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Author Topic: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here  (Read 7389 times)


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Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« on: December 31, 2012, 05:02:22 pm »

This is the latest version of MC 18.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

Please read this first.



18.0.104 (12/31/2012)

1. Fixed: WAV files created by other programs (like WMP and others) containing tags in the RIFF header could be imported with garbled tag values.
2. Fixed: Holding down the previous and next player buttons was not doing a fast forward / rewind.
3. Changed: Updated Chinese Language file (thanks kelijun).
4. Fixed: YouTube downloads were not working for some videos.
5. Changed: When changing the volume quickly with Loudness enabled, the sound is smoother (previously there could be a subtle ticking sound).
6. Fixed: When rip/encode simultaneous was enabled in advanced rip options, MC would not always allow multiple audio CD's to be ripped concurrently.
7. Fixed: Secure rip log files were not being written with the correct Windows style end of line characters (\r\n).
8. Fixed: wmv encoding. Broken by changes in 18.0.95
9. Fixed: The 'Add New Field' button would unnecessarily disable on the field management dialog when no field was selected.
10. Fixed: When using large fonts, the text in the player area could be the wrong size when using a skin that doesn't support playerbar resizing.
11. Fixed: The IE web browser engine could crash when starting.
12. Changed: When using MCC_PLAY_TV (30002), an error message is shown when the channel specified is not found (previously it would fail silently).
13. Changed: Renamed the new WASAPI - Event Style option from "Maximize hardware volume during playback" to "Maximize device volume during playback" to better match Windows naming.
14. Changed: Removed the 'Mute on start' WASAPI - Event Style option (it was added to see if it helped with DSD/PCM transitions, and it did not).
15. Changed: The WASAPI - Event Style option "Maximize device volume during playback" also clears / restores the mute state if the device is muted.
16. Fixed: Deleting a zone could leave stale 'Send To' menu items in the MRU list.
17. Fixed: When switching to Theater View with a toolbar button, the tooltip could remain visible.
18. Fixed: The math parser did not nicely handle when a function was used with less parameters than it required (applies to Math(...) in expression engine, etc.)

18.0.103 (12/21/2012)

1. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks Bytestar).


Internal build not released to the public.

18.0.101 (12/21/2012)

1. Changed: M3U and ASX playlist export could use JRiver-specific XML filenames in some cases.
2. NEW: Added the WASAPI - Event Style option 'Maximize hardware volume during playback'.
3. Fixed: Thumbnail creation for videos was not working in builds 98-100.
4. Fixed: Taskbar button images were not appearing with builds 98-100.
5. Fixed: Additional bug associated with translated television tuner type text string.
6. Changed: Updated Russian translation file (thanks, Vladimir).
7. Change: Updated Chinese Language file.  (Thanks, kelijun).
8. Changed: Updated all translation files to include the latest strings from the source code.
9. Fixed: Ripping multiple audio discs could create a duplicate rip progress action window.
10. Fixed: In certain cases the user would have to click on "Insert a disc and click here" in the rip action window even though an audio disc was already present in the drive.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2012, 05:13:13 pm »

Holy Cow - happy new year!
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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2012, 07:00:25 pm »

Blue Steel is back to normal...

Thank you and Happy new Year!


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2012, 07:52:53 pm »

Command line argument processing problem reported here:
The opinions I express represent my own folly.


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2013, 05:46:47 am »

Won't install - I get an error message

"Install Wizard could not copy the necessary files to the destination folder. Please ensure that the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 18\JRTools.dll" is not in use."


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2013, 07:33:30 am »

Where are Showcast,Sky fm,etc... in My conect media in MC 18.0104


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2013, 08:04:34 am »

Won't install - I get an error message

"Install Wizard could not copy the necessary files to the destination folder. Please ensure that the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 18\JRTools.dll" is not in use."
Try rebooting.


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2013, 09:08:42 am »

Won't install - I get an error message

"Install Wizard could not copy the necessary files to the destination folder. Please ensure that the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 18\JRTools.dll" is not in use."

Start up your Task Manager, click on the processes tab, kill the JRService (or something to that effect) process. Now you can install without rebooting.


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2013, 11:22:47 am »

I have been posting about a very annoying problem I am having with ver.18 since it came out, regarding albums on a single file supported by a .cue cuesheet file.

The problem remains on this version too.

This is a link to my last post on December 22.

What is the procedure for our posts anyway? Are they put on a fifo queue to be solved and followed up or something?

I have literally hundreds of albums in this format, and I have absolutely no intention of braking each file in discrete track files. Switching back to MC17 solves it, so why is it so difficult to debug in this last version 18?

Happy New Year to all!!

jack wallstreet

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Cover Art Problem and Weird Sort Problem
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2013, 11:51:41 am »

With 104, it appears my cover art is a disappearing.  Some album songs have art, some do not (they all used to).  The quick find does not reliably work anymore.  I have checked the cover art file location and it appears to still be correct and the cover art is still in the directory.  At the moment your cover art server is down, but the "get from internet" doesn't seeom to even find the files on my system (I am not using a server).  

I am also getting a mC18 routine crash on a search using the search box  (and the search is not working well and crashes part way through)

Haven't seen any of this before.

[Update] - I reverted back to 103 and the cover art reappeared, but I am still having sort problems (won't sort always and sometimes crashes)

Update 5 - I found my issue with sort not finding what I was looking for.  The problem was me.  Other issues: crash on sorts and cover art disappearing still seem an issue, but....
Update 2) - I reverted bact to .78 and still have sort problems - did some testing.  Sort problems seem to be limited.  Some sorts work fine, other don't update the list at all.  The one I can't get to work is a sort just by typin in "Lay Lady Lay"  This sort for me doesn't work.  It does not select out anything, seemingly and seems to cause instability.

This is weird.  Maybe my computer or I are having a bad bad.

Update 3 - I should point out that the Lay Lady Lay search works fine in a pane that only has a few files.  Where I get the crashing and failure is the pane with all files (44,000)


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2013, 02:35:03 pm »

For me, when I click (without pressing) on Car Radio, opens the window to rename the playlist (car radio). I went back to v.103.

Fabricio, from Brazil.


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2013, 05:04:54 pm »

After updating to 104 I'm seeing a new bug in the track progress indicator -- that little slider that shows you how far along you are in the track and which you can slide to different positions in the track.

First, it is not moving in sync with the currently playing track. Although the song pkays fine, the indicator is skipping in 9-10 second increments and then sits at the end of the timeline until the song is done playing.

Second, if I merely mouse over the indicator, it will move along with the mouse. However, this does not affect the actual playing of the track unless I click on it.

I'm using the Noire skin, but this persisted regardless of which of the default installed skins I tried out.


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2013, 06:21:46 pm »

After updating to 104 I'm seeing a new bug in the track progress indicator -- that little slider that shows you how far along you are in the track and which you can slide to different positions in the track.

First, it is not moving in sync with the currently playing track. Although the song pkays fine, the indicator is skipping in 9-10 second increments and then sits at the end of the timeline until the song is done playing.

Second, if I merely mouse over the indicator, it will move along with the mouse. However, this does not affect the actual playing of the track unless I click on it.

I'm using the Noire skin, but this persisted regardless of which of the default installed skins I tried out.

I have this problem as well, going back to 103 fixes it.

The first track that is played back on MC startup is fine.
If I let MC just play and continue onto the next track on its own it is still fine.
If I change songs by double clicking the track in Playing Now it still plays fine.
However the problem happens when skipping tracks by pressing the next track button in the upper left corner. The progress bar will not track properly and skips in large increments even though the track plays back fine.
If I press the previous track or back button the current track will start back from the beginning but now the progress bar shows 0:00 the entire time and does not move but the track still plays.
The only way to get the progress bar working is to restart MC but then it fails again on any of the two above conditions.


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2013, 06:55:43 pm »

I have this problem as well, going back to 103 fixes it.

The first track that is played back on MC startup is fine.
If I let MC just play and continue onto the next track on its own it is still fine.
If I change songs by double clicking the track in Playing Now it still plays fine.
However the problem happens when skipping tracks by pressing the next track button in the upper left corner. The progress bar will not track properly and skips in large increments even though the track plays back fine.
If I press the previous track or back button the current track will start back from the beginning but now the progress bar shows 0:00 the entire time and does not move but the track still plays.
The only way to get the progress bar working is to restart MC but then it fails again on any of the two above conditions.

Exact same Problem Here!


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2013, 09:04:35 pm »

Chinese is still there.  No change.


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2013, 09:27:19 pm »



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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2013, 10:05:49 pm »

JohnT explains how to fix that here:

The latest build worked for me for some of the "chinese" tags, but not all of them. Weird.


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2013, 01:02:21 am »

I know this is a few versions late, but what was the rationale behind moving to a custom version of MadVR?


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2013, 02:10:14 am »

I know this is a few versions late, but what was the rationale behind moving to a custom version of MadVR?

It probably just contains a quick fix for some functionality in MC18, and madshi didn't want to release a full public version just for this.
I'm sure it'll go back to the official version on the next update.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2013, 02:23:03 am »

It probably just contains a quick fix for some functionality in MC18, and madshi didn't want to release a full public version just for this.
I'm sure it'll go back to the official version on the next update.

Cool. Thanks for the update. Oh, and looking at your sig I just wanted to say: LAV is god's gift to HTPCs. Thanks so much for your work! :)


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2013, 07:14:15 am »

The latest build worked for me for some of the "chinese" tags, but not all of them. Weird.
Read the link again.  You may have missed the update step.


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2013, 07:16:04 am »

After updating to 104 I'm seeing a new bug in the track progress indicator -- that little slider that shows you how far along you are in the track and which you can slide to different positions in the track.

First, it is not moving in sync with the currently playing track. Although the song pkays fine, the indicator is skipping in 9-10 second increments and then sits at the end of the timeline until the song is done playing.

Second, if I merely mouse over the indicator, it will move along with the mouse. However, this does not affect the actual playing of the track unless I click on it.

I'm using the Noire skin, but this persisted regardless of which of the default installed skins I tried out.

I'm also having track progress bar issues. In my case the slider doesn't move at all, but if I hover over the bar the slider will move to that point, then slowly fade drop back to 0:00. It's oddly compelling.

The audio files play fine.

(EDIT) I restarted MC and the progress bar is behaving normally.


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2013, 07:31:38 am »

Read the link again.  You may have missed the update step.

Nope. Followed the directions.


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2013, 04:02:09 pm »

  • Won't install - I get an error message..."Install Wizard could not copy the necessary files..."
    1. I had the same problem.  As mentioned by others, it worked after rebooting.  Presumably that was because JRiver was running a service after I closed it.  That actually makes me angry since I explicitly disabled starting JRiver on boot and every TSR feature that I saw.  How do I prevent Media Center from going rogue TSR on me when I close it?
  • I'm also having track progress bar issues...(EDIT) I restarted MC and the progress bar is behaving normally.
    2. I also had this problem (see the screen shot).  I only tried playing videos downloaded from YouTube and only in full screen Display View.  However, once the progress slider started following the mouse it continued to do so no even when the mouse wasn't over the control.  I'm not positive, but I don't think it started until I moused to unhide the controls and moused over the slider.  I also do not see the problem now that I closed and reopened the app.
  • 3. See the screen shots for additional bugs.


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2013, 04:04:11 pm »

Ardemus, that screenshot is correct for a disabled volume.  Please start a new thread if you want to discuss in more detail.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2013, 09:44:54 pm »

  • 2. I also had this problem (see the screen shot).  I only tried playing videos downloaded from YouTube and only in full screen Display View.  However, once the progress slider started following the mouse it continued to do so no even when the mouse wasn't over the control.  I'm not positive, but I don't think it started until I moused to unhide the controls and moused over the slider.  I also do not see the problem now that I closed and reopened the app.

Correction.  The progress slider works properly for the first video file played and only the first video file played after launching Media Center.


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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #26 on: January 03, 2013, 05:18:58 am »

i just found why my system volume is at 100% everytime  :P .the "suppress system handling during this command" for remote control does not work anymore. i have set volume to internal and sound goes to my asio card. since i use volume protection, the volume up is used a lot. the volume from my internal card handling system and internet sounds, goes up with it. blasting everytime i start a youtube or whatever sound on the internet. with 17 it worked fine.



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Re: Media Center 18.0.104 -- Available Here
« Reply #27 on: January 03, 2013, 05:24:29 am »

when i start to play a mixed list of videoos and fotoos from my camera in standard view, it always breaks, depending on what i start with, only videoos or only fotoos are send to playing now. this is also with zoneswitch disabled. it does work correctly in Theater View though. also with zoneswitch enabled.

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