Thanks! I overthought it as usual. I wondered why the real shortcut said Media Center. Oh well.
It works as advertised. When I start MC it plays one of the Playchart titles.
But it isn't exactly right. Let me try to explain.
This machine is used in my garage for entertainment while we play pool, etc.
When we first start it is nice that it starts to play right away. There are 200 songs there and it picks one, somewhere in the middle of the playlist. Fine so far, but then someone adds a tune, it goes right after what's playing now and that is fine. The next guy picks 4 from one artist and 5 from another. He doesn't want them to play all by one artist and then the other so he selects Add and Shuffle Remaining, oops, now his tunes are lost in the big pile.
I guess the functionality I am looking for is a playlist with the song playing now as the top of the list and the ones that have played are removed from the list. The MC plays one song after the other from the Playchart, but only shows the one song playing, and maybe what's coming up next. When someone adds a tune, it replaces the playchart next with the users next. He can add as many as he wants and then shuffle the list if he wants and then only his tunes play (or if others pick, they are shuffled in the the mix too). No Playchart tunes play or appear until all the users tunes have played, then MC goes back to the playchart and continues playing it until a user picks another tune.
This is the way Audiosoft's Ejukebox works and we really like that. The "playchart" for Ej is a simple "played at least x times" but it works great.
Anyway to approximate that? I love MC and will not move, but the continuous playlist is baffling a little. Why do we need to see what has played? It just makes it very hard for the uninitiated to figure out where their song is in the list (even if it is highlighted when playing

) I think the playlist should have what is playing on the top, and then what is coming up below.
Crazy huh?

Please, no offense meant with this fine product, I am just trying to learn it, and why it is designed this way.