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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading  (Read 15531 times)


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This is the latest version of MC 19.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.

CAUTION -- This is an early build of MC19.  Please read what others say before downloading.  It may be less stable than MC18 for some time to come.  Back up your current MC library before installing.  Please use the Problems and Questions thread if you need help.

19.0.27 (8/14/2013)

1. Changed: A few fixes and tweaks to the DR analyzer.
2. Fixed: The Audio Analyzer dialog was stalling on files that didn't need analysis instead of skipping them.
3. Fixed: In-place editing in the tree could get cancelled when background tools fired notifications (like when a DLNA device came or went).
4. Fixed: Renaming a library view will prompt to save changes before doing the rename.
5. Fixed: Putting an invalid field into a GroupSummary(...) expression could crash.
6. Fixed: Scrolling with the mouse wheel in a list could leave a tooltip showing.

19.0.26 (8/13/2013)

1. NEW: Expression based categories can define separate grouping and display expressions so that you can group by something like artist, but then display something more advanced with counts, number of albums, etc.
2. NEW: Group-based expression functions like GroupCount(...) and GroupSummary(...) are supported in the new category display expressions.
3. NEW: Added DR dynamic range analysis to the audio analyzer.
4. Changed: When an Action Window is maximized, the other Action Windows are hidden instead of showing them in a stack at the bottom (provides more available height for a maximized window).
5. Changed: The maximize button on the Action Window switches to a minimize button when maximized (when a skin doesn't have a maximize button, the restore artwork is used).
6. Changed: Action Windows remember their maximized state (so a maximized Tag window will stay maximized).
7. Changed: Updated Chromium browser engine to Chromium Embedded Framework 3.1453.1255 (Chromium version 27.0.1453.73).
8. Fixed: Television recordings in transport stream format could be unplayable in other applications, and could have bad quality.

19.0.25 (8/12/2013)

1. NEW: Added support for user accounts that are stored with the library and allow each user to see only certain files (replaces Access Control feature).
2. NEW: Added a 'User' library field that can be set to any combination of users to limit the contents visibility to only those users (leave blank for content to show for all users).
3. SDK: The MC command MCC_BACKUP_LIBRARY (20011) will perform a silent automatic backup when passed "1" as the parameter.
4. Changed: The program will run the automatic library code periodically instead of only at program start (so that running the program for long periods won't stop automatic backups from happening).
5. Changed: Auto-import has separate options for analyzing audio for audio and video files.
6. NEW: User can choose a time for MC to load television EPG in background.
7. Changed: Server token authentication persists across a server restart so that an authenticated client won't be forced to reconnect if the server goes down and comes back up.  

19.0.24 (8/9/2013)

1. Fixed: The audio analyzer was not properly returning per-channel peaks.
2. NEW: JRSS downmixing uses per-channel peak levels from audio analysis when they're available to make a better determination about how much (if any) volume reduction is required to prevent clipping after the downmix.
3. Changed: The 'Volume Up' and 'Volume Down' roller items do not appear in Theater View when the volume is in disabled mode.
4. Changed: The error check during WPD camera acquisition makes sure the source and destination file sizes are within 2.5% instead of an exact match since some devices do not expose an exact file size (Android 4.3 in MTP mode).
5. Changed: Doing a Camera acquire shows a playlist 'Recently Acquired' that contains only images acquired in the last hour (like other recent playlists, it is automatically cleaned up after a few days).

19.0.23 (8/8/2013)

1. Fixed: When non-analyzable files were added to the analyzer, the program would dead-lock when showing the error dialog.
2. Changed: Added int(...), frac(...), round(...), and trunc(...) to the math evaluator (used in expressions, visualizations, etc.).
3. Changed: The math evaluator is double-precision (64-bit) instead of single-precision (32-bit) for floating point operations.
4. Changed: The option to not draw frames on image thumbnails is honored in grouped details lists (previously it was only honored in thumbnail lists).
5. Fixed: File creation could fail in build 19.0.22, causing several possible strange problems.

19.0.22 (8/8/2013)

1. Fixed: Importing of mp4 files that have copyright atom could cause MC to crash.
2. Changed: Vertical scrollbars are positioned inside the column header in a list instead of over it (allows a cleaner look with some skins and is logical since the column header doesn't scroll).
3. Fixed: MC could fail to load ID3 tag data in AIFF and WAVE files.
4. Fixed: MC did not write copyright tag to mp4 files.
5. Changed: MC will try reading copyright tag from a second location in mp4 files if the ISO-defined 'cprt' atom does not exist.
6. Changed: The list editing widget (used for editing keywords, etc.) puts the 'Add' box at the bottom and moves the instructions into the box for a cleaner alignment and less chance for the suggestions when adding to obscure the existing list.
7. Faster: File I/O adds a buffering layer that engages when small reads are performed so that underlying reads are never too small (a real world example where this helps is with FLAC playback over some types of wireless networks).

19.0.21 (8/7/2013)

1. Changed: The audio analyzer considers a file analyzed if it has a 'Volume Level (R128)' and 'Peak Level (R128)' value.
2. Faster: Analyzing files to decide what playback / decoding method to use is faster (makes opening the Analyze Audio dialog with lots of files faster).
3. Fixed: Files with a peak level of 0.0 dB could incorrectly be marked as needing analysis.
4. Changed: The standard ReplayGain volume level and peak level tags will not be written to tags if tagging is turned off for the corresponding MC fields 'Volume Level (ReplayGain)' and 'Peak Level (Sample)'.

19.0.20 (8/5/2013)

1. Changed: Memory playback gracefully handles cases where memory allocation fails.
2. Changed: Added 'Peak Level (Sample)' field to report the peak level found in an actual sample value (doesn't account for inter-peak overs like R128 TruePeak).
3. Changed: Added 'Volume Level (ReplayGain)' that will be filled from tags or an old MC library on import.
4. Changed: After analyzing a file, the 'Volume Level (ReplayGain)' field and tag will be filled with a ReplayGain v2 value (which is the R128 level with a +5dB adjustment).
5. Changed: When a file has a 'Peak Level (Sample)' value and no 'Peak Level (R128)' value, the sample peak will be used (with 1.5dB extra headroom added to make it more similar to R128 True Peak).
6. Changed: When a file has a 'Volume Level (ReplayGain)' value and no 'Volume Level (R128)' value, the ReplayGain value will be used with Volume Leveling (adjusted by -5dB to make it more similar to an R128 value).
7. Changed: Removed some unneeded COM initialization / uninitialization from Media Network server threads (might help with ole32.dll crashes during idle).

19.0.19 (8/2/2013)

1. Fixed: The RAW image decoding cache was not enabled for the last few builds.
2. Fixed: The 'Check for Updates' Action Window could use the wrong button width for the button (may also apply to other places where the button text changes dynamically).
3. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks Bytestar).

19.0.18 (8/1/2013)

1. Fixed: A few 3d visualizations were not working properly on Windows 7 and Windows 8.
2. Changed: Removed 3d text visualization (it's no longer possible to create a 3d mesh from text using the D3DX helper).

19.0.17 (7/31/2013)

1. Changed: When getting thumbnails JRWorker will test-load the image embedded in mp4 files, and if not valid, will fall back to capturing an image from the video.
2. Changed: JPEG tag padding is stored as an APP9 segment instead of an APP14 segment because some Android devices would not properly handle an APP14 block that contained empty data.
3. Fixed: The option to start playback of the current playlist would not work when MC was configured to start when Windows loaded.
4. Internal: Switched most of the math used by hardware accelerated drawing away from D3DX to JRiver code (please report any new issues with Theater View, etc.).

19.0.16 (7/30/2013)

1. Changed: JPEG tagging would fail to read IPTC tags from newer versions of Photoshop.
2. Changed: The tag dump for JPEG files in the Tag Action Window shows the full file structure (list of JPEG segments, with a little information about each segment).
3. Changed: JPEG tagging understands APP15 segments filled with 0xFF bytes and considers them padding that can be removed on tag save (not sure what program writes them).
4. Changed: JPEG tagging always uses a consistent segment order: JFIF (if present), EXIF, XMP, IPTC, MJMD, Padding, other App blocks (if present), image data.
5. Changed: Removing tags on a JPEG removes the XMP, IPTC, MJMD, and Padding segments (but leaves the EXIF block).
6. Fixed: Importing mp4 video files with embedded tags did not get additional tags (for example Aspect Ratio) that were not already in the file.

19.0.15 (7/29/2013)

1. Changed: Hooked up new R128 volume leveling for handhelds, DLNA, and file conversion.
2. Changed: Red October uses LAV filters version 0.58.2 (thanks nevcairiel).
3. Changed: Revised how presets are saved and loaded in DSP Studio > Equalizer to hopefully be more clear.
4. Fixed: The tag dump in the Action Window would be blank when showing for the first file.


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"Rename, move & copy files" dialog doesn't remember column widths


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19.0.27 (8/14/2013)

2. Fixed: The Audio Analyzer dialog was stalling on files that didn't need analysis instead of skipping them.

I've made a quick test and it does seem to be working properly now. Thank you for the quick fix.


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Since I don't see ASIO mentioned in the fixes, I will assume that is still being worked on...


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Indeed, the Audio Options issue freezing ASIO playback remain unsolved for the moment.


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MP4 files are not displaying embedded image. (I have hundreds this is a major issue to me)

If mp4 files have previously been associated with external image file (from Get Movie and TV info) this association is not imported into the library- Get Movie and TV info has to be run again.
MKV files that have associated image files do not need Get Movie and TV info to be run again.

The format tag field now correctly identifies Flac compression but stills shows "audio not analysed" post audio analysis.

During the upgrade from MC18 to MC19 a considerable number of sidecar and jpg files were deleted from my disks. This meant when I went back to my MC18 installation a lot of thumbnails were now incorrect. Fortunately I had backups of the affected folders so I was able to restore the sidecars and jpgs and reupdate my MC18 library from tags. Still took me a couple of hours though....
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MP4 files are not displaying embedded image. (I have hundreds this is a major issue to me)

Could you provide a sample file?

During the upgrade from MC18 to MC19 a considerable number of sidecar and jpg files were deleted from my disks. This meant when I went back to my MC18 installation a lot of thumbnails were now incorrect. Fortunately I had backups of the affected folders so I was able to restore the sidecars and jpgs and reupdate my MC18 library from tags. Still took me a couple of hours though....

I can't explain that and others have not reported it.  Any more details would be appreciated.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Hi Matt,

Sample mp4 here: -thanks for looking at this.

The jpg and sidecar disappearing issue seemed random but affected whole folders- so either all the sidecar and jpgs disappeared or the whole folder was unaffected- this was always mkv rips.
In the case of Mp4 files with associated jpgs - the jpgs and sidecars were always there but had to reassociated in MC18- either by manually adding cover art from file or redoing 'Get Movie & TV info".
Lots of sidecar files randomly disappeared from folders containing MP4 files- I was able to restore all of those by 'Update tags from library' in MC18. (Note-all my MP4 files have associated sidecar files)
No actual media files MP4 or MKV were deleted.
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Little bug : Update Channels  (automatic) dont work

it is to fix...




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No replay gain tag information transferred to MC19 from MC18.  It has to analyze my entire library all over again.  The wait on this is painful.  Maybe it can be fixed.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2013, 07:32:39 am »

No replay gain tag information transferred to MC19 from MC18.  It has to analyze my entire library all over again.  The wait on this is painful.  Maybe it can be fixed.

Are you sure the 'Volume Level (ReplayGain)' field is empty after upgrade?  It should not be.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2013, 09:37:08 am »

Can not play Mytek Stereo192-DSD via its native ASIO Output.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2013, 10:36:36 am »

Can not play Mytek Stereo192-DSD via its native ASIO Output.

It's working here with a Mytek.

Double-check your settings in Options > Audio.  Reboot the DAC.

If it still doesn't work, please start a new thread and we'll explore more.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2013, 11:19:01 am »

It's working here with a Mytek.

Double-check your settings in Options > Audio.  Reboot the DAC.

If it still doesn't work, please start a new thread and we'll explore more.

Is it possible driver conflict because when I select Mytek ASIO Output and OK then I re-check in the Options > Audio again it change to Meridian Explorer  ASIO output every time I try. And that not happen in MC18.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2013, 11:37:22 am »

Reagarding mc asio.
Until now I was using wasapi loopback to listen to external program. I've tried today medacenter19 asio , it works, I mean I can hear the output but it is not going through DSP. When I open DSP it says playback stop. Also volume has no effect. I know that it is going through MC because if I close it the sound stops.
I am using the last version 19.0.27


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2013, 02:17:53 pm »

Are you sure the 'Volume Level (ReplayGain)' field is empty after upgrade?  It should not be.

All of mine are also empty after upgrade.
-Craig    MO 4Media remote and player:  Android/TV/Auto | iOS | Windows 10/UWP


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2013, 02:21:13 pm »

All of mine are also empty after upgrade.

If you installed any early beta builds (before the public release), this is normal.

You could restore an old MC18 library to MC19 if that's a problem.

The public builds should have copied the MC18 Replay Gain values to the new 'Volume Level (ReplayGain)' field.  We tested again today and it's working for us.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2013, 02:25:25 pm »

Jim - Matt, question: circa what build do you believe 19 will have all its new features integrated, and 2nd: circa what build will it be sort of stable?



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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2013, 02:44:46 pm »

If you installed any early beta builds (before the public release), this is normal.

You could restore an old MC18 library to MC19 if that's a problem.

That's probably the case.  Thanks.
-Craig    MO 4Media remote and player:  Android/TV/Auto | iOS | Windows 10/UWP


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2013, 03:05:30 pm »

Jim - Matt, question: circa what build do you believe 19 will have all its new features integrated, and 2nd: circa what build will it be sort of stable?
Too soon to say.  It seems sort of stable now.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #20 on: August 15, 2013, 03:30:53 pm »

OK, thanks, will wait a couple of builds or try it out in a VM.

If I install it in paralel with 18 installation, does it use the same DB or does it import it? If it imports and leaves 18 intact I could risk  installing and trying...



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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2013, 03:58:18 pm »

A minor issue:

Locate > On disk (External)

Does not open the correct folder, if the folder name has foreign characters (I always name the folder the same as the "album name", for example "ぱみゅぱみゅレボリューション")


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2013, 06:21:57 pm »

Anyone else discovering that it takes ages 'til new files get imported. (Autoimport)

Added a few TV Series 2 hours ago. Not imported until now.
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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2013, 06:27:57 pm »

Indeed, the Audio Options issue freezing ASIO playback remain unsolved for the moment.

I'm also getting this (options screen crashing ASIO playback).  I'm also getting some general ASIO flakiness (snaps and pops); the same DAC (a Steinberg UR824) was/is rock solid in JRiver 18. 


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #24 on: August 15, 2013, 07:22:45 pm »

No replay gain tag information transferred to MC19 from MC18.  It has to analyze my entire library all over again.  The wait on this is painful.  Maybe it can be fixed.

Same here.. replay gain tags are not displayed but Volume Levelling is checked in Media Network


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #25 on: August 15, 2013, 07:23:48 pm »

Same here.. replay gain tags are not displayed but Volume Levelling is checked in Media Network

Are you looking at the 'Volume Level (ReplayGain)' field?

Could you provide an MC18 library backup to logs (at) jriver dot com?

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

New Vermaje

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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #26 on: August 16, 2013, 01:59:17 am »


"Analyse audio during ripping" dont work ...

Thanks for fix that



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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #27 on: August 16, 2013, 04:24:58 am »

As i "lost" my Music Videos i updated complete library from tags. On the end it says there were 152 bad music files.
But there was not more response from mc. So i looked and looked.......until i discovered that i have the same amount of sacd
music files (.iso).
Could it be that this was a false response from mc?
Lian Li PC-C60B HTPC Case
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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #28 on: August 16, 2013, 04:33:15 am »

vis_main.dll crash. Log attached.
Crash happens both with video HW acceleration on and off in Theater View and Standard View too.
I had to change to mini view then start playing and then change visualisation.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #29 on: August 20, 2013, 07:57:54 am »


"Analyse audio during ripping" dont work ...

Thanks for fix that


I can't reproduce this, ripping and analyzing seem to be working fine.  Is it still an issue?
Adam Thompson, JRiver


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #30 on: August 20, 2013, 10:54:43 am »

MP4 files are not displaying embedded image. (I have hundreds this is a major issue to me)

Next version
12. Fixed: Mp4 files with embedded images will use those as the thumbnail 
Adam Thompson, JRiver


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.27 -- Available Here -- Read Before Downloading
« Reply #31 on: August 20, 2013, 11:52:50 am »

A minor issue:

Locate > On disk (External)

Does not open the correct folder, if the folder name has foreign characters (I always name the folder the same as the "album name", for example "ぱみゅぱみゅレボリューション")

For some reason windows explorer doesn't support this.  Other apps do the same thing.
Adam Thompson, JRiver
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