Here I am!
Short answer: Excellent, of course. But I'd really like to answer a different question, namely: Between Best Buy and Amazon, which company is JRiver more similar to?
Answer: Amazon. Amazon is not just a retail outlet, they are an innovator and a technology developer. Amazon has a tradition of excellence and an ongoing inability to sit still. JRiver!
Stretching this analogy even further, JRiver has more in common with Amazon than it does with many software companies, taking for example MSFT (I love dragging them into things). I'm sure I'm missing something, but I can't recall a new product MSFT has brought out in the last decade that wasn't a day late and a dollar short (and painfully derivative). I'm sorry, MSFT has more in common with GM in the seventies--selling every car they can make--than they do with JRiver.