2 (now using libavcodec).
7. Changed: Updated to latest LAV splitter (.28) which better handles MTS files.
8. NEW: EXIF GPS information for latitude and longitude is read more completely (right-click > Update Library from Tags to fill existing files).
9. NEW: Added right-click image option "Locate on Google Maps" (only appears for images that contain GPS information in the Latitude and Longitude fields).
10. Changed:  When possible, video stream selection is made before DirectShow graph is built.
11. Changed: When viewing a playlist of images and videos, the word 'Stop' will no longer appear on the on screen display when transitioning from one to the other.
12. Fixed: VC-1 files (e.g. Blu-Ray MKV's) wouldn't play on many WinXP systems.
13. Changed: Use ffdshow for mpeg-1 decoding rather than using Microsoft. Seems to be higher quality.
14. Changed: When a video starts, the background only shows 'Opening...', etc. if the video takes longer than a second to start playing, making for a smoother visual transition between videos.
15. Changed: DirectShow graph building mode option added to Options/Video page replacing the two Red October checkboxes with a single three state drop box.
16. Fixed: Smartlists could fail to show choices that were logical when the smartlist contained OR conditions or list-type fields.
17. Changed: Red October will attempt to use Power DVD video decoders 9, 10, or 11 if installed on Windows XP where there is no system DVD video decoder.

16.0.99 (5/27/2011)

1. Changed: With Red October turned off, DirectShow graph building is back to the Merit based "smart" rendering style using user selected custom filters.
2. Changed: New option "Use additional custom filters for Red October" under the Red October checkbox in Options/Video. (Whitelist)
3. Changed: Added ffdshow raw video, CoreAVC, and PowerDVD 10 video decoders to whitelist.

16.0.98 (5/26/2011)

1. Changed: Added LAV-CUVID and Power DVD 11 video decoders to the white list.
2. Fixed: Video conversion was broken for DLNA & Library Server video playback.

16.0.97 (5/25/2011)

1. Fixed: During video playback, the channel headroom was not being provided to Room Correction, so the total output level could be lower than necessary.
2. Fixed: AC3 was appearing twice in File Types.
3. Faster: JRSS down-mix processing is 245% faster (i.e. 5.1 to 2.0, etc.).
4. Fixed: Navigating in Theater View could crash when skipping multiple browse levels that only contained a single choice.
5. Fixed: When scanning for television channels, the new channels would show in 'Recently Imported'.
6. Fixed: Shutting down the program could be unnecessarily stalled for a second by the remote control engine.
7. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks Bytestar).
8. Changed: Added the ability to add a 'Mute' filter to DSP Studio > Parametric Equalizer.
9. Changed: With Red October off, user selected audio or video decoders will be used (if a decoder you would like to use does not get used, please report the filter details -- support is currently done on a white-list basis).
10. Changed: With Red October off, when ffdshow is manually selected as a decoder for a file type, auto-configuration of ffdshow will be disabled.
11. Changed: Microsoft's "Stream Buffer Source" filter is used to render dvr-ms and wtv files.
12. Changed: Updated to latest LAV splitter (.27) which better handles TS files.

16.0.96 (5/24/2011)

1. Fixed: When JRSS mixed from 5.1 or 7.1 to 4.0 or lower, the subwoofer level could be too low (now respects the option 'Source is correctly mastered for +10 dB calibration').
2. Fixed: Videos with low sample rates could fail to play if the sound card did not support a low sample rate (DSP Studio > Output Format is now automatically configured if necessary).
3. Changed: Removed skinning from system Font dialog because skinning doesn't nicely support all of the controls used by the dialog on some versions of Windows.
4. Fixed: DLNA Servers would expose a new ID each run until they were configured once.
5. Changed: Red October now sets the "threadsnum" parameter for ffdshow to 4.
6. NEW: "FPS" (frame rate) field for video, filled in during import time.
7. Changed: Tuned how MC16.exe /MonitorToggle works so that it should work with more configurations.
8. Changed: Allow DLNA server to serve unconverted streaming content.
9. Fixed: WMV files that contained video that the system Windows Media video decoder filter did not support would not work properly with Red October.
10. Changed: Red October subtitle handling is improved.
11. Fixed: Toggling in and out of Theater View could be problematic.
12. Changed: Android video conversion now uses the Red October system.
13. NEW: Media Center adds itself to the 'Default programs' list on Vista and Windows 7.
14. Fixed: At system shutdown time, Media Center could hold up the shutdown because it was trying to communicate with the Service which was already shut down.

16.0.95 (5/20/2011)

1. Fixed: WOL for WAN hosts and fixed to handle multiple interfaces properly.
2. Changed: Red October will use PowerDVD 9 when available for video decoding on systems where the Microsoft decoders are not available (normally XP systems).
3. Changed: Updated to new version of ffdshow (ffdshow_rev3850_20110511_xhmikosr_MSVC2010.exe).
4. Fixed: VMR 9 was not working nicely with DVD.
5. Changed: Removed the option DSP Studio > Output Format option 'Something outside Media Center will make the subwoofer +10 dB (standard calibration)'.  All level calibration should be done using Room Correction.
6. Changed: Room Correction allows setting levels from -20dB to +20dB (previously it had a range of -12dB to +12dB).
7. NEW: The Output Format and Room Correction systems work together better to track the available headroom in each audio channel so that unnecessary attenuation is never performed.
8. Fixed: DSP Studio > Room Correction would unnecessarily attenuate all channels when they all had negative volume levels (only the relative differences should matter).
9. Changed: Library and playlist views do not show a playing overlay on a thumbnail when it's the active playback file but playback is stopped (or else the green play overlay causes confusion with the 'Play' text link).
10. Changed: Tuned the slow double click mechanism for in-place list editing so that a fast double-click that just misses being a double-click won't start editing.
11. Fixed: Thumbnailing and analyzing of video files now works with Red October.
12. Changed: Enabled more subtitle options in Red October mode, hopefully they improve subtitle activation.

16.0.94 (5/19/2011)

1. Fixed: Video volume normalization did not work nicely with VideoClock enabled.
2. Changed: Updated ffdshow download to "rev3832 Apr 29 2011 ICL 12"
3. Fixed: Video playback of files with AC3 audio (HDTV, DVD, etc.) could make goose honking noises on seek.
4. Fixed: With VideoClock enabled, if the video took more than a couple seconds to start, the lip sync would take longer than expected to lock on.
5. Changed: Red October will not use madVR for DVD.
6. Changed: Turned off ffdshow tray icon in auto config mode.
7. Fixed: The direct show connection info now reports the correct filename path for filters when using auto config.
8. Changed: Improved the support of WMV files with Red October.
9. Fixed: Starting TS playback with a bookmark saved could be problematic when using Red October.
10. Changed: Theater View theme video backgrounds use Red October.
11. NEW: Video audio volume normalization considers the video type being played so that it can make better decisions about the levels.
12. Fixed: MC crashed in some cases when playing videos with Red October turned off.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 16.0.101 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2011, 05:41:29 pm »

Red October and Merit Based Selection are now working.  Please report any video problems here.


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Re: Media Center 16.0.101 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2011, 09:09:37 pm »

Thanks for getting the Smartlists working again.


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Re: Media Center 16.0.101 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2011, 10:57:49 pm »

There's a real annoying bug? that's appeared in recent updates. When I go to change a field in multiple files at the same time sometimes it does so but more often it reverts to the first highlighted field and changes only that one. Then if I highlight all the files again it will work as it is supposed to. Strangely changes seem to work correctly the first few times per session and then as I continue the problem crops up more and more until it won't work correctly even on the second try.

As it would take quite a bit of time to verify the sequence stated above it is not 100% verified, but is pretty close. What is for sure is that the renaming of multiple file's tags is not working as it used to fairly recently.


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Re: Media Center 16.0.101 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2011, 01:05:03 am »

12. Changed: Theater View watch marks are only shown for videos longer than 20 minutes.

Would it be possible to make this configurable please? I'd like to disable these watch marks.

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Re: Media Center 16.0.101 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2011, 01:47:05 am »

DVD working nicely again. Thanks!

I have mkv with embedded subtitles in several languages. Subtitles are always displayed regardless of Subtitle Mode: Do not show subtitles. I can turn them off after starting playback by right click option. But they always default on.

This is not a new problem. I did not report in the past because I thought it was RO teathing pains.


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Re: Media Center 16.0.101 -- Available Here (Tv-serie backdrops, danish)
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2011, 04:58:57 am »

Backdrops for TV-series.

I'm sorry but it is still not working for danish tv-series.

I'm not sure what information I can give you more on this little subject.



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Re: Media Center 16.0.101 -- Available Here (Tv-serie backdrops, danish)
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2011, 01:18:30 pm »

Backdrops for TV-series.

I'm sorry but it is still not working for danish tv-series.

I'm not sure what information I can give you more on this little subject.


Next build:
Fixed: Theater View backdrops from would not work properly for series with multiple database records where only one record was complete (like the Danish show Anstalten).
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 16.0.101 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2011, 02:05:43 pm »

Next build:
Fixed: Theater View backdrops from would not work properly for series with multiple database records where only one record was complete (like the Danish show Anstalten).

I will come with feedback after next build to tell if it works.



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Re: Media Center 16.0.101 -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2011, 05:03:49 pm »

Again the same Problem during each installation JRImage.dll is in use, this issue always occurs when the media server is started.

The only Way to install is to close the media server in Windows Task Manager.
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Re: Media Center 16.0.101 -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2011, 05:06:25 pm »

Again the same Problem during each installation JRImage.dll is in use, this issue always occurs when the media server is started.

Can you check Task Manager to see if a Media Center.exe or JRWorker.exe is running?

The installer tries (and normally does) shut Media Center down when starting the install.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 16.0.101 -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2011, 05:53:09 pm »

Yes a process with the Name "Media Center 16.exe" is running.  But i am on Windows 7 x64 the name is also "Media Center 16.exe *32"

Can you check Task Manager to see if a Media Center.exe or JRWorker.exe is running?

The installer tries (and normally does) shut Media Center down when starting the install.

Official Microsoft © product tester.
Download the latest language file here:!AnQ3L_bTnnzv7sl5BeJV9n4sMn3pFg?e=VlaNNc The file is continuously updated.


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Re: Media Center 16.0.101 -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2011, 12:30:53 am »

Something wierd: After installing 101 theaterview doesn't display all my movies. Just 5 out of 15. 4 movies show up in Television.They all have the same filetype, and are from the same year. They do show up in standardview.  ?

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Re: Media Center 16.0.101 -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2011, 03:16:37 am »

Something wierd: After installing 101 theaterview doesn't display all my movies. Just 5 out of 15. 4 movies show up in Television.They all have the same filetype, and are from the same year. They do show up in standardview.  ?
I noticed a couple of my music videos had their media subtype changed to movie after I installed 101. I didn't think much of it at the time and just changed them back. Has the sub type on your files changed?


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Re: Media Center 16.0.101 -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2011, 03:52:22 am »

Did a library restore from a while back. Lost all my info but at least the movies are back.

Btw if it were subtypes that were at issue, the Standard View would also be messed up. But it was only in Theater View.

Update  ?

JRWorker started up, and suddenly the movies were gone again in Theater View.


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Re: Media Center 16.0.101 -- Available Here
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2011, 09:03:34 am »

Has something changed with stacked files in the past few updates?  I'm now getting stacked files appearing in my smartlist results where before they weren't there.

Please remind me, is there a way to turn off stack files from appearing altogether.  They drive me nuts.  Every time I update my smartlists to exclude their paths they seem to pop up again some other way...  Some sort of smartlist modifier (eg. ShowNoStackItems) would be exceptionally useful?



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Re: Media Center 16.0.101 -- Available Here
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2011, 09:27:37 am »

Did a library restore from a while back. Lost all my info but at least the movies are back.

Btw if it were subtypes that were at issue, the Standard View would also be messed up. But it was only in Theater View.

Update  ?

JRWorker started up, and suddenly the movies were gone again in Theater View.

By default, Theater View has to guess whether a video is a movie, TV show, etc.

Set the 'Media Sub Type' field, and there won't be any guessing.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 16.0.101 -- Available Here
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2011, 12:24:51 pm »

By default, Theater View has to guess whether a video is a movie, TV show, etc.

Set the 'Media Sub Type' field, and there won't be any guessing.

Ok i'll try that. tnx.
This is a new feature in 101? Because it only started with 101.
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