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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here  (Read 16598 times)


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JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here
« on: January 03, 2014, 10:46:23 am »

This is the latest version of MC19.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.


Please use the Problems and Questions thread if you need help.

19.0.102 (1/2/2014)

1. NEW: TV season cover art is downloaded from
2. Fixed: Handle leak in network functionality.
3. Changed: Numeric database fields are drawn right-aligned in Standard View.
4. Changed: Decimal database fields always show a fixed number of decimal places.
5. Fixed: Suggested choices in the dropdown when editing a decimal field are properly grouped, and don't show duplicate entries anymore.
6. Fixed: Downloaded Performer Store subscription tracks would sporadically show a licensing error (103).

19.0.101 (12/23/2013)

1. Changed: Added some error checking in television channel grouping GUI (for example a channel that is already in a group will not be allowed to be grouped in a new group).
2. Skinning: Action Window in skin can customize the margin below the header using ActionWindow\Template\BelowHeaderMargin (also tightened up Action Window spacing for default Noire skin).
3. Fixed: When building or editing a playlist in the Action Window, the duration column could be obscured a little if a vertical scrollbar was visible.

19.0.100 (12/20/2013)

1. Changed: Search suggestions show album artist, but only when the results differ from the artist alone (the same treatment is also applied to composer and publisher).
2. Fixed: Hauppauge Colossus video capture device did not work correctly in some cases.
3. Changed: When auto-configuring audio output, 176.4kHz will be used instead of 96kHz for DSD content when the DAC supports it.

19.0.99 (12/19/2013)

1. Changed: When importing a SACD, the file size for each track will show the size of the individual track inside the ISO instead of the size of the entire ISO.
2. Fixed: Doing 'Update Library (from tags)' was not working properly for CUE or SACD tracks.
3. Fixed: DVB subtitles on certain TV channels could still render with incorrect size and position.
4. Fixed: Facebook photo upload wasn't working.

19.0.98 (12/18/2013)

1. Changed: Czech language translation updated (thanks Johnny B).
2. Changed: Deleting an item in Theater View no longer resets the selection back to the beginning of the list.
3. Changed: Picking System Info from the Help menu shows Reporter (which contains all the same information and more as the old system information report).
4. Fixed: Deleting a file from the library could cause a crash in Media Network.
5. Changed: Media Network no longer attempts to serve protected files (WMA, WMV, etc.) since they lead to problems with many renderers, Gizmo, etc.

Testing build not released to the public.

19.0.96 (12/17/2013)

1. Faster: Pushing enter in the search box will execute the search immediately (previously it would execute the search but the view would update a second time shortly after, making it slower overall instead of faster).
2. Changed: Pushing tab in the search box will auto-select the first suggestion.
3. Changed: The search system adjusts how instantly the search is evaluated based on view size and performance so fast computers or smaller libraries update almost instantly, but slower computers and larger libraries wait to avoid lag from partial searches (use enter in those cases to update immediately).
4. Changed: Tightened up television time-shifting writer code, to prevent seeking problems.
5. Faster: The program is more responsive when many tabs are open.
6. Fixed: ASIO line-in playback could crash.

19.0.95 (12/16/2013)

1. Fixed: Column header clicking to sort file lists was not working in build 94.
2. Faster: Typing in the search box with large libraries is more responsive.
3. Changed: The month value for a file in the library with a date that is year-only will be an empty string instead of January.
4. Faster: The media type field no longer changes an empty media type to 'Unknown' at display time (it imparted a small performance penalty for no real-world benefit).
5. Faster: Improved search performance in the month field (which was one of the more intensive default search fields so the overall performance gain is appreciable).
6. Faster: Gets on the filename field are around 20% faster.
7. Changed: Album Artist is no longer included when offering search suggestions (since it often duplicates artist, and even when it doesn't normally doesn't contain a useful search value).

19.0.94 (12/13/2013)

1. Fixed: Playing a television recording that had not finished recording did not work in some cases since build 91.
2. Changed: While playing a television recording that has not finished recording, pressing number keys will no long show OSD message "Changing channel..." since channel changing would not take place in this case anyway.
3. Changed: Pressing Enter key right after pressing number keys (for television channel changing) will cause channel changing to take effect immediately (without the Enter key, channel changing takes effect on a timer).
4. Fixed: A crash caused by clicking on an undefined field in the database list header above the vertical scroll bar.

19.0.93 (12/12/2013)

1. Changed: Updated the Musepack decoder. The streaminfo version is the same ( version 8 ).
2. Changed: Work on Reporter.

19.0.92 (12/11/2013)

1. Fixed: The ordering of television channels within a channel group was not honored.
2. Changed: When summarizing data in a group of files, the 'Number Plays' and 'Skip Count' fields are totals instead of averages.

19.0.91 (12/10/2013)

1. Fixed: Watching a currently recording television channel could in some cases interrupt the recording, when channel substitution was involved (if channel grouping was set up).
2. Changed: When playback fails to start because the output will not accept the format, the bitdepth is no longer listed on the message (since the bitdepth is auto-configured for most outputs).
3. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks Bytestar).
4. Fixed: MC could load a new tuner when watching a television channel that is currently being recorded, instead of the tuner that is doing the recording. (Only if Channel grouping is involved).
5. Changed: Media Network view reports the IP address of the source (the device making the call into Media Network).
6. Fixed: MC could fail to play a television recording that was not yet finished, displaying "No television tuner is available to fulfill your request."  (Only if Channel grouping is involved).

19.0.90 (12/9/2013)

1. Changed: Revised television channel grouping GUI.
2. Fixed: DVB Subtitles could render with an incorrect size and position.
3. NEW: Added support for Opus audio files in JRiver audio engine (using DirectShow filters).
4. Changed: The "Number Plays" field is now editable.
5. Changed: Updated Korean language file (thanks Junghwan).
6. Fixed: When using memory playback, if a large file was played that used 1GB (or more) of memory but the system was unable to allocate that much memory, a small chunk of the song could get lost during playback.
7. Fixed: Closing a file in Media Editor could crash.
8. Fixed: When double-clicking a file in Playing Now, if the file was in the list multiple times, the behavior could be incorrect.
9. Changed: When installing an updated LAV, if there's a copy of dtsdecoderdll.dll in the AppData LAV folder it will be preserved.
10. Fixed: Theater View details list were not correctly putting text for the selected audio files on two lines.
11. Changed: Put a white background on the updated checkbox images so that they work better with dark skins.

19.0.89 (12/5/2013)

1. Fixed: MC inserted PAT and PMT packets (when needed) incorrectly when recording television shows in TS format.
2. Fixed: Ogg, reading sample rate, channels, etc for database fields.
3. Fixed: Screen grabbing from video playback was not working properly.

19.0.88 (12/4/2013)

1. Fixed: If the 'Recently Acquired' playlist got moved or renamed, it could cause acquiring from a camera to not nicely show the list after it finished.
2. Changed: Updated Chinese language files (thanks kelijun).
3. Changed: Updated YouTube integration to work better with recent YouTube changes.

19.0.87 (12/4/2013)

1. Changed: The JRiver ASIO driver can be enabled and disabled in Options > General > Features > ASIO Driver.
2. Changed: Carnac will use the exact filename for the Name field for images instead of a cleaned version (that might remove the date, underscores, etc.).

19.0.86 (12/3/2013)

1. Changed: Updated Chinese language files (thanks kelijun).
2. Fixed: When a DLNA device goes away and comes back on a different port or address, the old address could still be used.
3. Changed: The DLNA server will not expose itself on the network unless the library has files in it.
4. Fixed: DLNA would not always expose zones as DLNA renderers on first launch or when adding or removing a zone.
5. Changed: DLNA subscription requests from Windows Media are ignored (because they always return a 400 error when sending standard UPnP event information anyway).
6. NEW: The list of articles in the program is user configurable in Options > Tree & View > Sorting (semi-colon delimited list).
7. NEW: Exceptions to articles can be added[ by starting an entry with - (example: ...;les;-les paul;... so that Les Pecheurs de Perle > P and Les Paul > L).

19.0.85 (12/2/2013)

1. Fixed: Switching from 176.4kHz DSD as DoP to 176.4kHz PCM could result in the PCM incorrectly playing as DSD (and sounding distorted).
2. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks Bytestar).
3. Changed: Linked zones were not appearing in the zone roller of Theater View.
4. Changed: The translation engine considers backslash a phrase-breaking delimiter (so 'a\b' is now two phrases 'a' 'b' instead of one phrase 'a\b').
5. Changed: Switch translation files from UTF-16 to UTF-8 (so they use around half the space on disk).
6. Changed: Updated all language files to have the latest strings from the source code.
7. Changed: Translation of WebGizmo is now possible (thanks rlebrette).
8. Fixed: Seeking did not work (took extremely long time) when playing jtv files on a Gizmo/WebGizmo client.

19.0.84 (11/27/2013)

1. NEW: Television channel grouping GUI (TV Options > Group Channels...).
2. Changed: A connection from the ASIO driver will not stop playback in MC if it was already playing.
3. Changed: Revised how spectrum analyzers in the player bar are drawn to be more compatible with Apple and Linux (should be internal change, but please report any issues).


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2014, 11:40:30 am »

1. NEW: TV season cover art is downloaded from
Is there anything specific you need to do to trigger this? I've run "Get Movie & TV info" on a number of shows again, and none of them seem to be downloading series/season art.
Edit: For that matter, I can't seem to get Season art to work at all, even if I have added it manually using [Cover Art]\Seasons\[Series name] - Season [Season number].jpg.
Series art works when I add it manually though.

3. Changed: Numeric database fields are drawn right-aligned in Standard View.
4. Changed: Decimal database fields always show a fixed number of decimal places.
5. Fixed: Suggested choices in the dropdown when editing a decimal field are properly grouped, and don't show duplicate entries anymore.
These are all great changes, thanks!


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2014, 12:17:42 pm »

Is there anything specific you need to do to trigger this? I've run "Get Movie & TV info" on a number of shows again, and none of them seem to be downloading series/season art

You get Series and Season Art with "Cover Art -> Get From Internet". It'll also grab them during import of new files.

Regarding the artwork not working at all, i would guess its a naming issue. Try the automated download, and compare the file names if the new ones work.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2014, 01:30:45 pm »

You get Series and Season Art with "Cover Art -> Get From Internet". It'll also grab them during import of new files.
Got it, thanks.
One thing which I have encountered is that if there are leading zeros (which I have now fixed in my library) it doesn't seem to find season art.

Regarding the artwork not working at all, i would guess its a naming issue. Try the automated download, and compare the file names if the new ones work.
It looks like this is an issue with the way that Theater View works.
If I use the Library Field: Season, season art is displayed, if I use an expression it is not.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2014, 01:56:50 pm »

Try "TVInfo(SeasonDisplay)" both for the group by and the second line of your display expression. I just tried, and it seems to work - and it automatically puts the "Season" in front.
I have been using that for a while now in Theater View, well, without a separate display expression anyway.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2014, 02:30:13 pm »

Cuando intento reacoplar la ventana del reproductor a veces se maximiza en lugar de acoiplarse dependiendo de donde ponga el raton


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2014, 02:53:47 pm »

Try "TVInfo(SeasonDisplay)" both for the group by and the second line of your display expression. I just tried, and it seems to work - and it automatically puts the "Season" in front.
I have been using that for a while now in Theater View, well, without a separate display expression anyway.
Thanks - grouping by TVInfo(SeasonDisplay) rather than [Season] is what was required.
The display expression can be anything else and it will still work. (so I can still have it show the Series first)


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2014, 03:31:46 pm »

Another issue - series art does not seem to be changing in Standard View until I restart MC - which is not a big deal.
But I had just performed a "rename" on a file which moved it from one drive to another.
So when I closed MC, I was left with a "saving tag changes" dialog box.
I waited about five minutes after this transfer had finished (no disk activity) and Media Center was still left in this state.
I ended up having to end the process via the Task Manager.
Once I re-opened MC, everything was fine - it had made the changes as my library was pointing to the new location.
Normally if you end the task at this point, it reverts to the old location.
Edit: Something which may have contributed is that I had just ripped a couple of new discs, so auto-import may have also been running analyze audio at the time - though that also seems to have finished by the time I ended the MC19 process.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2014, 03:59:24 pm »

I get crashes when ripping CDs with 102. It appears that all songs on the CD are ripped OK and then it the program crashes. Repeated 3x.

Here's the end of the log:

899515: 44740: General: CGetCoverArtWorker::GetAudioImage: Searching YADB for cover art succeeded.
0899515: 44740: General: CGetCoverArtWorker::GetAudioImage: Finish (1000 ms)
0899531: 44740: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Unhandled exception -- program crashing
0899531: 44740: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Message: 34768, wParam: 78477584, lParam: 0

I can send the whole log zip if it is of help.

I ripped a few CDs a week or so ago with 100 (or earlier) w/o issue.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2014, 04:09:25 pm »

Crash at very end of rip:

0508891: 5716: Database: CSearchFilesHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 0.106
0508891: 5716: Database: CSearchFilesHelper::GetResults: Search: ; Elapsed ms: 0.056
0508891: 5716: Database: CSearchFilesHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Audio],[Video]; Elapsed ms: 0.069
0508891: 5716: Database: CSearchFilesHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Video]; Elapsed ms: 0.065
0508891: 5716: General: CMainUIWnd::Resize: Finish (0 ms)
0508891: 5716: Handheld: CMCHandheldViewInfo::~CMCHandheldViewInfo: Start
0508891: 5716: Handheld: CMCHandheldViewInfo::~CMCHandheldViewInfo: Finish (0 ms)
0508891: 5716: General: CMainUIWnd::SetMCView: View show / update time: 11.277
0508891: 5716: General: CMainUIWnd::SetMCView: Finish (16 ms)
0508906: 5716: CD: CMainFrameOtherHelper::HandleCDChange: Start
0508906: 5716: CD: CMainFrameOtherHelper::HandleCDChange: CD removed from D:\ drive. Updating UI.
0508937: 5716: CD: CDiscDriveInfo::MMCDriveReady: dwError=0x15, nRetries=3
0508953: 5716: CD: CDiscDriveInfo::MMCDriveReady: dwError=0x15, nRetries=2
0508953: 5716: CD: CDiscDriveInfo::MMCDriveReady: DeviceIoControl returns err=0x15
0508953: 5716: CD: CMainFrameOtherHelper::HandleCDChange: Finish (47 ms)
0508984: 5716: General: CMCUICore::SystemPowerManager_UpdateActions: Start
0508984: 5716: General: CMCUICore::SystemPowerManager_UpdateActions: UI Mode: -999; Playing: 0
0508984: 5716: General: CMCUICore::SystemPowerManager_UpdateActions: Finish (result: 0) (0 ms)
0508984: 5716: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnDestroy: Start
0508984: 5716: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnDestroy: Finish (0 ms)
0512494: 4972: Reader: CWinINetReader::Close: Start
0512494: 4972: Reader: CWinINetReader::Close: Finish (0 ms)
0512510: 4972: General: CGetCoverArtWorker::GetAudioImage: Searching YADB for cover art succeeded.
0512510: 4972: General: CGetCoverArtWorker::GetAudioImage: Finish (9782 ms)
0512525: 4972: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Unhandled exception -- program crashing
0512525: 4972: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Message: 275, wParam: 6010, lParam: 0


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2014, 04:20:45 pm »

The crash will be fixed in the next build, sorry for the trouble.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2014, 02:06:28 am »

Doing 'Update Library (from tags)' was not working properly for CUE

This seems not working. I've tried the menu after editing cue files with foobar.
Can anybody confirm it?


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2014, 04:25:03 am »

Scroll on album,artist not work.Back to top of the list


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2014, 06:52:31 am »

Hi, the following bug is also present in the previous JRiver versions.
First start a "server" instance of JRiver, then start a client instance that use the library of the server. If you close first the server insance, the client hangs up.



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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2014, 07:44:42 am »

Since some versions the function "Fix broken links: Yes (protect files on missing drives)" is NOT working anymore

I have several server cases, one for music, others for movies. If I only switch on the music drives, all the movies get automatically deleted
from the library and I have to re-import them every time (30 minutes), which is simply annoying

Could you please be so kind to re-instate the function correctly as it worked before?



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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2014, 07:55:18 am »

1) Although file conversion was successful, at times the "Completed / Close" dialog does not appear to notify / confirm this.
It has been a persistent issue on my machines since MC18

2) In spite of "folder.jpg" existing in the same folder as the music files, MC is bypassing it and using another image from that folder instead.
. . . the game is rigged


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2014, 11:43:53 am »

Thank to Add "1. NEW: TV season cover art is downloaded from"
If season is 01, TV season cover don't work but if season is 1, it work.
I waiting for multiple genres from TheTVDB ;D


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2014, 12:03:17 pm »

Thank to Add "1. NEW: TV season cover art is downloaded from"
If season is 01, TV season cover don't work but if season is 1, it work.
You can fix this with the "Clean File Properties" tool. Select only the season field, and enable "remove leading zeros".


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Re: JRiver Media Center 19.0.102 -- Available Here
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2014, 02:45:28 pm »

Getting lots of crashes with this version.  Just installed it today Windows 8

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