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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 18.0.55 -- Available Here  (Read 6395 times)


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JRiver Media Center 18.0.55 -- Available Here
« on: October 09, 2012, 09:07:30 am »

This is the latest version of MC 18.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.



18.0.55 (10/4/2012)

1. Fixed: Some DVB-C channel parameters were not parsed during channel scanning.
2. NEW: DLNA: If supported by the renderer, use renderer muting functions.
3. NEW: Added BD quality mp4ts encoding profile. Works great to the PS3. Needs a lot of CPU for realtime rendering.

18.0.54 (10/3/2012)

1. Fixed: Converting audio to ALAC could cause a crash in the last build.
2. Changed: DLNA: SSDP conformance, will allow other devices to better detect MC's server state change upon startup and close.
3. Fixed: Cleanups in http server code.
4. Fixed: Converting multiple audio files at one time could fail.
5. Fixed: Closing the program or loading a new library while converting was not messaging nicely.
6. Fixed: Modulation type drop-down list did not include all choices for DVB-C and possibly for QAM television channel editing/adding tool.
7. Changed: Updated MP3 encoder to LAME 3.99.5.
8. Fixed: If Internal volume was used, then the volume mode switched, in some cases the internal volume could be incorrectly applied during that run of the program.
9. Fixed: Ctrl+Tab / Ctrl+Shift+Tab was not always switching between tabs.
10. Changed: When the mouse-over view header menu shows, it will activate the view if it's not the active split view.
11. Fixed: When customizing the top and bottom toolbars, the window would not immediately update to show the changes.
12. Fixed: Up / down drop-list navigation was not working while in-place editing.

18.0.53 (10/1/2012)

1. Fixed: Fonts that were not TrueType, like those used by Sleep Timer, could cause a crash.
2. Fixed: In-place editing in a list like DSP Studio > Output Formats would not work properly when clicking away from a drop list.
3. Fixed: Some low sample rate AAC files that didn't explicitly specify SBR would not play properly.
4. Faster: Improved the performance when bitstreaming DSD.
5. Fixed: When bitstreaming DSD using ASIO, the end of a track could stutter.
6. Fixed: DLNA: updateID wasn't eventing properly. This could have prevented dynamic content updates on devices that relied upon eventing for this (instead of polling).
7. Fixed: MC could crash when sending a file to a DLNA zone that vanished during the send.

18.0.52 (9/28/2012)

1. Changed: The border around search suggestions / Play Doctor suggestions is one pixel wide instead of two pixels wide.
2. Fixed: Minimizing the program while playing, then restoring, would cause stale values to be displayed for a little bit in the player bar.
3. Changed: Text outline and drop-shadow is supported on CPU's without SSE 4.1 (by using an MMX assembly fallback).
4. Fixed: Opening 'Visualization Studio' could crash.
5. Fixed: Theater View backgrounds could switch images a couple times when entering a view (probably visually not noticeable, but was a waste of resources).
6. Changed: Updated Simplified Chinese language file (thanks kelijun).

18.0.51 (9/26/2012)

1. Fixed: SSA subtitles that were authored for a different resolution than the video itself would position elements incorrectly.
2. Fixed: Line / curve drawing elements in SSA subtitles could show as a string of numbers.
3. Fixed: SSA styles would not load for some videos if the SSA included comments in the style block.
4. Fixed: SSA style alignment could be handled incorrectly for SSA V4.0+ (since alignment changed between SSA V4.0 and SSA V4.0+).
5. Fixed: Text underline did not look right when text was drawing with an outline or drop shadow (like on subtitles).
6. Faster: Revised how text underline is handled so that it's rendered as an after-effect (instead of loading a second copy of the font to draw with underline).
7. Fixed: Web browser views in Theater View could crash when leaving them.
8. NEW: Library Server clients save the contents of Playing Now between runs.
9. Fixed: Drop-panes would unexpectedly hide when the mouse was still over them.

18.0.50 (9/25/2012)

1. Changed: Improved support for between-letter spacing customization by fonts (kerning).
2. Changed: Improved support for fonts where multiple characters combine to a single glyph like Thai, etc. (feedback appreciated).
3. Changed: Added basic support for right-to-left text (like Hebrew, Arabic, etc.) to the new font drawing engine (feedback appreciated).
4. Fixed: Setting a new font in theater view options wouldn't 'stick'.
5. Fixed: When syncing library server files to a device on a client with conversion enabled, tags would not get updated.

18.0.49 (9/24/2012)

1. Fixed: DoP playback could fall out of DoP mode during a buffer shortfall (like between tracks).
2. Fixed: Catching of clicks in an embedded browser was not working.
3. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks Bytestar).
4. Fixed: Customizing the bottom list in a library view could incorrectly apply the changes to the top list.
5. Fixed: Changing a file path option would cause the option's label to not appear until leaving and reentering options.
6. Changed: Folder import will not import files from a broken DVD or Bluray aggregate (you can drag-n-drop individual video files from a broken aggregate into the program if necessary).
7. Fixed: Picking 'Show Media Center' from the Media Server tray icon would not always bring the program to the front.
8. Fixed: Some characters like a password dot, trademark symbol, etc. were not drawing.
9. Changed: Updated Simplified Chinese language file (thanks kelijun).
10. Fixed: The trial period would show as '1 day left in trial' even when there were actually more days left.
11. Fixed: Some DFF files compressed with DST would not import.
12. Fixed: In 3D album mode, the song list used a tiny text font.
13. Fixed: When playing a television recording file that was still being recorded, the "Program" OSD menu item did not show proper info.
14. Fixed: Font size in MC expression language html could cause a crash if scaled down to zero (interpreted as percentage).

18.0.48 (9/21/2012)

1. Changed: Version 18 no longer works with a version 17 license (because this makes it impossible for people to upgrade from v17 to v18 using the program).

18.0.47 (9/20/2012)

1. Changed: Starting Play Doctor with an album as a seed will focus more heavily on that album instead of focusing on all albums by the artist equally.
2. Fixed: Starting video playback could cause a black screen to show until entering and leaving Theater View again.
3. Fixed: The OSD could fail to hide when switching modes, causing it to show in unexpected places like the root of Theater View.
4. Changed: Keyboard navigation in the panes didn't expand / collapse tree items with the left and right keys.
5. Fixed: Saving / loading views was not working properly.
6. Changed: Revised ASIO buffer creation slightly so that it's more likely to use a buffer size that's a power-of-two (which makes some drivers happy).

18.0.46 (9/19/2012)

1. Changed: OSD for live television is rearranged to match OSD for other video playback.
2. Changed: OSD title "Save Current time-shifting on stop" is simplified to "Save Current Time-shifting", and the selection "Use global setting in Options > Television", is followed by the actual global setting (such as (Do Not Save)).
3. Fixed: ALAC encoder's "Encoder settings..." link in Options did not behave properly.
4. Fixed: CD ripper ripped to WAV instead of AIFF even though the user selected AIFF encoding.
5. Fixed: Seeking did not work when a LS client played television recordings or live television shows.
6. Updated: Simplified Chinese language file. Thanks kelijun.
7. Fixed: Certain fonts could show unexpected characters at the end of lines.
8. Fixed: Using a skin that used Aero Glass could cause a crash.
9. NEW: The 'Black on Black' skin supports turning the DSP button blue during direct playback.
10. Fixed: Changes made to Audio > Bitstreaming were not always saved properly.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.55 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2012, 10:26:45 am »


I am giving a try to MC18 as I still use MC17 as primary player. But I have found a bug: the Subtitle Font options doesn't stay persistent, it always reverts to the "default" settings as sson as I accept the new settings. I was trying to set Font Style to Regular instead of Bold.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.55 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2012, 12:28:13 pm »

4. Fixed: Converting multiple audio files at one time could fail.

Confirmed, FLAC conversions (4 at a time) all files test as having no errors.

Thank you!
. . . the game is rigged


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.55 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2012, 12:32:57 pm »

possible bug:

My DVD-Videos are stored on an extern HD (Seagate Free Agent GoFlex Drive 500 GB) connected via USB3 Port.

In MC 17 I can in Drives & Devices go to the Video_TS folder of the HD and click the ifo file to play.

MC 18 freezes by clicking on the Video_TS folder. All other folders can be browsed and I can see all the files. While MC 18 hangs I can open MC 17 and browse (and plav the video) successfully.

MC 17 Benchmark Score is 3497 - should be good enough

best regards bernhard
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Stuttering on cuesheet .flac files on clients
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2012, 01:32:28 pm »

I keep most of my music on cuesheet .flac or .ape formats without splitting the record to individual songs.

These files, supported by a .cue file, play fine on my HTPC.

When I try to play them from MC running on the client PC, the first song plays fine and from then on there is a 2-3 seconds stutter on each song, "buffering" appears on the top bar of MC, and it jumps from song to song every few seconds until the end of the record.

The same files play fine with foobar.

The files are standard 44/16 files, bitrates maxing out at 1200 kb/sec. I have no problem to play much higher bitrate media types (mkv) on the same client connected to my HTPC, so this is not a network throughput issue.

MC 17 had no such an issue.

EDIT: Same behaviour with ripped SACD .iso files.
Only the first song plays on client.



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.55 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2012, 04:02:28 pm »

1. Fixed: Converting audio to ALAC could cause a crash in the last build.


I confirm that there are no more crashes when converting files to ALAC, thank you!

Unfortunately, I discovered that the encoded files are not playable at all by my iPod Classic 6G! (the
reported duration is correct but the indicator never moves past 0:00 and then it skips to the next file) :-(
I strongly suspect that the reason is that the encoded files, as the source files, are 24 bits FLACs,
and the iPod Classic supports at most 16 bits; I'm almost certain that it's not caused by the sample rate
because while experimenting I put on the iPod classic 96Khz ALACs and the files were playable, but the
sample rate was obviously wrong.
The maximum sample rate supported by the iPod Classic is 48KHz, so it must also be adjusted.

Could you please add the bits/sample rate options to the ALAC encoder? This is the last step for making the
conversion really usable on the iPod!

Thank you in advance.
Best regards


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.55 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2012, 12:53:30 am »

I hope this is a bug and not intentional. In MC17, if a multi-value tag field contained more than four values it would be shown in the tag window with an ellipsis after the last item like so:

In MC18 it's not there, so there's no way to tell at a glance if there are more items.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.55 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2012, 05:27:14 am »

I just upgraded from MC17

Seems like the upgrade went well but I am NOT seeing my previous Libraries, other than the default one (Main Library).

Also "Main Library" was renamed in MC17, but I lost the rename (I know, not a big deal).

The main thing is that I had 3/4 other libraries, and I do not see them in MC18


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.55 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2012, 09:02:52 am »

Hi Chaps,

MC 18 has a new Playlist category ‘Car Radio’ ? This is totally unwanted by me so in the absence of any other way to remove it I delete it from the list. Each time I restart the program ‘Car Radio’ reappears, could this be sorted please?

Thanks for sorting the display of ‘Sample Rate ‘ etc in the top window; really helpful.



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Multichannel OGG won't play
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2012, 09:41:45 am »

See here for the initial problem and examples

as experienced in MC17. and the .51 version of MC18


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Visual C++ Runtime Error!
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2012, 09:49:46 am »

When I started to import my MP3 library, I got a Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library pop-up saying,

Runtime Error
  Program: C:\Prog...          (I assume this points to MC18)
  -pure virtual function call

MC started to import my MP3s while I recorded the error info.  Once I finished recording the info, I hit OK on the pop-up, MC then crashed.
I restarted it and went to imoport my MP3 library again and everything seemed OK then.
JRiver Media Center... If you don't have it, I don't want to hear it!


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.55 -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2012, 02:19:50 pm »

I got trouble with the subtitles. After 1 or 2 minutes subtitles freezes. Movie runs fine. When trying to switch subtitle to off, the movie stops playing.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.55 -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2012, 10:19:52 am »

Crashes after scheduled over the air TV recording. I tried 1 tuner 2 tuners with same results. Records program and when finished it crashes. I can watch live Tv no problems at all with either tuner. If I am watching the program I am recording I get no crash. Seems like I get the crash when it is saving the recorded program. Log attached. I uninstalled and installed JRiver with same results.  Windows is up to date and have latest drivers. Thanks for any help.
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