For years I have been confused about how volume works in MC. With the recent introduction of Loudness I thought I would try to get myself on solid ground. I read the wiki and did some playing but still do not understand a few things.
1) It seems my system is best suited to use internal volume. So I set system slider to 100% and selected internal volume. It works when I move the MC slider however my keyboard volume buttons still controls system volume. How can I make my keyboard control internal volume?
2) I think I understand what each of the volume types does. What I do not understand is why does the volume I hear change when I switch between internal, system, and application? For example, system slider is at 100% and internal slider is at 50%. The volume I hear should be at the product of the two. So why then does the volume get louder when I select system and quieter when I select internal when in both cases I do not change the slider position?