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Author Topic: Please … need some help networking PCs so one can control another on my LAN and  (Read 2667 times)


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Hi all,

I  want to control one pc with another on my LAN. Both have nearly identical libraries and are fed from a Synology DS 413 which houses 90% of videos & films, and 100% of all my audio files.

I’ve played with tons of settings in each pc and can’t seem to get things right.

Some steps are in order here to ensure I’ll get on the right track.

Also, I’d like to know how to send video and audio info to a Blue ray player that allows such things so my MKV ISO, VIDEO TS, and  my music files can be rendered by them and thereafter, sent by them along to my Integra AV Proc and the rest of the home entertainment system.

Presently I’m only able to send music into my DAC and then into the HT rig with any pc and MC 17.

The Blue ray players are a Panasonic BDT 210, and an a forthcoming Oppo 103. I’m pretty sure the Panny isn’t going to render as many of the file types as will the Oppo but I’d like to find out how to let them try at least.

The Panny info says it supports MKV, AVI, and others and all my videos were constructed or ripped with DVD FAB into ISO or TS files and then converted to the 264 containner keeping orig audio or into AVIs.

So far I’ve had limited success with the Panny player seeing files other than mp3’s and then on a USB stick.
I haven’t got much hair left to pull out.. so please help.
I’m immensely grateful for all input… thanks much.


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Hmmmm... maybe this ain't so easy, huh?

Gee…. I’m confused… so I must be in the right place.

Someone must know this if it’s such a simple process. I’d sure appreciate some intelligent enlightening input, steps, screen shots, etc. as replys or PMs.

The obvious thing here is easy… these configurations are not simple. The reasons for why and what to do  are vague or non existent.

Supplying step by step, and some screen shots  for this or that here, and/or and adding it to the Wiki should put all this to rest… but that isn’t there either.

Mainly, it’s about app blindness…. Those in the know don’t provide sufficient input as they take for granted too many of the small things surrounding the in’s and out’s of this non intuitive (for newbies)software, and they supply only the barest minimums… which have but a 50/50 shot of being truly helpful… and add no explanations, pertinent anecdotal or follow up information… even when requested by the OP.

Having read thru various threads here on this topic and others, it seems obvious this zone sharing & DLNA remote control stuff needs more explicit directions as many threads aren’t given their proper due with respect to the actual steps necessary to solve the user’s problems.

Many I’ve perused are merely left ignored or abandoned after a couple feeble obscure efforts are mentioned, leaving the new owner to be still more confused or irritated.
Why aren’t zones depicted as with earlier versions?
Load the library? Which library?
Use the password? Which password? On which machine?
Which DLNA boxes need be checked, or should any be checked for merely using zones?
Load a library when playing zones? Why?
Wahaya mean configure the output?  Whose output?

There’s plenty of questions myself and other past owners haven’t been able to decipher appropriately. Plenty.

 It seems counterintuitive for such a highly regarded and powerful app as MC should have a following that should be able to convey such a simple  remedy as showing screen shots of the way to configure for these issues… and or steps which need be taken to fix things once and for all…. Somewhere.

Could someone please help settle this once and for all so controlling another machine with MC on it is a slam dunk, rather than a hair pulling out… no one helps intelligently obstacle?

It sure doesn’t gain an owner confidence and just about eleiminates any thought of upgrading to another version… or blogging about how poor the support for the SW actually is about the web.

Help please…. !!!



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I think  you want something like Tremote:

Start at the Media Network topic on our wiki.


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Hmmmm... maybe this ain't so easy, huh?

Gee…. I’m confused… so I must be in the right place.

Someone must know this if it’s such a simple process. I’d sure appreciate some intelligent enlightening input, steps, screen shots, etc. as replys or PMs.

The obvious thing here is easy… these configurations are not simple. The reasons for why and what to do  are vague or non existent.

Supplying step by step, and some screen shots  for this or that here, and/or and adding it to the Wiki should put all this to rest… but that isn’t there either.

Mainly, it’s about app blindness…. Those in the know don’t provide sufficient input as they take for granted too many of the small things surrounding the in’s and out’s of this non intuitive (for newbies)software, and they supply only the barest minimums… which have but a 50/50 shot of being truly helpful… and add no explanations, pertinent anecdotal or follow up information… even when requested by the OP.

Having read thru various threads here on this topic and others, it seems obvious this zone sharing & DLNA remote control stuff needs more explicit directions as many threads aren’t given their proper due with respect to the actual steps necessary to solve the user’s problems.

Many I’ve perused are merely left ignored or abandoned after a couple feeble obscure efforts are mentioned, leaving the new owner to be still more confused or irritated.
Why aren’t zones depicted as with earlier versions?
Load the library? Which library?
Use the password? Which password? On which machine?
Which DLNA boxes need be checked, or should any be checked for merely using zones?
Load a library when playing zones? Why?
Wahaya mean configure the output?  Whose output?

There’s plenty of questions myself and other past owners haven’t been able to decipher appropriately. Plenty.

 It seems counterintuitive for such a highly regarded and powerful app as MC should have a following that should be able to convey such a simple  remedy as showing screen shots of the way to configure for these issues… and or steps which need be taken to fix things once and for all…. Somewhere.

Could someone please help settle this once and for all so controlling another machine with MC on it is a slam dunk, rather than a hair pulling out… no one helps intelligently obstacle?

It sure doesn’t gain an owner confidence and just about eleiminates any thought of upgrading to another version… or blogging about how poor the support for the SW actually is about the web.

Help please…. !!!

Are you always so impatient and rude?  Do you always provide inadequate detail and expect others to have ESP? You'll have better luck on this forum if you don't whine if you don't get a response within a few hours.  Most responses come from fellow MC owners.  They are sharing their knowledge and experience to help others.  Show some respect for them.

What do you want to do? 

If you want to control all a PC's operations from  another PC, you could use the Remore Desktop feature in Windows Pro or various VNC programs.

If you just want to control MC on one PC from another PC, you can use the Tremote features in MC.  JimH gave you a link.

You asked other questions that are unrelated to controling one PC from another.  You will have a much better chance of getting a response if you ask one question at a time.

Questions like your first question have been asked and answered many times on this forum.  Before you demand responses, you might look in the JRiver Wiki and search forum threads.


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I  want to control one pc with another on my LAN

I posted this in another thread .. it might help, and it is a step by step more or less even though it was written for Version 18 ... It includes a link to a screenshot on zones too. This post is basically about a headless audio system controlled by another PC, but if nothing else it will make sure you have a most of the basic configuration out of the way, and the video options of course would be under "Video" and not audio.

Also, I’d like to know how to send video and audio info to a Blue ray player that allows such things so my MKV ISO, VIDEO TS, and  my music files can be rendered by them and thereafter, sent by them along to my Integra AV Proc and the rest of the home entertainment system.

If you want to set-up a renderer other than JRiver you probably will (ok with version 17, might) be able to use DLNA depending on the devices (like an oppo blue ray or Linn DS etc.)  I am not sure if the DAC you will be using is in the Integra, or is it stand alone?  In the renderer?

As Jim suggested there is also Tremote, but I think it would depend on your set-up, which I'm a bit confused about. I would recommend trying to set up your "server" PC to work with the client goint directly through the DAC at first .. then people could chime in with help about using external products as renderers.

It sure doesn’t gain an owner confidence and just about eleiminates any thought of upgrading to another version… or blogging about how poor the support for the SW actually is about the web.

I'm sorry to bring this up after Listener's reply,   but there are a lot of "observations" referred to in your reply, and frankly it becomes tiring. You ask for some help based on MC running Version 17 it looks like,  which is no longer even in development for a couple of years. In all that time you have posted once and you are frustrated that you don't have a complete response by the next day? I'd have to check if zones were even implemented in version 17.

In terms of Wiki articles and such ...  For info, there were 189 updates improving Version 17, 212 for version 18, and in just a couple of months 66  for version 19. Amazing development work which has brought some pretty incredible stuff for both audio and video. The options are complicated and change all the time, specifically to cater to people that want so many different devices, in a myriad of configurations  - a lot using external devices and expecting help on how to make them work. You want guide books or do you want their resources going into a constantly evolving product practically customized for each user?  You'd need thousands of guides! I can virtually guarantee you that once your system is configured, you will also appreciate this way of doing things.  JRiver has to do a constant balancing act between the "noobs" and the "geeks"; the audio and video contingents; and not to leave out the mouse/keyboarders vs the couch-potato remote-controllers. I think most people here would say "commendable" at the very least. I have never seen a more responsive support forum anywhere.


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jim... thanks... I'll check that link out later today.
. .. . . . . . . . . .. . .

I merely want to use my laptop to control a desktop sort of like a remote control. All machines have MC 17, though one OS differs from the other XP boxes. Both Desktops feed a stand alone DAC and it feeds into an AV proc, and a Tube line stage pre.

I'm about to acquire a new desktop which will be Blueray capable and it will be one source for primary video playback... maybe by Xmas. that's also when the Oppo 103/105 should come on board… or not long afterwards.
. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Rude? I don't think so. Please explain that part.
Demanding? Again.... same thing.

I said nothing beyond common sense. I wasn’t trashing your beloved software. Note my post had no input for over 24 hrs and was devoted to a past version, so I thought to be a tad more prominent in garnering some attention.

Across the web there seems this “your  first after me”  selfishness, and if it’s not current product, it’s no longer real or valid and it is totally abandoned… or so seems the attitude to me.

The actual version of the software should not matter what so ever as to when someone asks something about setup issues or operation. Within reason.

MC skips merrily along spitting out version after version, just about each year. Sometimes an upgrade is offered and another version is closed in less time.

Is the implication then that one must always remain current to each and every iteration or be forever lost with regard to aid?

Zones were included in previous editions… Why then would thay not be included in all those editions thereafter?  Then perhaps reappear in some new configuration in a later version?

The common sense notion is that whatever has been incorporated into a product would thereafter be improved upon and/or simplified and made more stable… rather than have it deleted for a time, then have it reappear and called something else altogether.
As to your point of “being late” with my inquiry… you’ve no idea what I’ve been beset by medically, financially or otherwise in the interim which precluded or delayed my post on MC 17 configuration or setup issues.

From my perspective, way more than weeks have passed as I’ve been attempting to silently and on my own, ascertain the steps needed for implementing playback via zones in MC17… as it is entirely different from past versions which were indeed clearer… ala MC 15.

My Q’s were pertinent to those issues arising when I tried to use the newer slicker and vastly different zone approach MC17 employs over that of MC’s past models.

Seeing another of my PCs on the LAN under PLAYIN NOW and clicking on it, another window appears… and the initial choice is “LOAD LIBRARY”… and there’s no apparent way to escape that demanding window.

SO I stated Which Library needs be chosen… BTW… all the libraries as stated initially are near identical if not completely identical drawing from the exact same resource..  my DS 413… so why even chose a library at all?!!

Same thing for the other Qs… why post a thread for each and every Q pertinent to the same concern? That’s just silly and wasteful of server space.

Impatient? Rude? Nope. Not at all. Irritated and frustrated? Of course.

I actually have a life other than Media center and see no reason to continually keep my fingers on it’s pulse as it continues to migrate into another release if the present one suits the present needs, nor should I or anyone be coerced to incessantly opt in to forthcoming releases which may or may not keep features one is happy with already. It means only one must forever live on a learning curve and that is senseless.
Not everyone buys a new car each year… and Oh my gosh, not everyone buys a new I whatever when the new version comes out… and this application is no different IMHO.

Using media playback software to route content to other pcs on the same network is a viable and IMO necessary feature, and one which should not be dropped from later versions, or made more difficult to implement or employ as times pass.

If anything, it should be made easier, if anything.

I saw no screen shots in the manual… Googled and Binged for days before posting here… so I’ve done a lot over a pretty long time whitout positive results… but did find a bunch of other likewise posts which failed to have appropriate solutions given to their OPs.

I also stand on the fact the information provided in the Wiki is NOT altogether rudimentary and seems to take for granted aspects of knowledge which not everyone  possesses when reading it for the first time.

Lastly, if a.knowledge base requires one must search endlessly thru the present installed version and those previous to it for a solution said knowledge base is flawed.

One shouldn’t have to read the shop manual for the 2010, 2011, and 2012 Toyota Canry to fix an item on the 2012 model, should they?


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Listen to Listener.  He's a great resource if you treat him well.

You will get better help if you suspend the complaints and don't bury your questions in so much text.


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Rude? I don't think so. Please explain that part.
Demanding? Again.... same thing.

Across the web there seems this “your  first after me”  selfishness, and if it’s not current product, it’s no longer real or valid and it is totally abandoned… or so seems the attitude to me.

The actual version of the software should not matter what so ever as to when someone asks something about setup issues or operation. Within reason.

Is the implication then that one must always remain current to each and every iteration or be forever lost with regard to aid?

Zones were included in previous editions… Why then would thay not be included in all those editions thereafter?  Then perhaps reappear in some new configuration in a later version?

The common sense notion is that whatever has been incorporated into a product would thereafter be improved upon and/or simplified and made more stable… rather than have it deleted for a time, then have it reappear and called something else altogether.

My Q’s were pertinent to those issues arising when I tried to use the newer slicker and vastly different zone approach MC17 employs over that of MC’s past models.

Seeing another of my PCs on the LAN under PLAYIN NOW and clicking on it, another window appears… and the initial choice is “LOAD LIBRARY”… and there’s no apparent way to escape that demanding window.

SO I stated Which Library needs be chosen… BTW… all the libraries as stated initially are near identical if not completely identical drawing from the exact same resource..  my DS 413… so why even chose a library at all?!!

Same thing for the other Qs… why post a thread for each and every Q pertinent to the same concern? That’s just silly and wasteful of server space.

Impatient? Rude? Nope. Not at all. Irritated and frustrated? Of course.

I actually have a life other than Media center and see no reason to continually keep my fingers on it’s pulse as it continues to migrate into another release if the present one suits the present needs, nor should I or anyone be coerced to incessantly opt in to forthcoming releases which may or may not keep features one is happy with already. It means only one must forever live on a learning curve and that is senseless.
Not everyone buys a new car each year… and Oh my gosh, not everyone buys a new I whatever when the new version comes out… and this application is no different IMHO.

Using media playback software to route content to other pcs on the same network is a viable and IMO necessary feature, and one which should not be dropped from later versions, or made more difficult to implement or employ as times pass.

If anything, it should be made easier, if anything.

I saw no screen shots in the manual… Googled and Binged for days before posting here… so I’ve done a lot over a pretty long time whitout positive results… but did find a bunch of other likewise posts which failed to have appropriate solutions given to their OPs.

I also stand on the fact the information provided in the Wiki is NOT altogether rudimentary and seems to take for granted aspects of knowledge which not everyone  possesses when reading it for the first time.

Lastly, if a.knowledge base requires one must search endlessly thru the present installed version and those previous to it for a solution said knowledge base is flawed.

Another angry rant based on your ignorance.  You made my point.

Search endlessly?  I doubt that you tried the most obvious things.

Click on Support in the menu at then top of the Interact web page and then on "Wiki".  Type "Zones" and you will get concise instuctions for adding and configuring a zone.

Under "Configing..." the instructions say "Click on it and use the standard options to select a sound device. (Each zone has its own device.)"

You choose an output device by clicking on "Player" and then "Playback" options. Choose a output method using the "Audio / Output mode" option and then the "Audio / Output mode settings" to choose the actual device.  I tried these instructions using MC 17 and they seem to work straightforwardly.

You could search the Wiki for "remote control" and find this page explaining lots of choices for controlling MC remotely.

I've used MC since version 11.  I currently use V17 on my dedicated MusicPC and V17,18 and 19 on my personal PC.  Over the years, there have been changes but I've been able to adapt easily.  Just examining MC's menus and dialog to learn what settings are possible can often show the solution to a problem.  Searching the forum and the Wiki is another useful skill.  You may have to experiment a bit to find the right search term.  These same skills are useful for mastering any personal computer software.

> Note my post had no input for over 24 hrs and was devoted to a past version,
> so I thought to be a tad more prominent in garnering some attention.

By my calculation, it was about 15 hours and most of that time was evening and nighttime.  You posted on a forum that has little traffic now.  Your second post was unnecessary and rude.  Blaming JRiver or the other people on the forum for your problem is not necessary. You talk about selfishness. Look at your own behavior.



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Please focus on the specific issue you have.  Otherwise, I will lock this thread.

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