************ NOTE:
This Guide is Now OLD as JR have formally introduced this feature - see this thread -
http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=80684.0 *********
So you have a Music BD with great lossless HD Audio and you want to rip the Audio out as say FLAC (or WAV, APE, MP3 or....)? There are some commercial progs around that will do it, but you have to pay $40 for the privilege. While the following is not "officially" supported by MC and is a bit rough around the edges, you can do this now!. The results will give you full bitrate and depth audio rips from your BD Music discs.

as the process will use the existing LAV Filters (and dtsdecoderdll) ... and will even give you the full decoding of the whole multi channel 98kHz @ 24Bit DTS-MA stream (not just the core).
The first thing you have to do is import and tag up your Music BD as per the example in the Wiki -
http://wiki.jriver.com/index.php/Particles . At which point you now can play, track and manage each Music Video Track just like you can with a CD (eg make playlists etc) but of course they are still Music Video clips, so to extract the Audio you now need to:
1) As shown in the pic, Select the Tracks you want to extract the Audio From and Change the Media Type to Audio
EDIT: Cleaned up the instructions and made the example the same as the Wiki