I'm confused about keywords too, and I think I'm the one that's supposed to make the change 
I think we're all a little confused.
Can I just ask a few questions to the people in this thread. Can you try to give me yes/no answers as much as is possible so that we can get a clear answer on this?
1. MC is currently filling the [Keywords] tag with TMDb's Plot Keywords field. Is this useful for you? (Yes/No)
2. Ignoring [Keywords] for right now, the proposed change would fill [Genre] (a string-type field in MC) with the first genre tag for each movie on TMDb. This means that
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 would get tagged as [Genre]=Adventure (assuming the API returns them in the same order as they display on the site). Will this work for you? (Yes/No)
3. Instead of filling [Genre] with this first result, would it break anything for you if MC instead filled [Keywords] with all of the Genres in TMDb? Keep in mind, [Keywords] is
already being filled with something, so we're just talking about changing the source of that data from TMDb's Plot Keywords over to TMDb's Category: Genre tags. (Yes/No)
Relating to #3, if you say yes, I'm going to ask what is going to break. If it is a situation like Bill's, then that isn't directly a problem because you can easily add a Tag On Import rule (
as discussed here) to pre-fill [Keywords] with something specific, so that it never gets filled with TMDb's data at all.
I'm just trying to get a handle on exactly where everyone stands on this, because we're getting all mixed up between how people think it should work, versus how it does now. For example, Bill and MrHaugen seemed to be arguing that [Keywords] should be untouched, and then said they were happy with the proposed solution (maybe because of Jim's curveball) but it seems like they won't be, and having only one [Genre] seems like a half-measure.
My guess is that no one is going to answer Yes to #1 above. If that is the case, then why are we filling it with that information? And, if that answer is Yes, then what does it hurt to have [Keywords] (assuming it is going to be filled with SOMETHING, like it is now) filled with something more useful, like Genre?
That's all I'm trying to say.
For the record, my answers are:
1. No
2. Yes, though not ideally.
3. No