What frame rates are the MKV's Vs the TV Recordings and do you use MC's
- Video Clock (Tools --> Options --> Video --> General Video Settings)
- Automatic Display Rate Changer (Tools --> Options --> Video --> Display Settings)
MKVs are made with MakeMKV from BDs and DVDs, all movies, so they should all be 23.976 FPS. However, using the ctrl-j info, BDs show movie frame interval =41.71 mS (what I would expect), but DVDs show movie frame interval =33.37 mS even though IVTC is being used and smooth motion=on. The ctrl-j info for DVDs is confusing but the resulting display appears absolutely correct, i.e., smooth motion from 23.976 FPS.
I am using Video Clock and Smooth Motion, but Automatic Display Rate Changer (ADRC) is currently disabled. The monitor that I am using during testing currently is set to 1080p59 and cannot do 1080p23, but I will ultimately use this HTPC with my projector which can do 1080p23 so I plan to use ADRC in the future.
Also try toggling On/Off Hardware acceleration under Tools--> Options--> Video--> General Video Settings
I take it you have no issues with RO Standard, just ROHQ?
Toggling "Hardware accelerate video decoding when possible" does not seem to help. The really weird part is that the total processing time for "deinterlace/rendering/present" is under 12 mS and even the max stats total less than 14.5 mS.
RO Standard might work but I can't find the ctrl-j equivalent diagnosis display. Also, the primary reason I want to use MC is because of ROHQ (madVR) display mode. I have been reading up on ZoneSwitch as per JohnT's suggestion, and it looks promising, but I haven't tried it out yet.