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Author Topic: bad "skipping" problem  (Read 3185 times)


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bad "skipping" problem
« on: July 24, 2013, 02:43:00 am »

I am now using version 18.0.206. I could not tell you when it was updated to this version, but I am about as positive as I can be that I have been on this version for quite some time. I take my music pretty serious and for the last few weeks have had an opportunity to listen to most of my main stereo setup in a good place. I loved it, especially when I had my ML SL3's hooked up.
I was doing some remodeling , the wife was out of town for a couple of weeks and the music was playing all day and night. At one point I know my system was on for at least 30 hours straight.
I was in music heaven.
Everything was working perfectly.
For my source, I was/am using a laptop specifically for my music and a PS Audio Digital Link III dac. Everything was working perfectly, pretty much like it always has.
One evening I am working away in the bathroom and I notice the music is "skipping", numerous times per song.
Bad luck followed me and at this same time my Conrad Johnson preamp went out on me (was during the 30 hour straight session). I obviously messed around with it a bit, but in the middle of a bathroom remodel, I set it aside and pulled out a Proceed AVP.

I had thought the skipping was a symptom of my preamp going out. I asked about the preamp in a forum and I described the skipping as one of the symptoms right before it died on me.
So, Proceed all hooked up, not a CJ but back in business, or so I thought.
The skipping is horrible, numerous times per song, making it un-listenable.

I had not changed any settings, everything was as it always had been which is pretty basic.
Output mode = wasapi
Output Mode settings - spdif interface   (I have always used this and never had a problem) - I did check the Play a little silence on dop and it still skips
 Bitdepth = auto ,  100 ms buffering (recommended)

Nothing checked in dsp and output format

bitstreaming yes - spdif - I also tried none

prebuffering - 6 seconds   
1/4 sec silence  at startup

play files from memory. I tried switching this off but it still skipped.

As I had not touched a thing, I figured it had to be my computer. Not sure what it could be tho as this laptop has been stripped down of everything non-essential to playing music.  So I then loaded up mediamonkey and their was no skipping.
I would think the only real difference as far as settings go is that mediamonkey was not playing from memory, but J River was skipping badly even when I played from disk.

I tried playing files (all lossless, no mp3's allowed) from the usb 3 music drive and also from the hd on the laptop. It skips badly in J River, does not in mediamonkey.

I am not sure where to go from here. I was going to delete J River and re-install it, but my registration codes are on a desktop computer that is out of commission right now and I could be wrong, but was thinking I needed that code (certificate ?) when I install it. It has been a while so I forget how that worked.

Would anyone have any suggestions ? Nothing personal against mediamonkey, but I obviously prefer J River.
So I went from music heaven to my preamp went out on me, the wife came home and then J River bit the dust on me.........tho for now the wife hasn't said anything about making me move the stereo back, so that is good.
Any info appreciated



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Re: bad "skipping" problem
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2013, 06:49:37 am »

In the Audio options, try the setting for "Disable Event Style".  The WASAPI terminology changed.

If that doesn't work, go back to the beginning and set up Audio again.  Follow the instructions on the wiki.  Make sure DirectSound works before you continue.

You can reinstall without uninstalling.


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Re: bad "skipping" problem
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2013, 05:29:02 pm »

thanks, will give it a nuts shortly
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