Stacks --> Advanced --> Autostack files by Artist - Album - Track # and Name
After clicking this my files are nicely stacked as expected, BUT:
"Autostack" seemed to imply that I would have turned on a function which would henceforth automatically stack my files by Artist - Album - Track # and Name (like auto-import turns on a function that performs imports automatically).
However when I add flac files and then have MC convert to mp3 (keeping both copies) MC does not autostack them even after an Import. (Flac files are in one folder, mp3's in another i.e.: M:\Music\Flac\ and M:\Music\mp3\)
It seems I must manually initiate the stacking each time, which is more cumbersome and easily overlooked.
Am I misinterpreting this function?
Does this only work when involved with the handheld conversion cache and not when files are converted manually to the same drive?