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Author Topic: analize audio  (Read 14850 times)


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analize audio
« on: April 05, 2014, 09:19:01 pm »

I have not analyzed my audio forever as it never seems to work.

If I have it on auto it stays on 1 of ? and I can't close JRiver it just hangs.

I have tried analyzing 1 manually and it puts the file in a queue.
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Re: analize audio
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2014, 09:36:47 pm »

Wait.  Let it run overnight.  Something that MC needs is very slow or blocked.


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2014, 09:48:46 pm »

I have tried analyzing 1 manually and it puts the file in a queue.

Refer pic. I cringe to ask this, so apologies if it's a misfire. This isn't a simple case of oversight and not clicking on the Analyse button, is it?

The other possibility to test is to review your auto-import settings and select a test folder and enable it for Audio Analyse. You could rip a CD to ensure that it's free of audio tag data and then copy it into your test folder. Does that work?
MC33, Win10 x64, HD-Plex H5 Gen2 Case, HD-Plex 400W Hi-Fi DC-ATX / AC-DC PSU, Gigabyte Z370 ULTRA Gaming 2.0 MoBo, Intel Core i7 8700 CPU, 4x8GB GSkill DDR4 RAM, Schiit Modi Multibit DAC, Freya Pre, Nelson Pass Aleph J DIY Clone, Ascension Timberwolf 8893BSRTL Speakers, BJC 5T00UP cables, DVB-T Tuner HDHR5-4DT


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2014, 09:54:31 pm »

LOL yes I did press Analyze after it was queued.

I am also doing this over a network maybe that is the problem
Intel Core i5-4590 CPU,  Haswell Gen2,  LGA1150, 3.3GHz 6 DDR3/ 2x PCIE3.0 x16 16gb Ram Windows 10 64 bit Asus Z97-DELUXE ATX Motherboard Nvidia GForce gtx1080 Receiver Onkyo TX-NR925 TV LG LF6300 55" smart TV


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2014, 10:41:09 pm »

I am also doing this over a network maybe that is the problem

I've analysed audio multiple times over a network before. The only issue I recall is that it's slower (understandably) than a local process.
MC33, Win10 x64, HD-Plex H5 Gen2 Case, HD-Plex 400W Hi-Fi DC-ATX / AC-DC PSU, Gigabyte Z370 ULTRA Gaming 2.0 MoBo, Intel Core i7 8700 CPU, 4x8GB GSkill DDR4 RAM, Schiit Modi Multibit DAC, Freya Pre, Nelson Pass Aleph J DIY Clone, Ascension Timberwolf 8893BSRTL Speakers, BJC 5T00UP cables, DVB-T Tuner HDHR5-4DT


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2014, 10:49:56 pm »

I have just tried to analyze the audio and it is saying nothing needs analyzing.

If I try and have this on Auto it freezes on the first one??
Intel Core i5-4590 CPU,  Haswell Gen2,  LGA1150, 3.3GHz 6 DDR3/ 2x PCIE3.0 x16 16gb Ram Windows 10 64 bit Asus Z97-DELUXE ATX Motherboard Nvidia GForce gtx1080 Receiver Onkyo TX-NR925 TV LG LF6300 55" smart TV


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2014, 10:57:44 pm »

Maid its not you   It's another feature that's still broke.


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2014, 11:40:37 pm »

Maid its not you   It's another feature that's still broke.

I can't concur with you on that one. Analyse Audio is working for me. See pic for a process that I just completed now.
MC33, Win10 x64, HD-Plex H5 Gen2 Case, HD-Plex 400W Hi-Fi DC-ATX / AC-DC PSU, Gigabyte Z370 ULTRA Gaming 2.0 MoBo, Intel Core i7 8700 CPU, 4x8GB GSkill DDR4 RAM, Schiit Modi Multibit DAC, Freya Pre, Nelson Pass Aleph J DIY Clone, Ascension Timberwolf 8893BSRTL Speakers, BJC 5T00UP cables, DVB-T Tuner HDHR5-4DT


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2014, 04:59:58 am »

Maid its not you   It's another feature that's still broke.
The feature is not broken - you have a "bad" file which is causing analysis to hang.
Please email a sample file to the JRiver team (logs[at]jriver[dot]com) along with a description of your issue so they can identify what is causing the problem.


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2014, 10:22:33 am »

manual analysis works, but lots of problems still as noted in my thread above and as maid mentioned, including the impossibility of a successful "Auto" audio analysis... what ive been forced to do is turn off Auto Audio Analysis on import, build views and manually analyze, and then you get to play the wonderfully fun and exhilarating Easter Egg Game  "9File" (screenshot 2) of start from the top and pick just a couple more then 9 and cross fingers, then move to the next 10-20 and cross fingers & toes and pray you don't get the "pooper" ( the last several files have caused errors (9 total file errors allowed) processing has been halted.)... if one cannot successfully analyze files manually then auto analysis will cease to work... you will freeze up completely, or your audio analysis tag window will just stay at 1 of ,2 of ,7 of etc. until you force kill.

In screenshot there are 2859 files that audio analysis fails to analyze, errors out, locks up jriver to where the program is not responding, or shows an audio value already, but yet audio analysis thinks it's not been analyzed (and shows as queued)... Some show queued but yet there is no tag info in the levels. From what i can tell with the many file type problems, file size restrictions, errors i mentioned in previous thread there's a lot of fixing needing to be done before the "auto" will work, and the lockups will stop. Personally I'd just disable it, Check out the view i made with the help from MR.C in screenshot 1, and then just weekly, monthly look at your view and from the top going down play the "9File" Game (chose 10-20 files, then right click, chose Library Tools, then chose Analyze Audio) at least you'll know 99% of your audio/video files will have been analyzed. In our case however our unanalyzed are growing quite quick 12/5/2013 (2272) tonight's manual analysis tests, and totals on completion 2859 unanalyzed. (ironically, majority of those 600 new files are work related video files that we'd like analysis done on.) 

The feature is not broken - you have a "bad" file which is causing analysis to hang.
Please email a sample file to the JRiver team (logs[at]jriver[dot]com) so they can identify what is causing the problem.
this has been done multiple times with multiple file types. if they/you are ready to tackle this again, i would have no problem adding files to the dropbox folder that I originally set in there for them. (it is difficult to near impossible to email video files... most types are to large for 25mb max email sending attach size)

From previous thread...
Many of the files are video only without audio.

Analyze audio will error on these files (there's no audio!), but this should not cause any problems.
Screenshot below shows it will cause problems. if there is an option for auto analyze audio on import, and after auto import is complete and starts analyzing audio in the files, and if a video file has no audio and it errors/locksup and you look at your tag window...importing media it states 1 of 2103, (which we have established via MR.C's view is the total files that cannot be analyzed/2811). well then auto import does not work with all 2811 files in question, you will not be able to use Auto analyze on import).

Note: I'm fully aware the total has shrunk... while writing this for the last 4 hours i actually found some stragglers that i missed in my last umpteen "9File" Games. ( I guess i may have dozed off a couple times doing my select 10-20 right click, analyze audio, wait for popup, click analyze audio, click ok for each error (9 times) hit exit (repeat until you have went through all 2811 files). However all time is not lost thanks to maid i've now found 48 more that can be removed from my grand total of unanalyzed. Woot Woot! i've advanced to the next level...I'm exstatic for what the Bonus round will bring!)

If the video files that have NO audio will error, but are not a problem...then may i ask what you think about the screenshot below showing the most recent auto import (20 minutes ago) with Analyze Audio for audio, and video files turned ON... the grand total of files needing to be analyzed state 2103, but yet while in the Audio Analysis Incomplete Smartlist it shows a total of 2811 total files in the whole library that cannot be analyzed. and if i do a search through all 2811 unanalyzed files for backdrops (DVD Menu Backdrops...They have no audio) it's showing there are 2555 dvd menu video backdrops needing analysis. i am really getting quite exhausted of this topic "auto" will not work. now take all these video files with no audio out of the equation.. there are  still multiple problems with the remaining 256 files (all different file types, NOT A SINGLE ONE is corrupt, they all play flawlessly video and audio wise. many remain as queued, and do not allow for further analysis, many remain empty, many error, many get stuck in the process (37% progress... total hang... must force end task.)

if there are numerous files that cannot be analyzed on auto will experience what's been mentioned and shown... do with this info as you will (take it as complaining/bashing/ignorance, or as concerned customers mentioning a problem with a feature that's advertised and use it as an opportunity to polish). Let it be known im not here to push for this immediate fix, im here because myself and others have confirmed these problems with Auto Analysis, have started threads, and now that it's been brought up again, im popping into remind others this has been discussed, there's the link (the other links you can search for) and there are many other similiar posts to this one where multiple people have devulged problems on features and they have went to the wayside.(lost in the abundance of topics) For those smartallicy folk. just say the world and I will provide you with a feature list, and proof of problems that are not the users fault... that you yourself will not have an answer for.

I love the software, there is none that can compare... however, we have given our time to you, if ya want to know about the problems, flaws, what will potentially make this a well oiled machine then except what we give, and follow up some day. otherwise, honestly...why are we posting? On a side note one thing that's been really rattling my cage...For those of you software programmers who have a tendency to say all software has problems this and that, this is how it is in the industry... your comment is mute to me for I am not a software programmer, i am not in the industry, and i could care less about your opinion...I'm a plain jane media player customer. For all you know, i do not even know where my start button is located. and when i buy something, and it's advertised as such. I feel it's safe to assume that these concerns are worth mentioning. (after all I've been paying since version 9, and i've spent oodles of time documenting what causes the problems for free for you.) and to those same folk... if you come to my business and want your car wrapped and i tell you I will come up with this graphic, this size, this color, for this price and then one of the graphics falls off, or is the wrong pantone I will address your concern, and i will do my best NOT to tell you that i'm allowed for screwups in my industry, or that you are being to picky, But that i will look into the problem we have caused, and will do our best to solve the problem at hand. And once complete I will thank the customer for bringing it up to my attention. (This folk statement is not directed at jriver directly but loudmouths that visit here frequently.) And for those who tend to think/say ohhh the learning curve just may be to high for you.Bull! no where in the forum, website does it state For professionals with a high learning curve only. In fact when i look at the way it's advertised i see it as a piece of software that is a replacement for other players. therfor maybe fellow users who reply here should start treating all users as if they are on a lower learning curve/not tech savy...but yet, as if the the customer is right and has a legitimate concern. Case in point, second to last post.. has this been resolved? or should the GF & I just chance it next weekend when my son is here -
and a question/major concern
1. if server has a user loaded, why do all clients switch to that user? shouldn't clients either after an amount of inactivity auto log off, OR at the very least stay connected to the Library/user it originally connected i knew something was wrong with my library was actually on a client, (on that client most of my files were gone). REASON BEING... as mentioned i had changed server to blah blah with just 22,349 files... My MAJOR concern what if some of us have adult files in the main library (administrator) and we want to watch/view all our files as adults. the way it sits now... we have to walk to server, change user to administrator (or adult users) and then all clients will have that library/user loaded, meaning when the kids go to their devices being it auto loads new users, the kids are seeing are filthy stinking pron (files inappropriate for children (R, NC-17 etc)!

I'm glad i found this out on a day/week my son is at his mothers. As it sits now it seems as if this isnt fully implemented...I'm now removing users completely until verification this has been worked out/changed...
Perhaps others should be made aware of this (maybe an edit on post 1) as to prevent some potentially big mistakes/fights (wife" why are these files available for bobby, i came home from work, and he was watching Basic Instinct's Sharon Stone interrogation scene on repeat!?"

Some may think i write to hear myself write... i don't. i write cause it's a feature that has been listed as available in our purchase, and i'm letting you know it's broke.
Maid sorry for somewhat highjacking your thread... all yours.


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2014, 10:50:44 am »

Video-only files have not been considered in the analyzer, this much is true.

I'll make sure they get flagged video-only permanently in the database somehow, so that the auto-analysis will leave them alone in the future. Of course it won't have any useful values to write into the volume level fields, so your filter may need some better smarts. Once I know how the library will flag those as video-only, I'll let you know for your filtering needs.

Matt was handling your other files with issues, and I'm afraid that task got lost as he had his accident. But I'll see what I can do to pick that up again.
~ nevcairiel
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Re: analize audio
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2014, 03:10:49 pm »

Build 19.0.127 has a few improvements to deal with video-only files, as well as handle a few problem cases better.
You'll need to analyze the video-only files once, but instead of erroring as before, it'll now notice they are video-only and mark them as skipped for the future, so it'll not try to analyze them again.

You can also use the AudioAnalysisState() expression function to build a better smart list for files which still need analysis.
ie, but this into a "Custom" condition in a Smart List: "[=AudioAnalysisState()]=Needed"
~ nevcairiel
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Re: analize audio
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2014, 05:17:30 pm »

Same smartlist as in screenshot with a search for backdrops (all videos with no audio) 2555 files analyzed & skipped - 46 secs.
my Same smartlist view is still showing 2787 unanalyzed files.

However upon doing a new auto import going to settings\options\Library & Folders\ Ticking analyze audio for Audio & Video files. JRiver is now showing Analyzing audio 1 of 130...hangs (progress!)
Edit.. it's moving though sits on 1 of for about a minute, then 2 of showed up, and now 3 of has showed up... (sitting on 3 of for over 15 minutes now) will let it sit and see what becomes of it. (As Jim suggested it could take some time.)

I've yet to try your suggested smartlist change... will once this analysis finishes.


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2014, 05:28:18 pm »

my Same smartlist view is still showing 2787 unanalyzed files.

Your smartlist checks for values in the Volume Level field, which for video-only files it simply cannot fill - which is where the new expression comes in, which accounts for those as well.
Let me know if any still show up after it finished, and we can work on those then.

If you want more fine-grained progress, you could abort the auto-import and then adjust the smart list and analyze the remaining files manually.
It'll at least give you a per-file progress indication.

If the missing files are full movies though, it could take a bit, depending on length, speed of your CPU and disk, etc.
~ nevcairiel
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Re: analize audio
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2014, 12:54:17 pm »

well i let it sit overnight, it never got past 3 of.
ive force killed jriver server, restarted, and edited the "Audio Analysis incomplete" smartlist, by deleting all rules, choosing new rule, then custom and entering    [=AudioAnalysisState()]=Needed

it left me with 135 unanalyzed files, i then started selecting 5 files at a time, and 60% of the remaining files did start, however most of them would fly through analysis but only get to a certain percentage, and would no longer move forward, I then would hit stop, JRiver Analyze audio would show not responding, then i waited for a few seconds (average 30-60 seconds) and not responding would disappear allowing me to chose exit. and then i would move on.

Leaving me with a total of  67 unanalyzed files... Ive taken  ALL 66 of the 67 files and thrown them into the JRiver\audio analysis Audio issue\Videos with audio DropBox folder for you guys to pick through as you wish. (571MB Total)  

The last file i cannot put in dropbox due to size... its is 46.2GB It's a Bluray demo clue what we could do to tackle this particular straggler.
However i know the file is good because it's from AVS and many have confirmed it works, and if i play it i can hear audio. the link to this exact file/Topic is located here -


Thanks Hendrik



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Re: analize audio
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2014, 01:04:34 pm »

Not sure I have the Dropbox access to that folder, can you send an invite to Hendrik at
~ nevcairiel
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Re: analize audio
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2014, 01:12:25 pm »

invite sent.


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2014, 04:48:20 pm »

Thanks, I'll poke them tomorrow.
All .wmv files, eh. That might point to something. Anyway, I'll check whats up with them.
~ nevcairiel
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Re: analize audio
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2014, 05:13:05 pm »

yeah just an fyi... 65 of 66 of them are the same series too. (Penguin Magic demo's)
The one .wmv that is not part of that series is (Paul Vunak...183mb)


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2014, 06:58:24 pm »

I'd just like to point out that this thread is making me chuckle every time I see it because it says analize audio.

You keep using that word.  I do not think it means what you think it means.

And the humor is enhanced because the thread is about doing something... Well, kinda anal (analyzing your audio is a decidedly nerd-OCD thing to be concerned about, let's all admit).  So it fits.

 ;D ;D ;D
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Re: analize audio
« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2014, 08:50:31 pm »

I'd just like to point out that this thread is making me chuckle every time I see it because it says analize audio.

You keep using that word.  I do not think it means what you think it means.

And the humor is enhanced because the thread is about doing something... Well, kinda anal (analyzing your audio is a decidedly nerd-OCD thing to be concerned about, let's all admit).  So it fits.

 ;D ;D ;D

The word comes from the Ancient Greek ἀνάλυσις (analusis, "a breaking up", from ana- "up, throughout" and lysis "a loosening").

A proctologist would probably have a similar chuckle.
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Re: analize audio
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2014, 06:30:45 am »

Leaving me with a total of  67 unanalyzed files... Ive taken  ALL 66 of the 67 files and thrown them into the JRiver\audio analysis Audio issue\Videos with audio DropBox folder for you guys to pick through as you wish. (571MB Total)  

The last file i cannot put in dropbox due to size... its is 46.2GB It's a Bluray demo clue what we could do to tackle this particular straggler

I fixed the .wmv files you put up there, and I also found a copy of the bluray demo disc in the AVS thread you linked.

However, I cannot fix the Blu-ray demo disc as easily. It uses a feature which MC does not support - namely it changes the audio codec within one title, from DTS-HD to TrueHD.
Because of this, it won't play (not past the point where this happens, anyway), and it won't analyze.

Support for this may be added in the future, but outside of demo discs its not a feature commonly used on Blu-ray discs, which is why it was not supported before.

If you want to work-around the problem, you can simply fill the fields "Volume Level (R128)" and "Peak Level (R128)" with some "dummy" data, ie. "0,001" in Volume Level, and "0,0 dBTP" in Peak Level. To edit the peak level, you need to create an expression column for "[Peak Level (R128)]"
~ nevcairiel
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Re: analize audio
« Reply #22 on: April 11, 2014, 09:40:43 am »

Thanks Hendrik, will let you know results on next release.
as far as Blu-ray disk, i'll remove it from library, and when needed use it as a hardcopy instead.


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #23 on: April 12, 2014, 07:36:15 pm »

I have 58872 files being analyzed and it has been over fifteen hours analyzing. Right now, 45372 files and counting show as analyzed.

Could it really take this long?


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #24 on: April 13, 2014, 03:19:46 am »

For nearly sixty thousand files? Yes, it could.
As long as it still moves forward, all is fine. Sounds like you are through the majority already!
~ nevcairiel
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Re: analize audio
« Reply #25 on: April 13, 2014, 08:16:50 am »

I have 58872 files being analyzed and it has been over fifteen hours analyzing. Right now, 45372 files and counting show as analyzed.

Could it really take this long?

The last time I had to analyze the whole collection at once it took just shy of 18 hours, and I had around 50K thousand files at that point, so that's definitely not unusual.


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #26 on: April 14, 2014, 03:27:51 pm »

all good here Hendrik on newest release.
Thank You.


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #27 on: April 16, 2014, 01:38:30 pm »

auto import still seems to be broke if auto analyze is turned on.

Ive added multiple files (images, audio, and video) to watched folders since my last post (4/14), and not a single one of those files have shown up in Recently imported.

If i turn off analyze audio for audio and video. (configure auto import) then click on finish\ok in options it stays at not responding until I force kill JRiver.

After force killing JRiver, restarting jriver, going back to options verifying auto analysis is unticked, then waiting around 25 minutes auto import begins to work again.

Side Question...Does auto analysis work with gizmo on cellphones and tablets? Yesterday we had a employee come in from the garage from making signs, and said that gizmo was working great, and then a Billy Squier song came on and they could barely hear it, so I went out there and grabbed the tablet and pressed the volume up button but it was at 100% volume, after the Billy Squier song was over, the next track in the playlist (they were playing shuffled rock) the volume went back to a respectable level... We have verified that my auto analysis is complete, shouldn't all songs be at the exact volume level now when streaming to clients? or is there a setting i'm missing?




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Re: analize audio
« Reply #28 on: April 16, 2014, 01:48:19 pm »

Windows will put up that message in some cases when the application isn't responding but is legitimately busy.  Just let it run overnight to see what happens.


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #29 on: April 16, 2014, 03:38:45 pm »

Media Center has a habit of looking as though the program has stopped responding when analyzing files - most often when you are analyzing too many for your system to handle at once.
I find that on my system (an overclocked 2500K) when analyzing files from hard drives three is the maximum I can use before it starts being bottlenecked by either the disk access speed, or the CPU.
Even fewer if I'm wanting to play back files at the same time I'm letting analysis run, due to the changes made to Memory Playback in MC19. (MC18 was largely unaffected by disk access)
And if I'm analyzing DSD audio or videos, it is best to only analyze a single track at once.
Check the Windows task manager to see if MC is actually busy. (high CPU usage/disk access)


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #30 on: April 16, 2014, 06:59:57 pm »

Just let it run overnight to see what happens.

Check the Windows task manager to see if MC is actually busy. (high CPU usage/disk access)

so... re-enable audio analysis in auto import for audio and video. then run auto import (nothing needs analyzing) then turn off analyze in auto import, then add files to watched locations, and wait overnight while having task manager open? i don't know how this will get me to a different troubleshooting state when Ive already established that if auto analyze is ticked for either or both audio or video in configure auto import it will not auto import again,(force kill, or complete reboot of machine) the only way to get auto import to work is to disable analyze audio. (at least for us since version 30's) just in case you guys missed it... all files in library were successfully analyzed on 4/14/2014 later that day i added files to my watched drives, today when i posted 4/16/2014 nothing had shown up in jriver with auto import/auto analyze turned on. BUT after disabling auto analyze, waiting 20 minutes, then auto import worked... im trying to understand what info your needing from me to help you with the problem.

Basically as our system sits we cannot have auto import, and auto analysis both on at the same time.


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #31 on: April 16, 2014, 07:04:48 pm »

i promise i'm not trying to be difficult here guys... but it is what it is.. it just doesn't work.
 i don't know what else i can test.


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #32 on: April 17, 2014, 02:40:08 am »

Disable analysis in auto-import, manually analyze files until you find the ones which are causing the problem.


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #33 on: April 17, 2014, 11:41:22 am »

ok i've disabled analysis went to Hendriks smartlist and confirmed there is no audio needing to be analyzed (0 - ZERO Files) I've now turned on auto analysis, and auto import, and i've also added more files (all brand new files)to watched drives to see if they auto import... and will verify if they are in library tomm morning.

as for my other question
Does auto analysis work with gizmo on cellphones and tablets? Yesterday we had a employee come in from the garage from making signs, and said that gizmo was working great, and then a Billy Squier song came on and they could barely hear it, so I went out there and grabbed the tablet and pressed the volume up button but it was at 100% volume, after the Billy Squier song was over, the next track in the playlist (they were playing shuffled rock) the volume went back to a respectable level... We have verified that my auto analysis is complete, shouldn't all songs be at the exact volume level now when streaming to clients? or is there a setting i'm missing?
we're doing a bunch of signs and tee's today, and ive been listening to the server's library on Gizmo (Galaxy S4) and I am noticing the same thing as employees... as tracks change on my phone (gizmo) the audio is not the same volume... some tracks are loud at 100% and others i can barely hear.

Is there a setting i need to turn on for the analyzed audio to be the same volume throughout all tracks on gizmo?



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Re: analize audio
« Reply #34 on: April 17, 2014, 12:02:31 pm »

as for my other question  we're doing a bunch of signs and tee's today, and ive been listening to the server's library on Gizmo (Galaxy S4) and I am noticing the same thing as employees... as tracks change on my phone (gizmo) the audio is not the same volume... some tracks are loud at 100% and others i can barely hear.

Is there a setting i need to turn on for the analyzed audio to be the same volume throughout all tracks on gizmo?

Have you turned on volume leveling in DLNA configuration on the server (under "add or configure DLNA servers")?  I think those settings apply to Gizmo as well, so that box should be checked.  That's the only potentially relevant setting I can think of.

Sorry for misleading you, Gizmo doesn't use DLNA (see below).


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #35 on: April 17, 2014, 12:12:41 pm »

thanks for reply
in dlna servers (generic) under audio advanced volume leveling is ticked, and sample rate is same as source. :(
specified output format only when necessary is selected. change to maybe original?


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #36 on: April 17, 2014, 12:12:46 pm »

FYI: Gizmo uses MCWS, not DLNA.
The opinions I express represent my own folly.


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #37 on: April 17, 2014, 12:14:10 pm »

ok.. well when clicking on MCWS it just gives option to open in browser...therefor not possible as of yet?


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Re: analize audio
« Reply #38 on: October 02, 2014, 12:12:36 pm »

I'm trying to edit my smartlist i made for analyze audio to not show skipped audio analysis files, but when i click on add new rule, There is no option for Status (skipped)

is there a way for me to add a rule in the smartlist Audio Analysis Incomplete to not show skipped files? keeping it cleaner and easier for future manual analysis?
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