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Author Topic: JRiver audio engine as an ASIO driver - Bit broken  (Read 4889 times)


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JRiver audio engine as an ASIO driver - Bit broken
« on: August 16, 2013, 03:17:05 am »

This is the killer v19 feature for me, so hopefully it can be fixed...

Using 'JRiver ASIO' as the output device in REW (Room Eq Wizard) kinda works, but REW says:

    "The asio driver is using a buffer setting of 64 samples.  Use at least 512 samples for lowest risk of glitches"

Sure enough, after a few seconds of white noise calibration, the sounds starts glitching - a fast ticking sound.

PC is fairly high power (Win7x64, i5, 8GB RAM, SSD, etc) and runs MC great.   

Please can you make the buffer configurable, or other optimisation...




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Re: JRiver audio engine as an ASIO driver - Bit broken
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2013, 06:56:46 am »

There was an ASIO problem in 19.0.27 that should be fixed in the next build.  I'm not sure if this is the same problem.


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Re: JRiver audio engine as an ASIO driver - Bit broken
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2013, 08:40:49 am »

My guess is that the target latency is just too low for your system.  It's set really aggressively right now, because I was trying to see how little latency I could get the engine to support while still working in my test configuration.

In most cases, there's no need for such an aggressive setting, so we'll make it adjustable in a future build.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver audio engine as an ASIO driver - Bit broken
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2013, 09:23:23 am »

This is the killer v19 feature for me, so hopefully it can be fixed...

Using 'JRiver ASIO' as the output device in REW (Room Eq Wizard) kinda works, but ...

phew... I'm just glad this should be possible :P  I loaded up REW last night, but I could not get the 'JRiver Asio' option for the output device..
I still have mc18 installed, but am demo-ing mc19...  I will try again tonight to get this option to popup...  **Edit**   I assume the 'JRiver Asio' option will not be found under 'Windows playback devices' ?  


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Re: JRiver audio engine as an ASIO driver - Bit broken
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2013, 01:13:16 pm »

Next build:
NEW: The target latency for live playback (WASAPI loopback, ASIO line-in, ASIO driver) can be configured in Options > Audio > Advanced > Live playback latency (remember that the output latency from Options > Audio > Device settings... is added to this latency).
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver audio engine as an ASIO driver - Bit broken
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2013, 08:24:21 am »

Great, version 0.29 fixed the issue, that part is working well – thanks! :)

But the next issue I discovered is that REW only allows specifying one driver type – effectively ASIO or WDM (‘Java’).
  >When I select ‘Java’, I can see my calibrated microphone, but not my output device.
  >When I select ‘ASIO’ I can see my output device ‘JRiver Media Centre v19’, but not the microphone. (The input selection drop-down is greyed out)
I am therefore unable to use REW with JRiver  :(

What I’m trying to achieve is:

   REW (ASIO) calibration tones out -> JRiver ASIO -> JRiver PEQ -> JRiver WASAPI -> DAC -> AMP -> Speakers    --> Microphone -> Motherboard Realtek sound -> REW

I suspect it wouldn’t be easy to enhance MC to somehow present my microphone as an ASIO device to REW?  (And forward the sound to WDM)

Any ideas, anyone?

I will also post on the REW site and ask if it possible for them to enhance to allow ASIO for the output device and WDM for the microphone….

Keep the enhancements coming!



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Re: JRiver audio engine as an ASIO driver - Bit broken
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2013, 10:38:31 pm »

Great, version 0.29 fixed the issue, that part is working well – thanks! :)

That's good to hear.

But the next issue I discovered is that REW only allows specifying one driver type – effectively ASIO or WDM (‘Java’).
  >When I select ‘Java’, I can see my calibrated microphone, but not my output device.
  >When I select ‘ASIO’ I can see my output device ‘JRiver Media Centre v19’, but not the microphone. (The input selection drop-down is greyed out)
I am therefore unable to use REW with JRiver  :(

What I’m trying to achieve is:

   REW (ASIO) calibration tones out -> JRiver ASIO -> JRiver PEQ -> JRiver WASAPI -> DAC -> AMP -> Speakers    --> Microphone -> Motherboard Realtek sound -> REW

I suspect it wouldn’t be easy to enhance MC to somehow present my microphone as an ASIO device to REW?  (And forward the sound to WDM)

Any ideas, anyone?

Not from me.  Sorry.

I guess this is one more vote for the WDM version of the driver :)
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver audio engine as an ASIO driver - Bit broken
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2013, 08:40:33 am »

Hey Mike,

Can you link me (lazy) to your post for REW enhancement? I've duplicated the same problem today, using a UMIK-1 here and it'd be great to have seamless integration between the two applications.
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