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Author Topic: Localization/translating issues  (Read 3897 times)

Janusz Grzybek

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Localization/translating issues
« on: April 30, 2013, 01:56:43 pm »

First of all, I congratulate you on perfect implementation of autosize properties in all views and dialogs. Polish labels, captions, etc. are usually longer that English originals and for this reason they are often truncated in GUI. I'm author couple Polish localization for different applications, so I encountered this issue almost in every localized app. Media Center is notable exception :).
Unfortunately, I found couple important localization issues generated by your localization method. I split those issues to separated posts for better review.

Janusz Grzybek

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Re: Localization/translating issues
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2013, 01:57:43 pm »

Issue #1: Duplicate originals translated in different way

You do not include all occurences of this same original string to lang file. I don't know your localization framework, but maybe it requires only unique strings in language resources, because lang file doesn't contain context. Actually, this is good solution, because it decrease size of lang file, but in some cases it could give bad results, when targeted language requires different translations (depends on context0 for duplicates of this same original.

For better preview of this issue I described "mirrored" example based on translating from Polish to English:
English "castle" and "lock" in Polish language have this same name, that is "zamek". We replace "zamek" with placeholder. Please find one good English translation for these English sentences:
"My safe has combination %s"
"Windsor is big %"
%s - ?

Below is couple items with this issue:

First kind of this issue (you can't replace original with different English string):
"Edit" - all Polish applications (also Windows) use "Edycja" as "Edit" main menu name and "Edytuj" for "Edit" buttons. This type of issue coud be hard to solved, if your application requires unique originals (one occurence of string in lang file). Optionally, it could be solved by adding hotkey character (ampersand) to string. In this case you'll get two unique strings: "Edit" and "&Edit"

Second kind of this issue (you can' replace original with different English string):
"Display" in "Monitor" setting of "Full Screen (Display View, Theater View, etc.)" should be translated to Polish as "Ekran" ("Screen" in English)
"Display" in "Manage Library Fields" dialog should be translated to Polish as "Wyświetlana nazwa" ("Displayed name" in English)
"Display" in "Action Window" could be (best translation) translated to polish as "Podgląd" ("Preview" in English)

Third kind of this issue (string in lang file is only part of GUI item - this issue will be described in next post):
For example "All" should be translated to Polish as "Wszystkie", "Wszyscy" or "Wszystko" depends on context. You can solve this issue by merge strings, so I can translate:
"All Albums" - "Wszystkie albumy"
"All Artists" - "Wszyscy wykonawcy"
"All" - "Wszystko"

Janusz Grzybek

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Re: Localization/translating issues
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2013, 01:58:46 pm »

Issue #2: Multiple strings from lang file are assembled to one GUI item (label, caption, etc.):

You often use this solution in your lang file, but it generate lot of issue in Polish language (it could also occur at least in other Slavic languages):
Polish language has totally different grammar rules. For example in Polish is 7 inflecions of noun x 3 grammatical genders of nouns x grammatical number of nouns, but Polish has only 3 gramatical tenses. So using solution with merging to strings to one label gives usualy very bad Polish translations. Polish language is very restricted about capitalized words inside sentence and allowed are only capitalized proper nouns e.g. I can't use "Wszystkie Albumy" ("All Albums" in English).

Here examples of incorrect translating results:
"Wszystkie Wykonawcy" should be "Wszyscy wykonawcy" (mentioned also in previous post)
"Dodaj do Teraz odtwarzane" should be "Dodaj do teraz odtwarzanych"
"Pokaż Wykonawca" should be "Pokaż wykonawcę"
...and many other items not mentioned here.

Some issues could be solved by adding placeholder to string, for example
In bottom part of window is displayed info about library, if not selected any items, for example:
"406 Files (3,8 GB - 29,3 hours)" in English gives following resut in Polish:
"406 Pliki (3,8 GB - 29,3 godzin)" while should be "406 plików (3,8 GB - 29,3 godzin)"
but for "404 Files (3,8 GB - 29,3 hours)" should be "404 pliki (3,8 GB - 29,3 godzin)"
I can solve issue with declension of Polish numeral, if you all add plcaholder to string. For example:
"%d Files" I can translate to "Pliki: %d"

Please, take into consideration my requests from this and previous post. High quality of localized GUI can really increase popularity and rating of your application in other countries.

Janusz Grzybek

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Re: Localization/translating issues
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2013, 02:00:37 pm »

Issue #3: Not translatable items in GUI

Seems to me that your language file (English) is out of dated, because I found not translatable items in GUI (not available in language file, or available items but don't work). Could you update language file? Below is list those items I've found so far:

"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Audio" > "Output Mode Settings" > "ASIO settings" > "Dither bithdepht conversions" checbox label
"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Audio" > "Output Mode Settings" > "ASIO settings" > "Device uses only most significant 24-bits (Lynx etc.)" checbox label

"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Audio" > "DSP & Output Format" > "Output Format" > "Bitdepth" dropdown list > "24-bit (with dithering)"
"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Audio" > "DSP & Output Format" > "Output Format" > "Mixing" dropdown list > "JRSS v2.0™ mixing (recommended)"

"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Media Network" > "Advanced" node caption
"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Media Network" > "WebGizmo (play and control your media from a web browser)" node caption is available in lang file, but it doesn't work
"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Media Network" > "MCWS (web service)" node caption is available in lang file, but it doesn't work
"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Media Network" > "Client Options" (when connected to a Library Server)" node caption
"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Media Network" > "Add or configure DLNA servers" > "Title Expression"

"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Video" > "Advanced" > "Aspect ratio corrections" > "1.60 (Widescreen 16:10)" popup menu item
"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Video" > "Display Settings" > "Wait after change (use if display changes slowly)"
"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Video" > "General Video Settings" > "Video mode" > "Advanced" popup menu item
"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Video" > "General Video Settings" > "Video mode" > "Advanced" > "Custom" popup menu item
"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Video" > "General Video Settings" > "Video mode" > "Advanced" > "Windows merit based (not recommended)" popup menu item

"Tools" menu > "Advanced Tools" >  "Audio Calibration" menu item
"Tools" menu > "Advanced Tools" >  "Audio Calibration" > "Audio Calibration" dialog title
"Tools" menu > "Advanced Tools" >  "Audio Calibration" > "Play audio that is useful for calibration and testing" label

"Tools" menu > "Library Tools" > "Rename, Move, & Copy files" > "This allows you to change a path by replacing something like C:\Music\ with D:\Music\." label is available in lang file, but it doesn't work
"Tools" menu > "Library Tools" > "Rename, Move, & Copy files" > "Action", "Original", "New" header captions

"View" menu > "Skin Effects"> "Effects" combobox label

"Player" menu > "Skip To" menu item
"Player" menu > "Skip To" > "Previous Album" menu item
"Player" menu > "Skip To" > "Next Album" menu item
"Player" menu > "Skip To" > "Previous Artist" menu item
"Player" menu > "Skip To" > "Next Artist" menu item

"%s by %s" string is available in lang files, but seems it doesn't work

Television view > "TV Options" > "Scan for Channels" > "Scan for CableCARD channels" checbox label and "CableCARD. Use xml programming info data to populate channels"

I'll supplement this list, if I'll find next items.

Janusz Grzybek

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Re: Localization/translating issues
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2013, 06:03:15 am »

AD #1 & #2 issue - next reported items

You use following description under buffer slider in audio device settings: "More" - "Responsive". Unfortunately, I can't use correct Polish translation: "Większa" (More) - "elastyczność" (Responsive), because in other potential GUI items "More" should be translated as "Więcej". For this reason I used this translation, but it looks very, very bad in Polish. Issue could be solved when:
a) You confirm "More" item from lang file is used only in this dialog.
b) You change "Responsive" string to "More Responsive" (e.g. with enabled wordwrap properties in component), "More\n\rResponsive", etc.



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Re: Localization/translating issues
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2013, 10:13:11 am »

Thanks for the detailed list.  It might take us a while to chip away at these, so please feel free to occasionally bump this thread.

Next build will update all the language files (your Polish file included) to include the latest strings from the source code.

For this:
"406 Pliki (3,8 GB - 29,3 godzin)" while should be "406 plików (3,8 GB - 29,3 godzin)"
"404 Files (3,8 GB - 29,3 hours)" should be "404 pliki (3,8 GB - 29,3 godzin)"

Are you saying plików is needed for 406, while 404 needs pliki?  I'm not sure how we could do that.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

Janusz Grzybek

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Re: Localization/translating issues
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2013, 03:42:43 pm »

Thanks for the detailed list.  It might take us a while to chip away at these, so please feel free to occasionally bump this thread.

Next build will update all the language files (your Polish file included) to include the latest strings from the source code.

For this:
Are you saying plików is needed for 406, while 404 needs pliki?  I'm not sure how we could do that.
By adding %d placeholder to "Files" string  (e.g. "%d Files", and optionally second string "%d File" for compatibility with English grammar rules) - in this case I can use following trick: "Pliki: %d" for ALL numerals.


Janusz Grzybek

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Re: Localization/translating issues
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2013, 03:55:01 pm »

You have in lang file following string:

"Convert %d file%s to"

but placeholder add "s" character (English plural form) to string, when value %d > 1, so it gives "plikóws" instead correct "plików" in Polish language for more converted files. I'm surprised that it wasn't reported yet.


Janusz Grzybek

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Re: Localization/translating issues
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2013, 04:11:58 pm »

It might take us a while to chip away at these, so please feel free to occasionally bump this thread.

Don't worry, I think I'll find next issues soon ;).



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Re: Localization/translating issues
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2013, 04:00:09 am »

"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Media Network" > "Advanced" node caption
"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Media Network" > "WebGizmo (play and control your media from a web browser)" node caption is available in lang file, but it doesn't work
"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Media Network" > "MCWS (web service)" node caption is available in lang file, but it doesn't work
"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Media Network" > "Client Options" (when connected to a Library Server)" node caption

"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Video" > "General Video Settings" > "Video mode" > "Advanced" popup menu item
"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Video" > "General Video Settings" > "Video mode" > "Advanced" > "Custom" popup menu item
"Tools" menu > "Options" > "Video" > "General Video Settings" > "Video mode" > "Advanced" > "Windows merit based (not recommended)" popup menu item

Change \\ (double backslash) to \ (single backslash) and add to the end of the file.
I learned this trick from Chinese language file. (I'm Korean language file translator)

Code: [Select]

#  All Other Phrases (alphabetized)

고급\사용자 설정

Advanced\Windows merit based (not recommended)
고급\윈도우 메리트 기반 (권장하지 않음)


WebGizmo (play and control your media from a web browser)\
WebGizmo (웹브라우저로 미디어 재생과 제어)\

MCWS (web service)\
MCWS (웹 서비스)\

Client Options (when connected to a Library Server)\
클라이언트 옵션 (라이브러리 서버에 연결할 때)\

고급\사용자 설정

Advanced\Windows merit based (not recommended)
고급\윈도우 메리트 기반 (권장하지 않음)

"Player" menu > "Skip To" menu item
"Player" menu > "Skip To" > "Previous Album" menu item
"Player" menu > "Skip To" > "Next Album" menu item
"Player" menu > "Skip To" > "Previous Artist" menu item
"Player" menu > "Skip To" > "Next Artist" menu item

Also you can add your translation to the All Other Phrases part.
Maybe will work.

Janusz Grzybek

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Re: Localization/translating issues
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2013, 08:41:33 am »

Change \\ (double backslash) to \ (single backslash) and add to the end of the file.
I learned this trick from Chinese language file. (I'm Korean language file translator)

Code: [Select]

#  All Other Phrases (alphabetized)

고급\사용자 설정

Advanced\Windows merit based (not recommended)
고급\윈도우 메리트 기반 (권장하지 않음)


WebGizmo (play and control your media from a web browser)\
WebGizmo (웹브라우저로 미디어 재생과 제어)\

MCWS (web service)\
MCWS (웹 서비스)\

Client Options (when connected to a Library Server)\
클라이언트 옵션 (라이브러리 서버에 연결할 때)\

고급\사용자 설정

Advanced\Windows merit based (not recommended)
고급\윈도우 메리트 기반 (권장하지 않음)

Also you can add your translation to the All Other Phrases part.
Maybe will work.

Thank you for this trick - it works :). Anyway, I prefer corrections/updates made directly by developers. Fortunately, Matt (thanks Matt for this!) already promised updating of language resources in next release.



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Re: Localization/translating issues
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2013, 02:12:52 pm »

Thanks Janusz for this work, I was doing the same kind of work especially for not translatable strings.

Janusz Grzybek

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Re: Localization/translating issues
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2013, 03:14:28 pm »

Ad issue #3 (Not translatable items in GUI):

Thank you for updating language files, but there is still not translatable items.

Now playing (display) context menu:
  "Enable Scrollbars"
  "Show Cover Art When Small"
  "Track Info"

"Performer Store" > "Sign up" > "Sign Up" > "Subscription Options":
  "Purchase Only (No Subscription)" + description
  "Standard Subscription Trial" + description
  "Portable Subscription Trial" + description

"CD Burn Transcode Options":
 "Perform transcoding so that all files on CD are in the targeted format."
 "Target Format"

In current lang file still are items that don't work in GUI, because they have double backslashes while they probably should have single backslashes (after replacing double backslashes by single backslashes they work). Here is list:
  "Advanced\\" (line 10702 in Eng file)
  "Web"Gizmo (play and control your media from a web browser)\\" (line 10705 in Eng file)
  "MCWS (web service)\\" (line 10708 in Eng file)
  "Client Options (when connected to a Library Server)\\" (line 10711 in Eng file)
  "Advanced\\Custom" (line 28584 in Eng file)
  "Advanced\\Windows merit based (not recommended)" (line 28587 in Eng file)
Please correct this issue.

Best regards,



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Re: Localization/translating issues
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2013, 07:34:33 pm »

Do any of the phrases in 'All Other Phrases (alphabetized)' section at the end of the language file need to be kept?

We rarely throw them away, thinking perhaps there's something not getting automatically included by the code parser that's actually important.

If we knew there was never a need for keeping the 'All Other Phrases (alphabetized)' section, we could make updating the language files part of the build process so that the files were always complete.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Localization/translating issues
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2013, 01:30:42 am »

Do any of the phrases in 'All Other Phrases (alphabetized)' section at the end of the language file need to be kept?

We rarely throw them away, thinking perhaps there's something not getting automatically included by the code parser that's actually important.

If we knew there was never a need for keeping the 'All Other Phrases (alphabetized)' section, we could make updating the language files part of the build process so that the files were always complete.

Translators and users can confirm this by removing 'All Other Phrases' section from their own language file.
I removed most of 'All other phrases' and I think they are not necessary anymore.
All strings are displayed in localized language without it.
(Of course, As a music only user I can missed some video/photo related strings)
But remaining strings in 'All other phrases' of current Korean language file are still need to be kept.

These are still needed strings for localization.
Code: [Select]
#  All Other Phrases (alphabetized)

# Left browser window

Recent Albums
최근에 추가한 앨범

3D Albums
3D 앨범


3D Timeline
3D 타임라인

Home Videos

# Tools > Options > Media Network


WebGizmo (play and control your media from a web browser)\
WebGizmo (웹브라우저로 미디어 재생과 제어)\

MCWS (web service)\
MCWS (웹 서비스)\

Client Options (when connected to a Library Server)\
클라이언트 옵션 (라이브러리 서버에 연결할 때)\

# Tools > Options > Media Network > Add or Configure DLNA servers > Advanced

\Stereo downmix
\스테레오 다운믹스

\Volume leveling
\볼륨 평준화

\Sample rate
\샘플 속도

# Tools > Options > Video > General Video Settings > Video mode


고급\사용자 설정

Advanced\Windows merit based (not recommended)
고급\윈도우 메리트 기반 (권장하지 않음)

# Clone Library dialouge

Clone Library will make a new library that is a copy of an existing library.
기존의 라이브러리를 복사해 새로운 라이브러리를 만듭니다.

And, dear Matt,
Please correct my name in the release note.
Not Junghwnan.
I know that English spelling of Korean name is difficult for foreigners. ;D

Janusz Grzybek

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Re: Localization/translating issues
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2013, 03:06:05 am »

Section 'All Other Phrases (alphabetized)' in recent Polish language file contains only one item: 'Track info'
I fixed not translatable items in Tools > Options > Media Network by replacing double backslashes with single backslashes in their original location (line numbers are listed in my previous post).

After Junghwan post I made some tests and here are results:

#1. After adding missed strings to 'All Other Phrases (alphabetized)' translations for following work in GUI (in alphabetized order):

'3D Albums'
'3D Timeline'
'Home Videos'
'Recent Albums'
'Track Info'
#2. After adding missed strings to 'All Other Phrases (alphabetized)' translations for following items don't work in GUI (in alphabetized order):

'Clone Library will make a new library that is a copy of an existing library.'
'Enable Scrollbars'
'Portable Subscription Trial' - I didn't test long description for this checkbox, but I think it also doesn't work
'Purchase Only (No Subscription)' - I didn't test long description for this checkbox, but I think it also doesn't work
'Show Cover Art When Small'
'Standard Subscription Trial' - I didn't test long description for this checkbox, but I think it also doesn't work
'Target Format'

So I think those items could be hardcoded, but I don't know your localization framework, so I can be mistaken

#3. Following items from Junghwan post will work after replacing double backslashes (\\) with single backslashes (\) in their original location (like with not translatable Tools > Options > Media Network tree node items):

'\\Sample rate' - line 10918 in English language.txt
'\\Volume leveling' - line 10921 in English language.txt
'\\Stereo downmix' - line 10924 in English language.txt



Janusz Grzybek

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Re: Localization/translating issues
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2013, 04:46:43 am »

#2. After adding missed strings to 'All Other Phrases (alphabetized)' translations for following items don't work in GUI (in alphabetized order):

I found next items unavailable in lang files and not working after adding to 'All Other Phrases (alphabetized)', that is, all items in 'Tools' > 'Options' > 'Handheld' > 'Files, Paths, & More':

'Audio Path'
'Images Path'
'Video Path'
'Data Path'
'Playlist Path'
'Playlist Format'
'Database Path'
'Audible Path'
'Save cover art to 'Folder.jpg' file'
'Save video thumbnail to '[File].jpg' file'
'Supported Types'

All those items have colon ( : ) at the end in GUI, but I removed it here.



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Re: Localization/translating issues
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2013, 06:59:22 am »

And, dear Matt,
Please correct my name in the release note.
Not Junghwnan.
I know that English spelling of Korean name is difficult for foreigners. ;D
I just changed it.  I'm sorry for the mistake.  And thank you for all your work.


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Re: Localization/translating issues
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2013, 08:38:31 am »

And, dear Matt,
Please correct my name in the release note.
Not Junghwnan.
I know that English spelling of Korean name is difficult for foreigners. ;D

I'm sorry :-[

I must have gotten it wrong the first time I typed it, then kept copying / pasting it.

I've fixed the history file so it shouldn't happen again.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

Janusz Grzybek

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Re: Localization/translating issues
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2013, 04:57:50 pm »

Ad issue #3 (Not translatable items in GUI):

Tools > Options > Television:
'Scan for channels'
'Load program guide'
'Favorite channels
'Hidden channels'
'Time-shifting allows pause and rewind of live television by keeping the last few hours on disk.'
'Start recordings before program begins'
'Stop recordings after program finishes
'Edit channel list'

Tools > Options > Television > Scan for channels:
All options (with descriptions) in first step of the Scan for channels wizard.

Tools > Options > Television > Devices > Configure:
All tabs captions in dialog
All options in 'Display' tab
'Disabled' radio button in 'Tuner type' tab

Posted items do not contain ':' and '...' characters.
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